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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The People’s Elbow

  1. The airlines are still taking a smooth buttfucking, though.
  2. Indeed, you did provide an example of something that isn’t priced into this market: rational thinking.
  3. Where’s he streaming? I looked around but couldn't find.
  4. I know it’s already been shared, but because I’m bored, fuck it: https://brrr.money/ Make sure you turn on the site’s music.
  5. Opening bell’s a shitshow. I dunno why, but I could see this surge up and then bleed off and fall below(maybe significantly) today.
  6. those unemployment numbers and hitting half million cases today: doesn’t feel good.
  7. Can we banish greenspoint and CTJ to Douchebag Central or a thunderdome until they either fight or fuck (preferably the former)?
  8. well, in my extremely amateur opinion, your window isn’t closed. TBD on how much farther down the market goes, but at some point it’ll be time to buy and hold. I still like Boeing in the long run.
  9. Still may be able to have it cheap two days from now. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. $2T Coronavirus stimulus package just agreed to. As of now, future seem mostly unmoved and remain slightly down. Interesting to see what tomorrow holds.
  11. But not really because I’m probably going to lose it all and more tomorrow.
  12. Late Friday and first thing this morning, I started nibbling: bought Boeing, United Airlines, Royal Caribbean, Hilton, and a couple others thinking we’d bounce. Hookers and blow tonight, boys.
  13. I’m certainly not all-in and I wouldn’t be surprised if we go down another 10-20% before it’s all said and done. But, for me, I don’t see the need to stay completely out of the game if there are reasonable and small opportunities to take a position I find comfortable.
  14. I’m struggling to see our next bottom. I don’t think there’s going to be a federal lockdown. Airlines may cancel domestic flights, but I suspect somewhat, though not entirely, priced in. WFH and social distancing seems to have begin normalizing. I believe COVID numbers will continue to rise, but am not sure the material effect. Why shouldn’t I get back in now with some travel and hospitality long plays?
  15. I’m a casual trader and almost always buy and hold. They’ve always met my needs and I’m familiar with the interface. Guess I’ll take a look at other platforms out of due diligence.
  16. Well, RobinHood not liking my trading activity — about to be flagged as a pattern daytrader. That’s not my normal behavior but I’m definitely trying to get very short action with this market. Should I put in enough to meet the $25k minimum balance requirement to exempt myself RH’s trade limits or does someone have a similarly-priced platform they’d recommend?
  17. TVIX starting to fly. Let’s see how long this holds.
  18. Yeah. It was a shitty hot take in which my emotions got the best of me. I’m ready to go long on some of those. I think my entry point may be (a presumptive) national shelter-in-place announcement or a similar critical mass at the state level.
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