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joe dirt

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by joe dirt

  1. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Lots of lava.  I think...yeah, they said...the most lava they've ever seen.  Tons of lava.  Just tremendous amounts of lava.  One of the most lava'ist eruptions we've ever seen.  Just tons of lava.  So much lava.  Anyway, we're taking care of it.  Of the lava, and the lava to come.  And also the before lava.  Just so much lava.  Wow, fantastic lava.  Not like that, but in the sense that it's such an incredible amount of lava that we're seeing.  I mean, am I right people?  We're handling the situation as the lava continues.  So, great news.  Lava.  

    👌 beautiful lava. 

  2. we have an ‘18 expedition limited. we have minor issues that we need to get taken care of. issue 1 is the turn signal doesn’t return to neutral after completing a left turn. seems the return spring needs replacing. issue 2 is the wireless charging pad no longer works at all. dealer is telling us they’ll need it for a week to fix both issues. 

    aside from these little annoyances, we’re enjoying it. fits our 4 kids much more comfortably than the explorer we had before. the ecoboost has pretty solid power. and perhaps the best thing in my eyes is that there’s a usb port at all seats. means no more fighting over charging cables on long drives. fucking godsend. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Chooky said:

    Went back to this to go Gardner Barnes/Blood Meridian on some separatist asses.  Explosive shotgun rounds are fun.  Made a Bob by going dead eye with the semi auto shotgun and hit both shoulders and both knees.  His just-a-torso death rattle kinda got to me. 

    I've had a problem with my weapons un-equipping each time I dismount the horse.  Anybody experienced this or know of a remedy?  Trying to complete the 5 cougars with a bow challenge while doubling up on the two perfect cougar pelts and I can be carrying the bow in my hand but when I dismount it's back on the horse.  Kind of a deal breaker, especially when the horse hears the cougar and bucks me off and I'm left holding nothing but pistols.  

    All of the patches and updates have been for online play while single player glitches are just left to rot.  

    Also can't get past the five finger filet challenge.  I just absolutely suck at it.  


    the weapons unequipping at dismount is a pain in the ass. restarting my ps4 was the only “fix” i could come up with. poison arrows make quick work of the cougars. 

    as for fff,  if the two buttons are x and triangle for example, put your index finger on x and middle finger on triangle and just alternate presses as fast as you can. kinda like tapping a desk. it helps to not even look at the screen.

    i tried online play and kept getting sniped while on free roam. quit after about 10 mins and never tried again. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, NowThis said:

    PG isn't all world, good but not a title maker.  Lakers have a good roster now with Danny Green and my man Javale , along with Kuzma.  What a blessing for them to get rid of Lonzo. 

    haha as a lakers fan i’m much more happy about this than i am disappointed in missing out on KL. 

    also not going back to quote y’all, but @those laughing at lakers signings of green, mcgee, etc who else would be better acquisitions at this point? the money has to go somewhere or they lose it when the AD trade is official. better to spend a bit more and know what you’re getting in return as opposed to having less to spend on unknown or lesser players. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Chooky said:

    How much fun would it be as a reporter to get to ask the POTUS "Mr. President, do you have any response to the Iranian President telling the world stage that you're retarded?"

    No.1, he’s not my type. No.2, i don’t even know him. 

    • Like 4
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  6. i want to save some movies i bought on itunes to an sd card. what are people using these days to convert the files to be readable by non-apple things?

    ford’s rear seat entertainment thing doesn’t allow for streaming/mirroring off ios devices and it’s cumbersome as fuck to connect via hdmi to lightning to iphone/ipad. we paid for these fuckin movies so its not like i’m tryna steal shit. help me. 

  7. On 4/6/2019 at 10:49 AM, Gale Snoats said:

    Got a suburban a couple of months ago and love it but have one problem. Got second row bench but am really wishing we got captains. Can they be switched out? Really don't want to go to trouble of trading it in but would be willing to pay a bit for the switch just don't know if that's even possible.

    i’ve got the opposite issue. we just got a new expedition with the captains chairs and i can’t help but think we’d have been better off with the bench. we have 4 kids to tote around but there plenty of room with the current config. just can’t shake that feeling is all. 

  8. 19 hours ago, Loco said:

    I don't trust anyone whose garage is that empty / clean...  probably a serial killer...  you're on the list


    18 hours ago, The Royal We said:

    This was my exact thought as well.  No kids, pets, hobbies - or you've got a 10 car garage or somesuch.  Or, serial killer.

    haha i keep a two foot radius around sally jr. the kids’ shit piles up in the other side.



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  9. On 3/15/2019 at 1:23 PM, Speedtrucker said:

    Been a long time lurker in this thread. Love muscle cars, exotics and the likes. Y’all have some badass cars I dig looking at on here.

    This is mine, she’s a heavy boat but I love her lines and throw back look, despite being a dodge. I’ve lucked out, this is my 2nd Challenger and I’ve had 0 problems through the first 1.5 year with this one after my first flooded.


    fuck yes man! i love destroyer gray. couldn’t find one when looking for mine so i went with a white 392. 

    this is the only pic i could i find on my ipad but you get the idea  


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  10. 12 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    There are three ultimate truisms when it comes to trump:

    1) if he says something, its a lie. That includes if you ask him what he had for breakfast and he said bacon and eggs. That means he either didn’t have breakfast at all of if he did, it definitely wasn’t bacon and eggs.

    2) if he accuses you or someone else of doing something nefarious, that means its something he has done, probably recently. So if he accuses you or someone of being an enemy of the people and creating fake news, it means you are a friend of people and real news, and he is in fact the enemy of the people and fake news: and 

    3) anyone who goes on the air to publicly defend trump, whether it be Hannity, Dershowitz or Santa Claus, that person is by definition a complete scumbag who has probably either committed multiple crimes, cheated on his wife to fuck some bimbo, or done far far worse. In the case of Dershowitz, I’m guessing far far worse. In any event, they can safely be ignored and when the revolution comes, should be decided by a tribunal whether they get mercy or not, definitely not a jury. 

    To sum up and channeling my inner Kevin Bacon Prosecutor: “These are the rules of trump. And they are undisputed.”

    there’s a flaw in your logic. he hasn’t missed a meal in 30 years.

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