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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The People’s Elbow

  1. Seriously. Here’s hoping for a $1.45 breakout.
  2. Precisely. Most addictive goat rodeo ever.
  3. Closed my BYND and IVZ shorts today. Normally I’d say BYND has more to fall, but with this market: who knows. I may go long again because it seems irrational.
  4. Bed Bath and Beyond Announces store closure extension and they’re up 20%. lol ok
  5. I have no idea what FB announced or didn’t announce. Just focusing on ZM, I think they were overbought. Looks like breakout above their resistance. That’s just my layman’s analysis.
  6. Need to look into why some of my STOs execute while others are rejected after review. Because of that, couldn’t handle the chop for MESO, but broke even with MDGS.
  7. Short ZM and BYND. I think they’re both near/at their current ceiling.
  8. @Anastasis DECN was a good play. 🤘🏻 You gonna hang onto it or cash in the 90% profit?
  9. Fuck. I bought my beachfront property in Arizona through RobinHood. Gotdammit!
  10. Only 4.4M? Shit. We’re gonna be earning 20% by close, boys.
  11. News of potential Gilead partnership. I got the strangle because I thought I would catch a sell off from them blowing up a couple days ago on COVID rumors. Shows how much I know.
  12. RCUS blowing out right now. Up ~20%. Strangle gonna pay off.
  13. Are you saying... the joke is now priced into the conversation?
  14. Sounds like my exact experience just a couple weeks ago. It was fucking weird.
  15. Bought and watched it, and didn’t really find it funny. This has nothing to do with political correctness. I just don’t think the material was that creative, inspired, or original.
  16. My cock is 3” and the boner’s already priced in. 😢
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