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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The People’s Elbow

  1. Sharing traffic controls with cars sucks, though I suppose it’s unavoidable. I hope there are smarter, more efficient methods for fare collection than slowly funneling all riders through the front door to tap their card on the driver’s fare machine.
  2. This is what intrigues me: opportunities in the travel and hospitality sectors. I’m looking at the three major domestic carriers as well as Carnival. Marriott and Hilton may also be interesting if they drop a bit more. I’m also looking for compelling hospitality or travel ETFs.
  3. I didn’t know one of the resident Surly pilots worked at Lufthansa. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/lufthansa-pilot-draws-giant-penis-21629295
  4. Pence finally admitting the lack of testing kits is just as unsurprising as will be Trump eventually throwing him under the bus for this. This shit’s crystal clear.
  5. Just watched Gov. Polis’s presser and he mentioned two separate individuals with presumptive positive test results. It sounds like the cases are unrelated.
  6. What data points lead you to believe governments and citizens have the ability, willingness, pragmatism, and discipline to define and hold a containment line for twelve months?
  7. You able to point me in this interview’s direction? I’d like to listen. Nevermind. I didn’t backtrace enough quoted posts. Got it now.
  8. I haven’t seen this LEGO show, but you might be surprised at the production demands for some of these competition shows.
  9. You could make “I’d rather have the Coronavirus than be a Democrat” t-shirts and make a killing. I’d also recommend American flag face masks. Only freedom air gets through.
  10. I’ve no doubt. It was meant to be a Coronavirus joke about traveling abroad in May.
  11. Not me, bro. I hear it’s contained and there are only, like, ten cases in the US. We’re fucking solid.
  12. I’m not so sure. Above all else, Trump is an all-hat, no-cattle, self-preserving pussy just like his supporters. On top of being a germaphobe and I’m not buying any way he could be goaded the way y’all are saying.
  13. Jade Helm 2: Corona Boogaloo Could you imagine the East Texas “Don’t Tread On Me” knuckledraggers’ reaction to Houston being quarantined? Equal parts funny and sad. Probably more sad.
  14. This the same NYPost that just had an article about this being a leaked Chinese bio weapon? That “paper” is a fuckin’ rag.
  15. Did you really just put Eastwood’s shit on blast?
  16. New Kvelertak kinda sucks. I’m not gonna blame the new singer, but...it’s the new singer’s fault.
  17. Junior Miller should run backwards through a field of dicks.
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