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Posts posted by UTexasFight

  1. 17 minutes ago, Mez2 said:

    stats are for losers - as Lil Keke says, fuck 'em all, I'ma ball, chop it up on the slab.

    i wouldnt be surprised to see the yanks come out tonight playing well, even with the travel. adrenaline is a helluva drug, however, I can see them coming out like shit tomorrow when it all settles down. we win tonight, at worst we'll split. we win tonight, we're taking 3/4. 

    fuck the yankees and fuck jay-z.

    This feels right.

    we should fuck up Gray and Yanks should win Wed behind Severino going against DK... which means neither will likely happen

    I’ll go with:




    leaving it to LMJ vs Tanaka to decide if we split or win 3-1

  2. Not a fan of “if you take out...” stats, but...if you take out LMJ’s 4th inning in Minnesota, what do the starter stats look like?

    LMJ’s ERA drops from 3.71 to 1.64.

    (gave up 8 in that 1 inning. Has given up 6 in his other 33)


  3. Randy Johnson August 1998 first month as an Astro: 61 Ks

    Gerritt Cole April 2018 first month as an Astro: 61 Ks

    preety preety preety good 

    (And in case you’re wondering, JV had 43 in September last year— in 5 starts)

  4. It’s crazy what expectations will do.

    We’re at game 26 this year

    Tuve had 3 HRs at this same point last year but didn’t get his first until game 18 so not too much earlier

    he has the same number of doubles now as he did at this point last year.

    his BA after game 26: .326

    current BA: .333

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