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High Plains Drifter

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Posts posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. 4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    How awesome would it be if she served him with papers right about now?


    I can only imagine the vitriol that Hannity, et al would heap on her if she did.

  2. 15 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I don’t know...Melania is getting up there in years. 

    She knows the fat fuck only has a limited number of years left (both in the WH and in life).

  3. 18 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    But he did get away with it - he won the election to the nation’s highest elected office, and many of the idiots who voted for him in 2016 would still vote for him in 2020. He won’t be going to jail over his adultery either. 

    nor will he be getting divorced.

  4. 3 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    It's no myth we meddle in other nations elections as well.  Who's worse ?

    Comparing the shit we do to the shit the Russians do is like... , well...., its like comparing DOTUS to Hillary.

  5. On 3/29/2018 at 8:31 AM, Bozo_Casanova said:

    It’s me- I accidentally wore this to blacks in Lockhart to pick up a to go order with my 3 year old. They reacted very poorly, and either an employee or customer called me a “fucking faggot”. I posted the story to Hornfans, feelings were hurt, life lessons were learned, protests were planned, lulz were had, etc.



    By the way, for those who remember that thread: you are old. That was 12 years ago. When we moved here from shaggyEskimo I thought I had lost it, except Judge saved this lightly edited version and returned it to me. Thanks Judge!



  6. 38 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    Well...MODERN American History.

    I'll go with Gettysburg and Antietam as being a shittier day(s).

    But....that's a damned good zinger.

    Correct answer is Jan 1, 1991 Cottonbowl.

    • Haha 2
  7. 3 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    FRoad: “what do you think that means?”

    california doesn’t give two shits about the middle or lower class American citizens

    For decades California has been able to shift their federal tax burden to the rest of the country to subsidize their high state taxes.  Thankfully the new tax law will severely limit that and the will no longer get to spend others money  

    But hey, according to you they are super cool to the homeless and that’s why they come. Fuck those tax paying families for not being richer. 


    This is so wrong it casts shade on anything you say, ever.




    Do you see a trend there? With the exceptions of Texas and Florida, every single red state drains federal money.


    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Red Five said:

    This feels like a good time to remind everyone of the time Obama said the number 57 instead of 47. Man, that sure was a big deal. We got eight years worth of laughs out of that. 

    But Obama!

  9. 20 minutes ago, LW Goatman said:

    Long day with child, put child down late, dinner discussion for us goes as follows:

    Wife: Are we eating at home or should i get something?

    Me: Home is fine, we have all of that BBQ left.

    Wife: I'm tired and don't want to cook.

    Me: No need, we have a all of that BBQ left.

    Her: I don't want any BBQ, I'm going to pick something up.

    Me: Ok, the BBQ is fine but if you want something else that'll work for me.

    Her: What do you want me to get.

    Me: Not picky, whatever sounds good to you.

    Her: I'm not playing this game, you better pick something.


    And as we all know, she's never picked any damn restaurant her life. I just bring up restaurant after restaurant until she decides one will work. My first suggestion was BBQ which didn't go over well.

    I hope to hell your response to her last snark was "OK, I pick BBQ"

  10. 17 hours ago, Texas73 said:

    I agree with those that think he will resign in 2019. He will hate being president even more when the Democrats take the House.

    I agree. Plus the revelations that will eventually come out from the Mueller investigations.



    If he does hang on until the next election, he will win the nomination of course, but lose in the general.*


    *if the demos don't nominate Hillary2.0. Yes, I know that is a big fat "IF".

  11. On 5/1/2018 at 3:46 AM, Netzer said:


    Couple of thoughts:


    1) I've never been to Belfast, but I spent some time in Dublin, and that was pretty much the scene every night in the seedier districts after about midnight. Notice the barrels being used as tables outside, with drinks in glass containers. Many of the finer establishments sell booze through  a window, in glass containers.

    2) Random older drunks walking through the melee with full pints like it ain't no thing. Not even worth stopping for a look, they see it all the time.

    3) Drunk chicks don't know when to stay down.

    4) Fucking Irish, man.

    5) No cops around. Imagine that scene on dirty 6th.

    6) And yes, Diggler, drunk Irish chicks do indeed fuck.


    • Haha 1
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