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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BrazilHorn

  1. 31 minutes ago, alincoln said:

    After he was hired at Texas, Herman approached several members of the Ohio State staff he had relationships with.  I was informed at the time by people who would know that Smith was included in this group.  In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have posted anything since I can't support my post by disclosing the sources of the information.

    In any event, take it or leave it as you see fit.



    I think as much as anything that was designed to fuck with Urby. Something happened and there’s bad blood there. I think Herman was trying to mess with Urbs by talking to staff. 

  2. 6th grade and 3rd grade boys. Start Monday.

    One observation is some of y'all are rushing the shit out of potty training. That's a lot of pressure for you and your kids.  You're starting a child raising marathon not a sprint.

    The best part of back to school as a frequent traveler is the summer hordes of families that don't know what the fuck they are doing in an airport is over until the holidays.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    So, if Urban is "acquitted", what kind of fallout could we expect nationally/ESPN, locally, other coaches, etc? 

    A 30 for 30 narrated by Herbie focusing on how even on his paid vacation from the team he centered himself and found Jesus which helped him win more games. 

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  4. 47 minutes ago, Ojo Rojo said:

    Here's my worthless take:  Meyer wasn't properly prepared for the press conference and he made a mistake by lying.  He appeared to be genuinely caught off guard by the question, but he shouldn't have been.  This goes to he lack of preparation.  That said, I consider the infraction - getting an answer wrong in a press conference - minor.  The mob mentality wants to pin the guy as favoring his wife-beating assistant coach over condemning domestic violence, but that's not what this is.  There's too much mob-mentality BS going on today.  I'd like to see the tide turn on that and maybe this will be the case.  If he gets fired over this I think it will be a case of tOSU catering to the mob mentality and making a PR move.  The punishment will far outweigh the crime.  A lot of people will be hurt by it, including the university and everyone associated with it; a lot of innocent people.

    A lack of preparation doesn't manifest itself with a quote impugning the reporting of McMurphy. Had UM just told a little lie I could squint at your take, but he kept digging in his response and made the lie bigger and bigger. UM was pissed he got called on his keeping smith employed long after incidents took place, he is used to being God in Ohio and didn't like be questioned by those beneath him.

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