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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. Which proves two things: 1. How intellectually limited the average American really is 2. How spectacularly soft the American Right is in particular Seriously...mental toughness? That ain't their game. Their game is being a 24/7 victim. "They're gonna take our guns away" "They're gonna take our gas stoves away" "Trump is being persecuted for being a conservative" "Trump is being persecuted for being a Christian" "I'm persecuted because I'm conservative" "I'm persecuted because I'm a Christian" "Trump's house was raided because Biden is weaponizing the Justice Department" "Death panels" "The homosexual agenda" "The LGBTQ agenda" "The atheist agenda" "CRT" "Obama's madrassa army of angry negro ACORN volunteers" "Saul Alinsky" "Antifa" "Communism" "Marxism" "Socialism" "Fascism" "Anarchism" "Sharia Law" "Immigration caravans" "MS-13" "Obamacare Death Panels" "Chem trails" "Jade Helm 15" "Water turning frogs homosexual" "The illuminati" "The federal reserve" "The IRS" They're always a victim of everything except their own piss poor decisions...and yet they're always bragging about how they're the "mature, adult, personal responsibility" people. Whatever. Right, but who needs reality when we have Donald Trump saying words, amirite?
  2. It's not that I disagree with this, but I would like to point out that any time Roberts crosses the aisle is a huge win for the population. Reason? Kavanaugh votes with him well over 90% of the time. In fact last year, he voted with him exactly 100% of the time. Those two are birds of a feather, even more so than when Thomas was eating Scalia's shit and legit loving the taste of it for nearly a quarter century. If any lawyer is paying attention to this dynamic, they'd know full well any and all briefs and oral arguments they submit have to be tailored to essentially pander to Roberts, much like the whole goal of winning a SCOTUS case in the early days of the Roberts court was to target Kennedy. So yes, let's all please continue to throw shade on the SCOTUS if that's what it takes for him to actually go to fucking work instead of just coasting by as he did but for all of like 5 cases since his appointment. Now, would it be better for all of us if (at a bare minimum) Alito and Steven Clarence got hit by a bus and/or drowned in a fishing accident while they were on vacation this year? Absolutely. But even with those two soccer hooligans, there is a path (however small) to victory in even the most sensitive/serious cases, and that path runs right through the Chief Justice. Ideal scenario? No. Realistically speaking, I'd love nothing more than for 1) Biden to win re-elect, 2) for the D Senate lead to expand, 3) for them to kill the filibuster and 4) for Biden to begin his Legacy Years Tour by unpacking the court vis a vis appointing 4 young, flaming environmental lawyers to the SCOTUS to square things up. However unlikely that scenario may end up being, it's far more likely than Uncle Ruckus' and/or Fredo's removal by way of impeachment. For now, I'll take what I can get. I'd rather Roberts rule right for the wrong reasons than to rule wrong for even wronger reasons. Btw for those that have yet to read Thomas' dissent in Moore v. Harper, it reads like 27 pages of an Eric Cartman-style rant in legalese about how "the case is moot goddamnit!!!" Even Stevie Wonder could plainly see that he was simply pandering to Massa Harlan by trying to backdoor a scenario where "Pence has the right to send the issue back to the states" essentially becomes a reality instead of a mere batshit John Eastman "theory." It's pathetic. Even when Trump is dead and gone, those 3 are still going to be butthurt-like-shit that Biden won in 2020. This is the three of them admitting they will never get over that, especially Alito. Honestly, I think the reason Thomas wrote the dissent is because Alito was incapable of resisting the verbalization of his anger over this. Question for the lawyers: when you heard the decision was 6-3, and before you saw the names, did any of you guess that the 3 would include anyone other than the 3 who did dissent? In other words, were you expecting a combination of anyone else? Clarence is the poster child for affirmative action. He's legitimately the very last being on this planet that has any business railing against that concept...which is exactly why he will do it.
  3. Uncle Ruckus ain't retiring. Ever.
  4. What's also been coming out of Crenshaw's feeble mouth is that this fantastic, movie-style rescue effort he's describing could have been accomplished "no later than Wednesday morning." Folks, I'd hate to be the bearer of shitty news, even to a degenerate scumbag like Crenshaw, but that vessel had already imploded well prior to Wednesday morning. Even if Biden/the Navy/the Coast Guard deployed vessels right at the timing of the loss of contact with the mother ship, nothing could be done. This was a ridiculous endeavor made by rich idiots with their stupid toys. They were warned years in advance that the safety of the vessel was inadequate, and the response to it was: "You know, at some point, safety is just pure waste. I mean, if you just want to be safe, don't get out of bed, don't get in your car, don't do anything. At some point, you're going to take some risk, and it really is a risk-reward question." But you do you, Danny. Never miss an opportunity to turn an apolitical something into a political something and (predictably) blame the Democrats for something over which they had no control.
  5. So fun fact: The confederacy lasted about as long as Milli Vanilli. Seriously, that’s this wonderful “heritage” they love to scream about like frustrated little school kids when they’re not pretending to be tough by ostracizing trans kids that play sports.
  6. Necro bump: Yeah, Lauren’s mother is/was a lying whore (shocking I know). Of course it does explain why poor Lauren is so easily given to conspiracy theories: the fucking bullshit is genetic.
  7. They'll look like Portland did in the WCF of '99
  8. I would love to send this to Nifong https://www.highlandparklacrosse.org/news_article/show/1273128
  9. It would have to be very deep and that’s kinda my point regarding the pass rush. If your protection could hold up for that long? Yeah let it rip, provided of course the X/Z can 1) get off the corner after breaking back to the outside and 2) get to the spot as fast as possible so as to keep the safety away from the play. I just think training your X’s and Z’s to get that outside release on the fly is much better for your QB’s safety and the margin for error on the throw.
  10. Just now saw this. Hal was one of the few who could get away with that. They built in so many different route combinations through using choice routes that they could call the same play 5 times in a row and it would all look completely different on film...especially back in those days.
  11. Perhaps you could draw up such a play? I’m not saying that to be a smart ass; I really have not heard of such a concept. Usually when a receiver adjusts a route, it’s because either there’s a built in principle (a la Mouse Davis’ offense with all those option routes to be made between the 5th and 8th steps) or the QB is scrambling around and the WR has gone well past the point where he should expect the ball to be thrown to him and he needs to shake a defender. Typically when a WR gets re-routed, he fights his way back to where he’s supposed to be (but that also means he’s less likely to get the ball). That’s especially true on the all go due to the nature of the play, more on that later. Anyways, the bold part of what you said implies that the ball is close to the goal line and when a defense has a tendency to play cover 2 down there, OC’s tend not to call all go’s in particular. If they do, they’re absolutely counting on the idea that at least one of the X or Z will get a positive outside release. In other words if they get re-routed to the middle, that play is likely screwed. I personally would be more inclined to call all go’s against press man because that all gets boiled down to whom among the X and Z is getting the quick back shoulder throw. But to your point about working the sideline after the X and Z have been re-routed towards the middle…that takes time to develop and you’re asking your QB to take quite a bit of time before releasing the ball. And if the space to throw the ball ends up being really small, you’re really cutting his nuts off. “Hey, take about 5-7 seconds and throw this ball into a tight space…but you gotta be accurate bc ya know, balls picked on the sideline tend to get taken for a house call.” Seems to me like that would be an extremely unlikely set up. I could be totally wrong, but I’m visualizing how long it takes an X/Z to get re-routed, work back, and actually get to the sideline area meaningfully downfield and in a space that’s too deep for a roll corner and too far away from a half field safety. In all go’s, the whole principle that all 4 WR’s abide to is that it’s what’s known as a “field marker route.” In other words it’s not just the the X and Z run flies. They generally run flies down the numbers (slots run down the college hash marks)…and now you’re talking about working back to the other side of the numbers?
  12. If you’re in cover 2, you’re wanting both CB’s to re-route the X and Z to the inside, safeties are more or less splitting the diff between where either WR on their sides could wind up. You’d also want your MLB dropping deep to discourage any notions of the slots breaking off their routes into skinnies into the middle void, and for the OLB’s you’d want them trailing the slots so the QB doesn’t get cute and try to hit a quick one before the safety can get there. Essentially all that is supposed to leave is the RB running some sort of check release and as a defense, you live with that. Sure that may be a 6-8 yard gain, but they were going for the home run ball. And of course if your pass rush is worth a shit, that QB ends up sampling fieldturf because the RB is obviously the 5th option.
  13. I've neglected to post much on topics like these in recent years largely because Texas' general decline in football has brought out the absolute worst quality of discourse. Nonetheless, this is a more general topic not specific to the Horns, so here it goes: 1. As has been already stated, the first 15 play script serves two purposes: it eliminates the guesswork, and all baggage that comes with guesswork, by the offensive players and allows them to run plays with which they're most familiar AND it also gives the HC and OC an idea about how the opposition is going to defend certain plays. So let's say that the offense runs the much maligned bubble screen to a slot receiver out of a trips set. Let's also say that this is on the first play of the game and the playside CB shoots the screen right off the snap. Ok, they've clearly been coached to do that...probably because the offense has shown nothing to counter that, at least not from that particular formation. An OC can dial up something a bit later in the game: call the bubble again, but this time have both the X and the other blocking slot WR fake like they're gonna block on the first 2-3 steps and then shoot up the field. Well the CB isn't gonna be able to defend the X because he's been told to flatly ignore him. The other slot can run a seam/post and it serves no purpose other than to occupy the playside safety (although if that safety is stupid enough to over-rotate to defend the X running a fly pattern, obviously that slot is very likely to be open downfield in the middle). 2. I agree with CTJ's characterization of the baseball analogy. 3. The script has contingencies. Have you seen those play calling charts that the play caller holds in front of his face so as to conceal his lips from the camera? Yeah, they're the same size up in the booth. Furthermore, the script on that chart constitutes a very limited fraction of its space. There are other spaces that list contingent play calls that take other factors into consideration that normal scripts do not. So, for example, it'll say what to do if the defense isn't showing the kinds of looks they've been known to show. Maybe they're blitzing on first down. Maybe they're using a 4-man front even though they're usually a 3-man front defense. Maybe they're using a single high safety instead of a cover 2. Maybe they're showing zone when they usually play an aggressive press. The contingency plays also allow for the OC to bail on the script because the offense has found itself in a predicament where the next play call wouldn't be helpful. So like maybe it's 3rd and 7 on the 5th play of the drive and you've got a power dive called for that one. Just bail on it. Duh. They've got scripts, but they're not abject slaves to them. In other words, if you took every coaches' scripts and you read through them and matched them on the film (and this all assumes you understand the names of the plays compared to what's being run), you will very often find yourself saying "hey, you didn't run the play that was in the script on that one! You're a great big phony!" 5. As to the defense having scripts, it's already been said. It's a much more reactive concept and a script can't help with that. So say you're a 4-3 defense and you trot out your regular personnel even though the offense is coming out in a 5-wide set. You're already at a disadvantage. And let's say you're doing an all-out blitz. Ok, now you're pretty much fucked unless the other team just sucks that bad. Offenses are the ones with the scripts because they're the ones with the ball.
  14. They're not, but that's not stopping the LIV and its players from playing this little game of Make Believe and Pretend in trying to foist that image on the public, hence DeChambeau's flowery and asinine comments yesterday.
  15. In terms of corporate business fucks tolerating it in order to profit? Yeah. Greg Norman isn’t the only one that refers to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi as “a mistake.” But in terms of what the public tolerates? Not a chance. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2020/1/6/21050019/saudi-arabia-poll-unpopular And that’s what my point was: it’s just pure confusion to speak of this “tour” as if it were the USFL of pro golf. It isn’t. This is not some admirable story about some upstart, underdog sports organization fighting uphill against the evil forces of the PGA Tour. But they certainly love to project that image. Gee, I wonder why.
  16. That’s really all that needs to be said about it. All this flowery talk about “fair competition” and “getting together” is background noise. The LIV is just another Saudi endeavor at sportswashing. That’s all this is. It’s no different than when they forayed into WWE (John Oliver had a great piece on that) or when Qatar and Russia hosted the last two World Cups or when Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union hosted summer olympiads. This happens all the time, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that this “tour” is both using Donald Trump courses and trying to portray itself as the proverbial USFL of golf. What does surprise me is how easily some people fall for this shit.
  17. He does not either. It’s hard to understand one’s own hatred of an issue when they don’t even understand the issue.
  18. This. I mean I don’t watch cable news just as a matter of sanity and sound decision making practices, but I know enough about it to know that they who watched Fox for decades consider CNN to be the “Communist News Network.” They were not looking to jump leftwards to CNN when Fox fell apart with this lawsuit. They just want equally nutbaggish networks that don’t owe three quarters of a billion dollars in defamation suits (at least for the moment). Motherfuckers who watch Fox News don’t watch it to be informed. They watch it to have their pre-existing opinions validated. CNN ain’t doin that.
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