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Posts posted by ScottS

  1. 25 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    I know from a visit there that UT-Arlington was Arlington College or Academy.  Then joined A&M System and then finally the UT System-where it was finally renamed, UT-Arlington.  I'm sure a buncha other shit happened in that century+.  UTSA, UT-Dallas, UT-PB were always that.  As stated above UT-Brownsville and UT-Pan Am combine to become UT-RGV.  Not sure the story on UT-Tyler.  Obviously the medical branches all have their own history and branding that should be respected.  Originally, it was all gonna be moved to System "Health Science Centers" except M.D. Anderson.  But UT-MB Galveston fought that as did Southwestern.  I certainly understand their positions.  

    Will they just call it UT-Nacogdoches?  or UT-East Texas?  Which has both negative and positive connotations?  How would UT-Tyler feel about that?  Does anyone care since they were just gifted a great new medical school/center?  UT-Stephen F. Austin sounds confusing as fuck to all but the most ardent of Lone State higher ed followers.  I think it'll be none of the above.  Brownsville to Edinburg is about 60 miles.  Tyler to Nachogdoches isn't much more at 75 miles.  

    Just go all professional golf tournament on the school.

    Stephen Fuller Austin University of Nacogdoches as presented by The University of Texas at Austin.

    SFAUONAPBTUOTAA for short.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 7
  2. 3 hours ago, Wally Fairway said:

    That, sir, is a very specific fantasy. 
    Do you have an Iowa kink, or just the regular hate for OSU & UM?

    I am not afraid to admit that I have many kinks, but none are Iowa based.  I have just gotten a kick all season long of how inept Iowa has been offensively yet here they are with a chance to win the west in the B1G and maybe really screw things up by winning the B1G.

    Hate might be a little strong but I certainly have no love for Michigan and Ohio State.  Maybe I dislike Michigan a little less.

    I am one of those types that if Texas is not in the mix, then I root for maximum chaos.  Unless Georgia loses to both Georgia Tech and LSU I think they are all abut assured of being in the playoff at this point.  Hell, even if they lose both of those games they are probably still in.  So I want Georgia to lose to LSU in the SEC title game, Iowa (or Illinois or Purdue) to beat Michigan in the B1G title game (because I want to see the mental gymnastics the committee would have to go through to put a 1 loss, non conference champion Michigan team in the playoff given their aggy-level weak non-conference schedule), Oregon to beat USC in the Pac-12 title game, and Texas to get into the Big XII title game and beat TCU.  And, not that I think it would matter much, but if Clemson was to lose the ACC title game, that would be sweet.  Although watching the committee trying to figure out what to do with Clemson if they do win the ACC would also be fun.

    College football is at its best when the craziness is at maximum.

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    We’ll settle Vandy and South Carolina in the SEC

    Yeah, but it may take half of forever to see Vandy enough to get even against them.  I wish the SEC would hurry up and figure out the pods/divisions/permanent rivals and what the rotation will be for how often Texas will face the other teams.

  4. 16 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    We are 3-4 all time vs ucla. 


    one of ten teams we have a losing record to, all time. Would love to settle that score in the alamo bowl

    Winsipedia has Texas with a losing record all time to 13 teams (of those that still play football at the D1 level):

    UCLA (3-4)

    Penn State (2-3)

    Vanderbilt (3-8-1)

    USC (2-5)

    Notre Dame (3-9)

    BYU (1-4)

    Syracuse (0-2-1)

    Virginia Tech, South Carolina, Northwestern, NC State, Air Force, and Minnesota (0-1 against all of these schools)



  5. 40 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Still feels like we're going to wake up feeling the cheesiest. Possible opponents in the Cheez-It Bowl could be Notre Dame (preferred) or North Carolina State. Other option depending on how the Big 12 final weekend shakes out is the Alamo Bowl against UCLA, Utah, or Washington. Also depends on if USC or Oregon wins out and goes to the playoff. 

    Nothing against NC State, but the only reason I would be excited about a matchup against them is the fact that Texas is winless all time against NC State.  It just annoys me when I look at Texas' record against other schools and I see the teams that the Horns have never beaten.

    Notre Dame, UCLA, or UW would definitely be more exciting opponents.  Utah...eh.  Don't really have an opinion either way on them.

  6. On 11/16/2022 at 3:58 PM, kevwun said:

    I know.  I would be very pissed if the Astros ever left Corpus.  I love that field.

    If and when the new harbor bridge is ever finished (a really big if right now) then Whataburger Field will lose some of its charm in my opinion without the bridge in the background and its lights.

  7. This may be something that is a good idea; it may be a case of "you can't go home again". 

    "This Is SportsCenter" ad campaign to be revived


    One of advertising’s most prolific campaigns is getting a new jolt of life after going dormant for several years.

    ESPN is resuscitating its iconic “This Is SportsCenter” campaign with the help of its new lead creative partner, Richmond, VA.-based Arts & Letters. Wieden+Kennedy produced the bulk of the 400-odd ads that began airing in the mid-1990s, but ESPN brought the campaign in-house in 2017 and discontinued it shortly afterward. The campaign will return soon, likely making a splash during the College Football Playoffs in the beginning of 2023. Arts & Letters, which has worked on campaigns across a number of ESPN’s various verticals since 2019, including its brand platform “There’s No Place Like Sports,” will develop the new iterations of the campaign.

    “With this new SportsCenter campaign coming into the fold and being awarded to Arts & Letters, it’s just an opportunity to really solidify the messaging and the relationship,” said Laura Gentile, evp, ESPN marketing and commercial marketing, adding, “It brings back a campaign everybody knows and loves and is core to who we are as an entity.”

    Despite the multiyear layoff between spots, the newest editions will “stay as true to the concept as possible,” Gentile told Adweek. “We feel like it’s one of those timeless amazing ideas and it’s our job to uphold the magnificence of the idea and execute it in 2023.”

    Previously, “This Is SportsCenter” served as the de facto brand platform for ESPN, Charles Hodges, the founder and ecd of Arts & Letters told Adweek. But with “There’s No Place Like Sports” filling that role now, the SportsCenter campaign can highlight ESPN as the center of the sports universe through levity, said Hodges, who worked on the campaign while working for W+K as a copywriter.

    In addition to the “This Is SportsCenter” campaign, the indie agency works on the NFL on ESPN, NBA on ESPN, College Football on ESPN, espnW and the ESPN brand. Some of the agency’s biggest hits for ESPN have come in the form of stunts like the victory goggles for the NBA championship and a “postseasoning” spice for college sports tailgates.

    Building brand love

    To get TV viewers to consume more of ESPN’s content on linear TV, online or social media, where the network has a robust presence on Snap and TikTok, data shows ESPN must foster more love for the brand itself.

    “If you love us, you spend twice the amount of time with us, and so, we’re building that emotional connection,” Gentile said. ESPN’s goal is to always be top of mind for sports fans, making fans think of ESPN when they go to their phone for that latest piece of news, trade rumor or fantasy sports, Gentile told Adweek.

    The campaign will attempt to appeal to all segments of sports fans, like helping the 30-something cord-cutter who fondly remembers the campaign reaffirm their relationship with ESPN to making boys and girls already familiar with the campaign become loyal ESPN viewers. Gentile added that ESPN has an advantage that most of its competitors, which include anything from other sports networks to the leagues and teams themselves, don’t.


    “ESPN is something you could relate to you … feel like is a sports fan sitting alongside of you cheering,” Gentile said. “[Others] haven’t built that foundation, where they can really be that humane, personable and connected to their constituents and their consumers.”

    Inside the writers’ room

    With hundreds of iterations of the campaign, “the creative development cycle for this campaign is a living breathing thing,” Hodges said, pointing out that anyone can have a different perspective on what would connect and resonate with fans. That leads to briefs on athletes, anchors or more general culturally relevant ideas.

    In the end, it’s often about volume and fine-tuning the best ideas.


    “It’s been our approach to really just make a lot of stuff, have a conversation about it, and then start to shape that script packet together,” Hodges said.

    And sometimes that volume and collaboration pays off with a viral hit. Hodges said one of the most absurd ideas greenlit during his W+K days became one of the most memorable ads in the campaign—NFL reporter John Clayton’s appearance in an ad that shows off a ponytail and his love for the band Slayer.

    Say what you will about ESPN and what it has become, but when this campaign started it was one of the best.  Still think the John Clayton one is one of the best.


    • Haha 1
  8. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    A few years back, @Pescado_Rojo and I were eating at Lake Jackson Seafood. One of the regular “specials” is a large bowl of gumbo and two fried fish filets. We look over at the table next to us, and an old man is crumbling his fried catfish filet into his gumbo. Pescado mutters “goddamn….wise old man.”

    Wise man, indeed.  Much wiser than myself.  Also, I am a native of Lake Jackson, yet have never been to Lake Jackson Seafood.  I don't think it was around when I was growing up there and I don't get back too often.  Yeah, just looked it up and it was a Pizza Hut when I was living there.

    Unrelated topic, but the El Chico days are numbered.  That was around when I was lived in Lake Jackson and I did not think it would ever close up.

  9. 14 hours ago, nnm said:

    Baylor 2016 is the closest analogy for me. When the rape stuff came out and they fired everyone, it was a massive free-fall of decommitments, exits, and complete demoralization of a fan base. Despite that there were the despicable #CAB sycophants who blamed everything on the BOMC and CAB haters.  That whole fan sanctimonious fan base deserves to rot in hell. 

    I can argue with nothing you said.  However, despite all of those things, Baylor got its football program off the mat and actually won the conference.  Maybe that says as much about the rest of the Big XII as it does Baylor.  Cannot say the same about aggy.  

  10. 13 hours ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    I don't disagree that Nebraska and Miami are fucked, but they feel different.

    Unlike those programs, aggy hasn't slowly faded from national relevance (mostly because they never had any).

    The difference to me is that this is a program who loudly and publicly declared they were going to buy their way to championships both through recruiting and coaching hires.  As annoying as it was to watch, I had to admit they were following the Georgia model and we've seen where that leads.  I don't think Jimbo is a great coach, but fucking Mack Brown and Greg Davis won it all with the right recruits.

    The fact that in the middle of this buy their way to victory campaign the entire thing has very suddenly collapsed is almost hard to explain.  Only aggy could put so much on the line and lose it all so quickly with no path to recovery.  They're a blackjack player who screamed for everyone to come watch them place a huge bet, only to lose it in all 15 seconds.

    I do not disagree with you in that Nebraska and Miami feel different.  I certainly did not mean to imply it was an apples-to-apples comparison.  I am not sure anything could feel the same as aggy, and I hope that nothing ever does feel the same as aggy because that would mean there is a fan base out there just as weird as aggy.  It was just the first two programs I could readily think of that were in a current state of fucked with no real end in sight.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 2 hours ago, Paco said:

    Fried a chicken thigh and had some leftover mashed taters and covered it all in leftover gumbo.99078863816f3e4bfca1c4153989a420.jpg

    Some in Louisiana put potato salad in their gumbo in lieu of rice.  I think mashed potatoes would work better.  And of all the proteins I have had in gumbo over the years, I cannot recall any of them being in a fried form.  You, sir, are a gotdamn genius.  Now I want fried chicken gumbo over some mashed taters. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    I was talking with my brother today and questioned, is the level of fucked aggy is currently completely unprecedented?

    Not only is Jimbo crashing and burning in embarrassing public fashion in year 5, their insane contract makes him untouchable, the transfer portal means his past recruiting successes can be wiped out immediately, their best players are quitting midseason, legitimate NIL has all but eliminated the advantages of their bag game leaving them with an unimaginably poor recruiting class for 23, no transfer portal candidate with other options is going to be excited to jump to a program where the current roster is fleeing, and to top it all off, they've somehow managed to embarrass themselves extremely publicly week after week this season with shit like the midnight yell finally seeming to hit mainstream attention.

    It is genuinely hard to imagine another program that has been as fucked in every direction possible as aggy is right now.  I can't possibly see a way for them to pull out of this in the short term, and that includes if they actually found a way to pay Jimbo's buyout.

    They welcomed him to bcs with a red carpet and he's going to burn the entire place to the ground before he leaves.

    Miami (The U, not the one in Ohio) compares to aggy right now in terms of we-are-so-fucked right now (in my opinion). Look at where they were from the early 80s to the early 2000s...and look where they have been basically ever since they joined the ACC.

    Perhaps Nebraska is also comparable to aggy right now in the we-are-fucked-and-it-will-take-a-while-to-get-unfucked-if-it-ever-gets-unfucked department.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson, and several others that I am way to out of touch to know who they are.  Except Luis Guzman.  I have always liked that guy.

    ‘Alone At Night’: Erotic Horror Starring Ashley Benson, Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, Winnie Harlow, G-Eazy & Luis Guzmán Gets North American Deal & First Look Image


    EXCLUSIVE: Vertical Entertainment has picked up North American distribution rights to erotic horror ensemble Alone At Night (previously known as 18 & Over).

    The film follows Vicky (Ashley Benson), a young woman looking for an escape after going through a tumultuous breakup. After retreating to a friend’s remote cabin in the woods to clear her head, she continues modeling sexy lingerie for her devoted followers on 18 & Over, an adults-only, live-streaming website. But when the power goes out, Vicky discovers something terrifying awaiting her in the dark — a masked killer wielding a crowbar who’s hellbent on bringing her night to a grisly end.

    Cast comprises Benson (Pretty Little Liars), Pamela Anderson (Baywatch), Luis Guzmán (Traffic), model Winnie Harlow, musician G-Eazy, rapper A$AP Nast, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Pelas (Extraction), John Robinson (Lords of Dogtown) Cassius Corrigan (Huracán), and Sky Ferreira (Baby Driver). Social Media influencers Lindsey Pelas, Twan Kuyper, Steven Spence, Cheyrelle Fontenette, Shannon Hamilton, and Clara McGregor round out the cast.

    The film’s original score was composed by G-Eazy, marking the rapper’s first film score.

    The slasher pic is directed by Jimmy Giannopoulos and penned by Giannopoulos alongside Diomedes Raul Bermudez. The film is slated for a day-and-date release on January 20, 2023.

    The film is produced by Purpose Film’s Diomedes Raul Bermudez, Artemis Pictures’ Siena Oberman, Cassius Corrigan, and Ashley Benson. Executive-producers are Paris Kassidokostas-Latsis, Terry Dougas, Jean-Luc De Fanti, and Jamin O’Brien. Peter Buntaine is cinematographer. Finance comes from Hercules Film Fund.

    Tony Piantedosi negotiated on behalf of Vertical Entertainment and Rhea Films negotiated on behalf of the filmmakers. Below is a first look still from the project, which is now complete.


    Vertical’s SVP of Acquisitions Tony Piantedosi commented: “The words ‘fun’ and ‘terrifying’ don’t typically go together but Jimmy Giannopoulos has made a film where you run the gamut of emotions with a great horror story and unique casting choices that will thrill audiences this coming January.”

    “With Alone at Night I wanted to make the kind of movie I would have snuck into as a teen. Slasher, stoner, a sexy thriller with killer music,” said director Jimmy Giannopoulos. “Playing on the nostalgia of my favorite B-horror we truly made a terrifyingly fun film. Though the themes of isolation and obsession are as old as time, culture always breeds new ways for them to manifest. You can isolate but you can’t hide.”



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