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Posts posted by EE2B

  1. On the masks, Old Navy sells child size masks that are multiple layers. We bought those for our kids and some cord locks from amazon that will make them fit snugly to their faces. The cord locks fit so tightly on the straps that you can wash them and don’t have to worry about the cord locks coming off.

    Pro (just the) tip:
    Thread a string through the hole in the cord lock, tie it around the strap and pull everything back through. You have to keep the string/knot small, but it will fit. I pulled a small section of butcher twine out of a length and used it.

  2. Question for the collective. I’ve been a regular drinker for the past 20+ years. I could turn it off after 5-6 beers most nights and would probably drink 4-7 nights a week depending on what was going on.

    Recently I realized that at some point I had become a gigantic asshole when I drink and for the next several days after. This realization forced me to do some self evaluation and made me come to the conclusion that I needed to stop. It’s been a couple of months since I’ve had a drink and I really have no desire to drink anymore.

    I say all of this to give some background for my question. For a couple of weeks I was extremely lethargic. Just no energy to do shit. It seems to be turning around now and I’m feeling pretty good. Is this normal for someone giving up alcohol after so long? Thanks and I’ve enjoyed reading this thread. There are some damn good people in this community.

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  3. A giant swath of the population does not get to stay home from work while they wait for test results, even if they don’t feel 100%.

    I completely understand. I’m fortunate that I can do 90% of my daily work from anywhere with an internet connection. My comment was based directly on the tweet by Lance Bottoms. My point was that as the Mayor of Atlanta she should be able to quarantine without having to be around her family and infecting others in her house. I see now she tweeted that it was a proactive test after she attended a funeral and she was not experiencing any symptoms. That changes my opinion/comment.
  4. Amen Keisha.  Amen.

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding what she’s saying, but why didn’t the one person who was tested quarantine themselves until they got their results? That’s seems like it may have potentially kept the other two from getting it.

    Hell I spent 8 days away from my family at the beginning of this bullshit because we thought someone I had direct contact with had Covid-19. It took that long for him to get his test results so I lived in the guesthouse (1st World problems).

    Blaming all three infections on the speed of the test results seems a bit of a stretch.
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  5. That's what I am talking about. Where is that evidence? I've heard all about it but never seen anything other than posters here repeat it. I'm not trying to be a dick, but all I've ever heard is the same generic shit about how his mom won't let him go to Texas. If there is something to read I am glad to read it and not bring it up again.

    Someone posted her twitter handle up thread. Take a stroll through it and you can see it. She re-tweets everything from A&M (Tex-Ags, player commitments, etc). She does have a couple of re-tweets for Riley and some Oregon stuff, but 99% is Texas A&M related.
  6. I’ve been listening to books from Audible for well over a year now. Most have been the 40+ hour variety with a few shorter ones sprinkled in. Until yesterday I never paid attention to the sound the reader makes when he inhales between sentences. Now I can’t un-hear it and it’s about to drive me nuts. It’s like being in a Lamaze class but the teacher is reading a Tom Clancy book to me.

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  7. This is how I thought of cops.  And it was reenforced by my time in Boy Scouts.  Cops were the good guys.
    Then I started working in the restaurant industry.  Fun fact: Waitresses date a lot of cops, because cops work late shift and often drink in the same after hours bars.  Another interesting tid bit: A lot cops beat the shit out out of their girlfriends or are stalker assholes that hide behind the thin blue line when people speak up. I don’t know how many times I heard a waitress or stripper say “Don’t date a cop, you can never leave the relationship until they are done.” And that’s just scratching the surface.  Party with cops a few times and it is an eye opening experience.  
    And I’m a white person of extreme privilege.  I understand now why the Latino chefs used to clear out of house parties when the cops showed up. 

    My wife went out with a local cop a couple of times before she and I started dating. After she broke it off, he would send her text messages about things outside of her house that needed to be fixed. Things like the numbers on the mailbox were gone or a hedge needed to be trimmed. He had never been to her house so the only way he knew where she lived was by looking up her address. He even went so far as to leave some fucking little book in the mailbox with “I hope you find the perfect man” written in the inside cover. Once he started seeing my vehicle there all the time he left her alone and she never heard from his bitch ass again. One of the first things I did for her was fix every fucking thing he pointed out so every time he drove by he saw it.

    I still bring up from time to time how she’s lucky to have me since I’m the perfect man.

    TLDR: Fuck the police.
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