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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Urban Liar and OSU made a bad mistake in trying to shift some blame etc to Herman.

    Shows again how they are missing the point around the coverup of Smith's activities.

    A OSU trustee that was part of committee just quit as well and is going public with the farce of an investigation OSU conducted.

    This is only going to get worse. I firmly believe and will ping CDC (not that I am a huge donor but I give a decent amount) that IMO we should cancel our series with OSU as they are complete fuckstains.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

    Did the truth for that horribly botched OSU game come out?  I could understand why the refs screwed us so badly on the Teaff farewell tour, but other than some gossip about uppity coaches or Pickens paying them off, never did understand why that game in particular we were so targeted.  Especially at home. 

    I forget names of that crew from OSU but I do remember afterwards it being written that the penalties per game act nearly doubled whenever they were assigned UT games. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Hamttx said:

    I just hope this doesn’t turn into another bizarro game where some fucked up goofy shit haunts us. I swear, the last couple of years have been rough on me. Simply bad luck, no other words for it.

    On paper we are +20 better team and the game should be over by the half. But let a couple of those what the fuck plays and they are within striking distance in the 4th quarter. And I have to snort a dozen Xanax to keep my shit together.

    Need the refs to stay the fuck out of game as well. 

    No defensive holding 10 yds downfield 

    no miracle qb fumble recovery 

    no bumping the head coach to get a flag

    etc etc etc

    • Like 1
  4. Now Herman should say,  Yes Urban Meyer sent us a text telling us to take the coaches there and show them a good time. He said he would take care of everything.


    Oh you can't verify those texts on Urban's phone? Maybe because he erased all of the texts that were incriminating.

    • Like 5
  5. They just need to take all opponents seriously.

    They thought they would shit pump Maryland last year and it showed in the play calling. The 4 wide set with the TE split out was terrible and nothing good every came out of it.

    The game against TT when they did the stupid goal line cutesy play vs just running the ball

    etc etc etc

    At Houston people didn't "get up" to play them. At Texas, everyone hates you. They all want to beat you and it is more personal.

    Mudhole Maryland Please.

  6. A problem is they have zero chemistry. Makes for very stilted/awkward discussions. 

    Add in show having no clue of what it wants to be and the fact they’re trying to feature Mike Greenberg who is as interesting as a bowl of milk and it’s a mess. 


  7. Starting 1st leg of east coast trip. Headed to Boston then down to DC Thursday. 

    Had to check a bag for first time in forever. I’ve got a lot of burnt orange packed!

    Prepare to be shoulder checked and to have me mumble “Muledick” by way of apology. 

    Hook ‘em baby 

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