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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BrazilHorn

  1. 19 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    disney isn't required to observe the first amendment.

    This. You can argue that Disney should have known about his past social media profile but there is no “free speech” in corporate America. 

    consumers are now free to boycott Disney properties if they are genuinely offended. 

  2. They need to broaden the universe they pick candidates from. Don't pick the next Bachelor out of this crew of dorks.

    Get some fresh blood in. Let BIP or that winter Olympic shit they did be where they put retreads into.

    People are going on the show just to be the next Bachelor(ette) vs to win the thing.


  3. 4 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

    so a contradiction? This is a funny take to me as i remember my youth where i had sex with strippers for free, in my residence. Just have a conversation as you would with any human being and they get to like you as a person. That's all, of course it helps to be physically fit, nice face, full head of hair an in one's 20s.  Being a good looking young man with a sense of humor helps immensely. 

    And you’d never given these strippers money at a strip club? You didn’t buy dinner/drinks at all?

    That’s the point of the “it’s all economic” 

    I don’t fully agree with statement but your response doesn’t disavow it. 

  4. On 7/16/2018 at 10:46 AM, Orca of Peace said:

    Trump now warring poor African nation of Rwanda over USED CLOTHING 



    Second-hand clothes donated by Americans have sparked a bitter trade dispute between the United States and one of the world's poorest countries.

    The obscure conflict is playing out in the apparel markets of Rwanda, where the government has increased import duties on used clothing from the United States from $0.25 to $2.50 per kilogram.

    The tax hikes, which were imposed in 2016, are designed to encourage domestic clothing production in a country that still bears the scars of a horrific genocide 24 years ago. But they have provoked a backlash from the Trump administration.

    Used clothes, many of which start as US charity donations, have long been a staple of wardrobes in Rwanda. Yet their abundance and popularity have stalled development in the local clothing industry.

    Rwandan President Paul Kagame has said the duties are needed to boost local producers and prevent his country from being used as a "dumping ground" for used American clothes. He has proposed banning imports by 2019.

    The restrictions have upset traders in the United States.

    The Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles Association, which represents companies that sell used and recycled clothing, filed a complaint with the US government in 2017 arguing that the trade barriers put thousands of American jobs at risk.

    Following a review, the Office of the United States Trade Representative warned in March that it would suspend some benefits that Rwanda had under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which allows sub-Saharan African countries to export to the United States without facing tariffs. Rwanda would, for example, lose the right to export duty-free apparel to the United States.

    "The President's determinations underscore his commitment to enforcing our trade laws and ensuring fairness in our trade relationships," Deputy U.S. Trade Representative C.J. Mahoney said in March.

    Rwanda, which was given 60 days to roll back the restrictions, refused to budge.

    Maybe trump consulted with the NCAA on tariffs. “China cheats? Well then punish Rwanda”

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  5. Great series, 1st season sees it trying to be more episodic in nature. Then it realizes that the "Boyd Crowder" character as a foil to Raylan was a great one and moved to a longer term view on their relationship over the rest of the series.

    Just an all around great series.

  6. Why not look equally at religions role in subjecting women as well as casting those with different belief systems as "going to hell" etc

    It is not necessarily a white man's burden but rather a man's burden as many religions globally set women as a sub class and view them as just meant to keep the house, have babies etc


  7. 3 hours ago, Modessit said:

    Went to the parade in Round Rock this morning. 2 hours of hot-as-fuck where you couldn't buy a breeze. Went to lunch in La Frontera and it rained the entire time we were in the restaurant only to stop as we came out. Drove home to 78724 and it was coming down pretty hard on 130. Lightened up as we got home just so we could get the sleeping kids into the house without umbrellas. Started raining again as I fell asleep for a couple hours in the recliner. Seemed to rain a lot, but my rain gauge just says 0.78". That's not going to make your mom happy.



    Round Rock sucks. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, dieucla98 said:

    No you don't, you just cut the ID check which is the least painful part. You still have to go through the metal detectors and get your bag screened which is 90% of the TSA headache and where the pain of the "9 lbs of change" guys comes in.

    It's also $180/year (wtf????). Guess you got a discount.

    Also, airlines don't control who gets pre-check and who doesn't, TSA does. They try to select frequent, low risk fliers to entice them to sign up.


    It was $79 for me as they had a promo and I’ve status on Delta. You cut line waiting for metal detectors which is a win as in summer even the TSA pre line is chock full of dipshits

  9. 29 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Based on this, you should never vote for a Republican ever again.

    Agree. And I won’t. . However plenty of D candidates aren’t interested at all in ever having a balanced budget. I find both parties bloated and gross. It’s really disappointing to see the lobbyist led politicians we have to settle for. 

  10. if left ran on:

    Marijuana legalization

    Getting rid of private prisons and dramatically change asset forfeiture laws

    Smart immigration - adding hundreds of thousands of people due to be on federal/state assistance isn't sustainable, but offering work programs (bracero-esque) along with a fixed time to be on assistance could be

    equal rights for Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Queer etc

    Fixed period food stamps/assistance programs vs perpetual

    pro-choice but educate as to alternatives etc

    I'd be all in.

    Unfortunately what I typically see from the left are posts similar to those from the OP that are hard not to read as being insulting to anyone who doesn't swallow the current agenda.

    The narrative of "why are you too stupid to agree with me" that both sides push are part of the problem.

    I am a man without a party.

    I lean left on many social issues (see those above) yet desire a balanced budget, don't think we need to spend 3x the next country on the military etc. I think both parties are frankly bloated and corrupt.





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  11. Make it where for first five years post immigration you cannot get any federal or state aid and you cannot vote. 

    Prove you’re here and can add some type of value then you can get assistance in time  

    This take impetus for Ds away (uneducated poor voting bloc) and fear mongering of Rs away (they’re taking our tax dollars)  It would force more rational discussion vs the emotional theatre we deal with today  

    also get rid of citizenship conveyed based on birth in US. 

  12. I love the Horns and the Astros. Could give zero fucks about NFL. I’ve season tickets for UT football, hit away games etc

    Pretty much any sport involving UT I’ll watch and follow. 

    I like going to MLB games but will rarely watch them on TV. 


  13. 41 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    Had a 6am flight out of ABIA last Sunday.  Walked up to the main security checkpoint and they had it for TSA Precheck passengers only.  Walked down to checkpoint 3, and there was a TSA person out front yelling that it was closed.  So they had every passenger who wasn't Precheck going through checkpoint 1. 

    I finally joined clear. Got it for $79 for 12 mos. The stupidity at ABIA and the airlines giving so many dipshits with nine pounds of change in their pockets pre-check broke me. 

    Clear is great. You cut through all TSA bs and get right on. 

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