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Posts posted by Napoleon

  1. On 4/26/2018 at 2:24 PM, Armybrat said:

    How hot in the middle of August?

    Considering a nice flat for 6 nights - 6th floor with an elevator, but no A/C.

    Fans will be provided if we ask.  Nice view of the Eiffel Tower, about 2 blocks from the River in the 8th Arrondismentwhatever. Rue Passy area.

    What say you folks?

    First time I went to Paris, it was in the middle of August and I was there for about 8 or 9 days.

    I stayed in hostels, but it wasn't too bad. (First two or three nights were in La Defense in some corporate apartment tower.) It was warm, but not Texas warm. I don't remember having any issues with the heat at night.

    ...but then again, that was 26 years ago.

  2. 1 hour ago, pigmeat markham said:

    Posts like this always amaze me.  Fully appreciate Lubbock might not be your personal cup of tea.   As for myself, having spent plenty of time in the Bay Area, I don't think someone could pay me enough to live there.  Pretty clearly, such opinions are just very subjective it seems to me.

    While TTU as a program has had its struggles of late, it's pretty clear KK has put out some pretty successful offenses during his tenure.  Additionally, the former OL line coach at Cal is at Tech now and Watson has a very good relationship with him.  Likewise,  Watson friend and former TTU qb, Davis Webb, who transferred to Cal his senior year, has been in his ear selling him on the advantages of Tech and playing in that offense.

    Have no idea what will happen.  He was quoted as saying his Tech visit was the best visit he'd ever been on.  No doubt his UT visit drew a rave review too.  I suppose we'll find out soon enough.


    We're talking about an African-American student athlete who:

    1) Is from California.
    2) CHOSE to attend UC-Berkeley out of high school.
    3) Graduated from Berkeley in 4 years.
    4) Never had a breakout season at UC-Berkeley (so the NFL is not a likely possibility)
    5) Will be hoping to attend Grad School at a place with a good (national) reputation while playing out one final season of NCAA football.
    6) Is used to hills, trees, and water.
    7) Is used to a culturally diverse, ethnically diverse, politically liberal campus/ town/ metropolitan area/ state.

    Why in the fuck do you think anyone with those 7 characteristics would ever entertain attending school in Lubbock over Austin?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Bone3421 said:

    I have no fear of internet sport gods....now if i was talking about a perfect game or something live in person then yeah....but i dont believe the sports gods have wi-fi

    I saw Nolan Ryan's 7th No-Hitter. (I think that it was the first game I ever made it to for the first pitch... after ~15 years of attending games.)

    At the end of the Top of the 2nd, I turned to my friend and said "You know, he's still got a No-Hitter going."

    He fanned so many that night that when someone made contact and put the ball in play, I initially thought that the No-No had been broken.

    Sports Gods Love Confidence!

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Kyle Porter should see pretty limited with a rotation of Watson, Young, Ingram and probably Carter are in front of him. 


    When can we flush some of the dead weight that wasn't even listed here?

  5. 6 minutes ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    LSU mods were conceding defeat earlier today. 

    Tech was always third, but yeah I don't get how they made the final cut either. 

    Thank you! (NO props to give out at the moment.)

    I just read that Cal basically pushes out players who graduate in 4 years, because their grad school makes zero concessions for athletes. That being said, if you're graduating from Cal in 4 years, I would think that UT was the only school of the three listed that you'd actually be considering. He's gotta know that he isn't going pro (from what I've read), but if he can use football to get into a good grad school program and have the first year paid for... HELL YES!

    I haz excite for a guy with a high floor/low ceiling who is smart and has experience, plus he doesn't fumble and can return kicks. Nice.

  6. Re: TRE WATSON (who is actually 2018 Recruiting)

    Has he ever mentioned the "cultural fit" that he's looking for?

    Seems to me that Austin has a little more in common with Berkeley than either Lubbock or Baton Rouge do.

    At least Baton Rouge offers a more storied program & big games every week... and Berkeley is right next to Oakland (where I had a rental car smashed into a year ago and way too much to go into stolen), so perhaps the whole Baton Rouge/New Orleans thing wouldn't be completely unfamiliar.

    But LUBBOCK?... Perhaps if he's from Barstow, Baker, or Fresno, he might see the charm of Lubbock, but I can't see going to Lubbock after 4 years in the SF Bay Area.

  7. 2 hours ago, Captain Ron said:

    Christ. What should have been a slam dunk, we're totally going to lose. 


    2 hours ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    Nothing is a slam dunk when fifa is involved. 

    South Africa





    follow the dirty money. 

    Why would any country from Latin America or Africa support a Mex-USA-Can bid?

    Why would any Muslim country?

    Why would any European country? - When the exposure could finally truly awake the sleeping giant AND Morroco is Southern Spain and all of the matches would be on at normal times of the day.

    Morocco should win this going away even if UEFA has to help foot the bill for the stadiums.

  8. 15 hours ago, Native Horn said:

    Serious question - does rain really affect the ability to punt?  Maybe makes receiving the snap a bit tricky, but otherwise how is it an issue?

    3 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

    Ball might be a little heavier. Might affect his accuracy too. 

    I was thinking that it would make for a heavier ball & affect the spin/placement. He might have fewer land inside the 10 and go out of bounds than on other fields.

    I don't know this for a fact, but it seems to make sense when I think about how the foot actually spins the ball off the outside of the foot in kind of a "controlled slice" motion.

  9. On 4/30/2018 at 7:51 AM, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    I had no hate for him when he was at USC. I certainly don't now. I may not have been his biggest fan in 2005, but I couldn't hate him. He was always a player's coach.


    I'm glad he sees the value in players from Texas.

    On 4/30/2018 at 9:38 AM, TrashMaster G said:

    Aside from the fact that he was a cheatin' SOB, yeah he's a swell guy.

    Pete was running the dirtiest program outside of the Penn State locker room.

    There were stories touting the number of agents in the Trojan locker room due to all the talent on the roster. Rather than that instigating an immediate investigation, it was seen as a testament to Pete's recruiting & player development prowess.

    NOTE: "Three-Pete" has ZERO crystal footballs in USC's trophy cases from his time in Troy.

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, CycleTex87 said:

    Still no Chris Warren III sightings I guess.  Dude had burned his bridges at Texas (or failed all his classes) and took the only path open to him, and now what?

    Was just thinking about him.

    I guess that his dad pays for a year of one-on-one TE tutoring, he plays a season of Canadian football as a TE and then hopefully gets invited to a rookie camp next year.

  11. 11 hours ago, Reese Bennett said:

    I'm in the PNW and most Seahawk fans seem quite happy about The Punter.

    I wonder what effect punting in frequent drizzle is going to have on his production.

    I feel like Seattle is the worst weather that he could go to. There are colder outdoor stadiums, but Seattle is the wettest one.

  12. 9 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    And....What you can’t do is come back and improve your NFL stock. We all know what we are talking about when we say “education “ and of course he can come back and get his degree at anytime. But he can’t come back and win the Thorpe award. 

    And who knows if he got an advance from his agent based on bad info. He could be in the hole at this point. 

    I'm not sure if you were the kid who sat in the corner and ate paste from preschool into high school, but I think that you might need to let it go.

    You can advise your son not to leave early for the NFL draft, but this ship has sailed and you've said your piece about 8 to 10 times already. I'm not sure what you think is the magic number for stating the same thing for it to "click" with others, but I believe that the number for radio ads is 3 or 4 before it affects a person's buying decision. (You've doubled to tripled that.)

    Perhaps it's time to start a thread for a player who will be entering his junior year this fall and you can begin your efforts to convince him to stay in school.

    Your work here is done.

  13. 1 hour ago, texifornia said:

    All of this drama for fucking weed. It ain't millions of dollars worth worth of fun, that's for sure.

    It's an escape. It's not necessarily because it's fun.

    I'm sure that HH & Armanti and several other guys have smoked with former Longhorns who play in the NFL now. They see that you can smoke and get away with it. For some reason or another, HH feels the need to smoke more than others. Anxiety? Stress from home? Drama on the dating scene? Lower IQ and less of a rational look at consequences/or forgets how many weeks out until his next test... I have no idea.

    Ricky smoke all the time at UT and then continued in the NFL. He occasionally got caught, but he was also a nice, intelligent guy who had won the Heisman, so he got a longer rope than most others, but he lost out on millions of dollars due to weed. Later we learned about his social anxiety disorder and he found other ways to deal with it until he'd finished his career. (No doubt that Ricky smokes again.)

    Soon enough this will all be a thing of the past, but for some reason (or many reasons), HH has a difficult time refraining from weed. If the school cared that much, there'd be required psychological counseling that would be required for each player who tested positive as well as available for any other player who feels like they would like someone (not on staff) who they could talk to to work things out. (Maybe that is the policy, I have no idea, but just saying "No" is not so easy for some... Romance Taylor is another example.)

  14. 19 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

    Find something else to do with your lives you bunch of pussies.

    THIS! I'm out of rep for the next 24 hours or so, but my god we have the most repetitive group of Debbie Downers/Glums (from "Gulliver's Travels") that I've ever come in contact with in any of the couple of dozen countries I've visited.

    There should be a thread for repetitive pissing & moaning. You can post the first cunt-sobbing here, but all repeats (or slight variations) have to be posted on the cunt-sobbing thread.

    Take some fucking MIDOL and get a mani-pedi... and quit your fucking repetitive crying.

    • Like 5
  15. 1 minute ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    Who will be in the league longer, poona or Mayfield?

    Probably Mayfield, just because he could end up doing a Colt McCoy.

    But I think that there are better people to ask "Who's going to be in the league longer, ______?" question about.

  16. 1 minute ago, HtownHorn said:

    Great spot for him with Zimmer.

    Probably best for him to stay out of a Recreationally Legal state until the Collective Bargaining Agreement is rewritten.

  17. 5 minutes ago, thepop said:



    4 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    Seahawk organization loves the horns

    The Seahawks are really making it difficult to keep hating them.

    Poona, Dickson, Swoopes, Earl Thomas (for now) and Shaquem Griffin...

    It's really difficult to pull against them at the moment.

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