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Everything posted by UTexasFight

  1. It’s either this, or Yordan game 6 2022 Series for hardest hit ball I’ve ever seen in person. This was farther. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ball hit there in this park. ‘98 HR derby, maybe? IMG_1938.mov
  2. Glad I’m not the only one on One For The Road. Had that one on repeat a lot this week. so much instrumentation to unpack on that one. I can’t put my finger on what vibe I’m getting from the guitar sound on that one and starting to drive me crazy. thought maybe late 80s/early 90s steve via/ joe satriani, but that’s not it. maybe that’s the beauty of it: something that sounds so familiar, but mixed in to something that uniquely Sturgill, err, Johnny
  3. Lulz. Saw the Sawx gave Cora a 3 year extension. BOOOO BOO BOOOOOOOOOO!
  4. Apparently whoever is on that is renting it… for $175,000 a week
  5. 97 pitches and 7-1 lead. I'm sure his day is done but Brown needs an out to get ERA under 4.
  6. Whose is this? (UT flag, named Wabash. Sitting outside Bar Harbor)
  7. This is what I posted that Dana said the day after they signed him.….and then he proceeds to start his first game getting called up. You know, the same number of starts as Kessinger has all year
  8. I had not heard of Brent rooker before tonight I know who he is now
  9. When they signed him a couple of weeks ago, dana said he was there for leadership/clubhouse presence Hopefully it plays out that way and he sees the field as much as Kessinger
  10. Lawrence and Lowry say, “you rang?”
  11. Come on guys. All networks do this on the front nine. Get them out of the way now and it tightens up on the back 9.
  12. Still embarassing the AL central has 3 teams with a better record than the AL west leader (to go along with 3 in AL East). But we’re up to #4 in run differential in the AL!
  13. Rahm gonna say “remember me?” 6 back is gonna be too far to win but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him finish T5. Im is the other name I have my eye on
  14. And Taylor Scott moves win 1 of Brown and Framber and 2 of Blanco for the team lead in wins…just like we all expected in March
  15. He asked for a new ball. He has to ask for a new ball before the clock hits 8 seconds. he did not .
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