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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/elon-musk-homeless-trump-b2662999.html This motherfucker is insane
  2. Wow, didn’t even see that Bush comment earlier. Yes, Bush was a war criminal who courted a financial catastrophe with his slavish devotion to Reaganomics. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to return to that shit.
  3. It sounds like a nice idea for there to be a center. In the real world, it's just a ridiculous compromise between ideological positions. I believe Phil Ochs wrote a song about it.
  4. They already tried that and lost because of it. I mean I get that you didn’t read but like 5 words of what I said earlier, but a considerable part of their pitch in ‘24 was aimed at republicans abandoning Trump and switching over to them. They failed because they didn’t harvest nearly as many voters on that message that they needed, and they alienated the typical 1/3rd of the adult population that is registered to vote and chooses not to. They alienated them by flat out ignoring them and not addressing those core issues I previously mentioned.
  5. And it’s hard to counter that perception when the following sentence is 100% accurate: Any typical, establishment Democratic presidential candidate would rather lose to Trump in a general election than get primaried by a Bernie/AOC type.
  6. Couldn’t have said it better. A leftist is someone who favors the dismantlement (or at a bare-assed minimum, the severe overhaul) of capitalism. Kamala Harris and the mainstream of the Democratic Party are precisely neither of those things. Yes, Fox News refers to the Democrats as “the left.” They refer to anyone to the left of Attila the Hun as “the left.” Like I say, that lot does not understand the political compass, much less how and where to plot anyone on it. Again, couldn’t have said it better.
  7. That certainly was a concern but not nearly as widespread. The issue this go-around, to repeat, was incumbency. How else would you explain the Tories getting fucking trounced by Labour? How else would you explain Iceland? How else would you explain Modi’s party underperforming against that big tent INDIA coalition? The New Popular Front in France? There are a lot of other examples of this, and while it certainly is not to suggest that it was uniformly to the left, it certainly suffices to reject any notions of uniformity in either direction. So yes, there have been rightward lurches…in some places. Others? Not so much. And that’s the point. The most common of threads this year was incumbency regardless of ideology. well they resorted to the culture war crap when the Soviet Union was still alive, but they kinda had to in order to maintain their positions of power. Their economic policies do not enjoy a strong following, so they have to throw in that red meat to keep people voting against their interests. And that’s why neither party really talks about that because there’s no way to sell it. It’s funny that we’re talking about this on a Bill Maher thread because he of all people once explained the difference in domestic/economic policies between the two parties in this way: Republicans: “we’re pissing on you.” Democrats: “the Republicans are gonna piss on you, here’s an umbrella.”
  8. It has nothing to do with left/right. The backlash was against incumbents regardless of real/imagined political ideology. You’re just buying into a superficial mainstream media bullshit story, a la Bari Weiss. This kind of bullshit is peddled because the far right is desperate and if they can find anything they can cling to, they will run with it forever. You know better than that. Buttigieg remarked about this kind of phenomenon in the 2020 primary debates when one of the candidates raised concerns that the R’s will call this or that policy “socialist,” and then Pete responded “they’re gonna call us socialists no matter what we say or do.” That’s just who Republicans are in their own mind: 24-hour victims. Yeah, they’re victims alright. They’re victims of not having the slightest fucking clue how, among a plethora of things, to describe a political spectrum, let alone how to plot anyone on it. They’ve certainly failed to address many issues. This just isn’t one of them. It’s an issue that comes from the place where this kid is sitting: Look at turnouts and you’ll notice that roughly 2/3rds of registered voters actually do vote. But look at public attitudes on policies and you will notice that the population is well to the left of the two political parties. The problem for the Democratic Party is that they’re too big of a tent, and one of the groups they’ve allowed in is huge money interests. That dominates their policy pursuits more than anything else, and their interests naturally lean to the right. That’s also what turns off a huge chunk of the segment of the population that’s registered to vote but chooses not to do so. It has nothing to do with “wokeness” and it’s easy to see that: this “woke” stuff wasn’t even a thing 10-20 years ago and the Democrats still had the same problem of producing inadequate turnout. They’ve been constantly battling with that since the days of Reagan, but that has mostly to do with the final screws they put to the working class under Carter. No, it’s not political correctness/“wokeness” that holds back the democrats. What holds them back is either failing to address or taking positions well to the right of the population when it comes to: -The environment -Nuclear arms control -The proliferation of the military budget -Healthcare (Obamacare was the Republicans’ answer to Hillary Clinton’s ideas in the early 1990’s) -Income inequality -Taxation -Education -Labor rights -The Drug War and numerous others. They are too similar to the Republicans on those issues, and that’s why a lot of would-be voters do not like them. You know who agrees with that? Bill fucking Maher. He said many years ago on one of his New Rules segments “over the last 30-odd years, Democrats have moved to the right and the Republicans have moved into a mental hospital” in a segment where he lambasted the D’s for not including a public option in the ACA, among many other policies he was bitching about. If I had to choose one mistake they made that proved fatal for them, it’s that they tried far too hard to convince the third of registered voters, who tend to vote republican, to abandon their party and vote against Trump rather than convince the other third of the country why they should give a shit and to vote for them. In other words, they focused on the wrong third. Impossible for him to be right when he merely took the bait of the bullshit cheese in the mouse trap the mainstream media has fooled people into believing. Maher was just brain-broken by the pandemic and is still butthurt about that...and he was even a mediocre talent before that, at best. You’re confusing “right” with “says what I want to hear because it makes me feel good.” To the extent you’re referring to Kamala Harris, no you didn’t. Kamala is a center-right establishment Democrat, not a “leftist.” What sane, intelligent reason was there to vote for Trump? The mere fact that he got over 3 million votes, let alone over 30 million, is absolutely ridiculous. There’s no reasonable explanation for it, and it’s manufactured outrage when people force their blood pressure upwards when they hear people like David Pakman explain that nearly a full quarter of the adult population in this country is functionally illiterate. When we’ve gotten to the point where there’s more outrage against people pointing out that a quarter of the population suffers from functional illiteracy than there is against the mere fact of said illiteracy, we are a fucking backwards lot. No, what will cost D’s elections is refusing to address the policies I mentioned (and many I did not), which will continue to piss off the other 1/3rd that is registered to vote but doesn’t. Seriously, if you had told me back in May “slugga; I’ve been to the future and I’ll tell you that Trump is going to have 76 million votes.,” I’d have said “then he’s gonna lose again…unless for some reason the D’s don’t turn people out.” When you say “they’ll continue to lose,” you make it sound as if the democrats are on some sort of skid. Them losing this year was a shock, but it wasn’t so shocking when you realize that, again, incumbent parties all over the world have been getting beat like this as a backlash regarding things related to the pandemic. The problem here is that you conflate the Democratic Party with “the left.” If the actual political left in this country had any adequate representation in the federal government, the Republicans would scarcely win any elections at all, and they certainly wouldn’t have a prayer at the White House. The only reason they would have a prayer? A huge overhaul in the party that made them revert back to who they were in the Eisenhower years. The grand fact of presidential elections in general, specifically the last 12, millions of people clearly and repeatedly vote against their own interests. If you’re unwilling to admit that they did that, you’re either a liar or beyond reason. This is abject speculation. There’s already a precedent for exactly that. Google Georgia’s HB 87 from back in 2011. It was a complete disaster. In the first year alone, they lost something like $150 million worth of produce because it rotted in the fields. They experienced a 50% labor shortage in the industry. That bill was a catastrophic failure and it was a bill that required employers of more than 10 people to verify their employees’ status. Forced mass deportations? That just expedites the issues. I know people like you hate it when people like me point out the fact that undocumented immigrants mostly work jobs that the average American worker wouldn’t take, but it’s a fact: they do. And again, wanna know who agrees with that take? Bill Maher. “This” being mass deportations? Yes, it absolutely is, and it’s only one of them. It’ll only be outdone by the effects of his nonsensical tariff policy. Based on what? A full fiscal quarter prior to the pandemic (as early as August of 2019), we were seeing multiple indications that we were heading into a recession precisely because of his tariffs, which were relatively minor compared to what he’s been talking about this go-around. Did he do anything to correct that? No and it’s for the same reason he would not do what you’re saying here: to do such a thing would be an admission that he was wrong, and he is absolutely incapable of ever admitting that even about the most trivial thing. You’re attributing to him qualities that he does not have. You’re describing a fictitious Donald Trump that has never existed at any point in history…and it’s for the same reason you made that speculative prediction: you’re basing virtually every single statement you made in that series of bewildering inanities on what you want to believe and what you want to be true. You’ve not given a single reason for anyone to believe that. In the two years that Trump and the Republicans controlled the White House and the Congress, they did not pass a single bill relevant to that topic. They don’t care about it. It’s a red meat topic that they yell and scream about during the election season; nothing more. You say that the Republicans are better about this issue than the Democrats and, once again, there is no evidence to support such a ridiculous statement.
  9. HP over Lone Star 41-28
  10. You could have a verified video of IDF personnel dropping a 2-ton bomb on a Gaza daycare center and he’d say the camera was antisemitic.
  11. Because you don’t like the content because it makes you feel bad. We get it.
  12. This thread has no intrinsic value.
  13. What amazes me is that Georgetown even had that many possessions before the half. I’d really like to know more about this game. Sounds to me like Georgetown landed some haymakers and their defense followed up with either forced turnovers or quick 3’s-and-outs. Sounds like they followed all that with the 1994 John Tyler “take the starters out so they can take off their pads and interact with the spectators” approach to the second half. We’re all pretty disappointed in the outcome here. My dad and my godfather went to Georgetown and we’ve never played against those motherfuckers in football. Oh well. In the first round of the playoffs I went to watch my nephew play in his first playoff game for WT White, who lost to Lone Star. Went to the Highland Park game last night against Wakeland and will likely attend the Reedy game. Nothing but Frisco folk on the other side of the stadium in these damn playoff games I attend this year.
  14. Georgetown took a 45-7 lead in the second quarter. Final score: Georgetown 45-Frisco Reedy 49
  15. Well again, Tyson had just been concussed 4 days prior to the fight. Also, those training highlights? Most of that really good shit was filmed pre-ulcer, pre-blood transfusions, pre-weight loss, and pre-concussion. You don’t see much after all that because honestly it was cringeworthy to see.
  16. Except he wasn’t. Bruno was the number 1 contender for the WBC and WBA titles. The number 1 contender for the IBF? Yep, you guessed it: Carl Williams. Holyfield only became the number one contender after (and because) Tyson got rid of them. It’s not like Holyfield instantly achieved that ranking when he moved up to the heavyweight division. It took some fights to earn that. But he was, nonetheless, going to get his shot at the title after the Tyson-Douglas fight. Holyfield was going to fight the champion regardless of who won in Tokyo and that’s kind of my point. If the Tyson-Douglas fight had any other referee counting Douglas when Tyson put him down and not taking 14 seconds to get to “9,” Tyson-Holyfield happens in 1990/1 and not 1996. This is just historic revisionism. 1. Again, Witherspoon was not in his prime during those years. He was (or was nearing, depending on the year) 30, he was an admitted mental basket case at that time, and his in-ring vulnerabilities were very visible. 2. In perfect abstraction, there’s no reason whatsoever to believe Mike would have had a minute’s worth of trouble against him. 3. You’ve got to be kidding me with that line about Smith. James Smith had already smashed Witherspoon to take that WBA belt off of him via 3-KD’ing him in the first round, which is why Tyson fought Smith in the first place: because he was the WBA champion. 4. That’s to say nothing about the fact that this was all a part of what Don King himself literally orchestrated; the so-called Heavyweight World Series, which was specifically designed to culminate with an undisputed champion. So as of December 1986, there’s Witherspoon with no belt, Smith with a belt, and Tyson with a belt. Any fool could see who Mike Tyson was going to fight after he bitchslapped Trevor Berbick, and it sure as shit wasn’t gonna be the guy who couldn’t survive James Smith for as long as Berbick “survived” Tyson. This was an elimination series, and Witherspoon was eliminated by Smith. Had Witherspoon won the Smith fight, he faces Tyson next. And even if this wasn’t some part of a Don King extravaganza, there still would be no intelligent way to argue that Tyson was “ducking” anyone by trying to take another belt off someone else. What or who was anyone to say about it? Tyson then went against Pinklon Thomas because Thomas was the number 1 contender for the WBC belt and the number 3 for the WBA, and also because Tony Tucker was to fight Buster Douglas for the vacant IBF title (vacant because Michael Spinks refused to fight Tucker and instead took the bigger payday of fighting Cooney)…on the same card, which effectively rendered that night to be a semifinal round on both sides of the ad hoc bracket with the two winners facing each other next. And again, as any fool could see, Mike’s most sensible next step was taking the IBF belt off Tony Tucker even if this wasn’t a part of a Don King extravaganza. 5. At that point (August of 1987), I would seriously encourage you to look at that roster of fucking bums Tim Witherspoon fought against. Again, he was nowhere near psychologically capable of handling a fight like Tyson in that period. When Tim had his resurgence nearly a decade later? Sure, there’s an argument to be made for that, especially given the shit shape Tyson was in. This was all post-Douglas, post-divorce, post-dipshit Don King idiotically firing Kevin Rooney, and post-prison. But 1987-1988? Man, kill that fuckin’ noise. Mike would have bulldozed him and it wouldn’t have meant dick to anyone for him to do it. There was no upside for Mike to take that fight, which is why he didn’t waste his time with it regardless of what Don King’s position on it was. And speaking of Tim Witherspoon and Don King, you’d do well to consider the possibility that the reason he didn’t book that fight in the aforementioned era was to protect Tim and not Mike. From a pure boxing standpoint, the only booking decision that could have been deemed “questionable” when Tyson was the undisputed champ was Larry Holmes, but that was a grudge match (at least in Tyson’s mind) that had little to do with him and everything to do with revenge for Muhammad Ali; concept that was actually a hobby of Tyson’s in his earlier years.
  17. The Israel issue has always been a blind spot for him. He has always been a complete dumbass about it. What really broke him was the pandemic, and all this “woke left” stuff is really just a side effect of that. One of the guests he’s had over recent years is Bari Weiss and he just fawns over her. Bari Weiss is a stupid person’s idea of what a smart person is, and she’s an illiterate person’s idea of what a journalist is. On some other show, she couldn’t help herself in explaining that the reason the democrats lost big in the election was because all they could talk about was all this fringe social issue crap, especially the transgender issue. Harris never even mentioned those issues on the campaign trail. Yeah there was a media blitz by the far right intimating that, especially when it came to those disgraceful ads that Cruz was running about Allred and that one clip where Harris did make comments about it five fucking years ago, but that’s exactly who was talking about that shit: Republicans. Bari Weiss and her chickenshit ilk fell for it hook, line and sinker. So did those who still watch and take Bill Maher and people like him seriously. They couldn’t wait to clap really hard drooling over how smart they think these clowns are. They’re as clueless as Peggy Noonan was when she penned that ridiculous op-ed that said under the headline “America, after its long journey through the 2010s and ’20s, is becoming more conservative again.” It’s just more of the same self-serving bullshit from the elite “intellectual” class that comes up with these on-the-fly comments that they think are just loaded with intelligence…when all it really does is tell the story of how truly fucking stupid they are.
  18. Well now you’re clearly not talking about 1986-1988 because Holyfield wasn’t a heavyweight by that time and Witherspoon was over 30 and his weaknesses were already exposed
  19. He wants to fight him at 200 Even at 200, Canelo is a 6-pack can of worms compared to a 58-year old that just received a concussion 4 days prior. Jake claims Canelo will come calling him for a pay day. Not sure if that’s just a terrible promo or if Jake really believes his bullshit, but he’s not going to like now that negotiation turns out.
  20. Wanted to wait until now to post this: If you’ve seen that 9-minute video of Tyson in training at my gym, there’s a reason he kept saying “I wanna box more.” He was concussed from having been knocked out by his sparring partner on Monday. His team had to pick him up off the canvas. And this was after he showed up 2 hours and 15 minutes late to the workout and had a verbal confrontation with both of his trainers and his brother-in-law about him not wanting to do any cardio. If Jake doesn’t carry him, this is going to be nightmarishly ugly.
  21. Depends on what goes down. If it goes 5 rounds or more? Yeah. Likely a work, especially if Tyson ends up winning in that scenario. Over in the first two? Total shoot regardless of who wins.
  22. Actually he won’t. That’s not his way, and his actual way is what’s going to get him over tonight. There’s a reason that when you watch those impressive-looking videos of Tyson working out, there’s a lot you don’t see. You do see a guy looking very good for a few seconds at a time, but it’s always against a trainer wearing a belt pad and mitts. You don’t see him doing cardio and you don’t see him sparring. There’s a reason for that. There’s also a reason that you see vids of his team going nuts over him executing the most mundane moves like slipping out of a corner. And I take no glee in saying that. I’m one of the biggest Mike Tyson fans there ever was. But I’m also a realist. For this fight to seem competitive will require an outrageous carrying effort by Jake. Otherwise this will end quickly. Could Tyson catch Jake with a hard, square right hand that puts him down? Yes. If there’s one weakness about Jake Paul that you can say that makes him vulnerable to Mike Tyson, it’s that he’s very sloppy and that sloppiness could potentially leave him open. But as others have said, I’m not seeing it and that’s Mike’s sole path to a win: a first/second round shot heard ‘round the world.
  23. Me at the gym at Military and Buckner in Dallas. These dudes that rented it out on Monday
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