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Surly Bevo

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Surly Bevo

  1. 34 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    And it was a benefit to their descendants. Being born black in the USA is much better than being born in Africa. 

    I'm sure if you were working in a field from sun up, past sun down in humid as fuck Alabama picking cotton and getting your ass kicked when you so much as looked sideways that the thought that would constantly cross your mind is "gee isn't it going to be great in the next era when my lineage is born in to all of this, thanks massa I sure is lucky"

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  2. 47 minutes ago, naija said:

    What’s the word on 4 days in Venice?

    It's probably a day too much?


    Seriously, I liked Venice, if the weather is good it's like being in the middle of a picture but once you get all of that and the few main places out of the way it's time to move on

  3. 1 hour ago, Stella Link said:

    This industry is a con job.  Margins on mattresses are high...lots of profit.  Most of these different retailers sell the exact same mattress with a different name.  That's why it's difficult to shop for a mattress from store to store.  Industry claims that mattresses can double in weight due to the accumulation of dust mites and dead skin cells are bunk.  Plus, the "replace after 8" is just a marketing spiel created by the industry to get people to replace their mattress sooner than it needs to be replaced, this creating more sales.  

    I know somebody who will beat your ass and bury you under his mattress scale....don't wear cargo shorts to the fight

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