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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 1 minute ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    What if this ties back to the NYT story this time last year that said Trump’s staff had been picked up on taps that started the whole OBAMA TAPPED ME thing.  

    I think at minimum, they've been wired since they took office. 

  2. Imagine if the feds have been keeping dibs on Trump for YEARS due to financial crimes. What if Cohen had been tapped from the very beginning of the presidential campaign. The potential of this is Off. The. Fucking. Charts. 

  3. 1 minute ago, bad motherfucker said:

    JFC!   almost everyone posting in this thread needs a fucking net thrown over them and then be placed in a straitjacket.

    That includes you now, you know that right?

  4. Seems like he is wanting to make it really clear that Cohen didn't pay off anyone on behalf of Hannity. All other data points to him are unimportant. And that could fuck Cohen/Trump over. Delicious.

  5. 1 minute ago, Pods said:

    Another long instrumental. Sean is just killing time. 

    Listening to CNN and one of the "strategists" was saying she was texting with Sean right then and there while he was on the radio. Bizarre priorities. 

  6. 1 minute ago, triplehorn said:

    Russia not pre-notified of targets, only de-confliction of airspace per Mattis and Gen. G.

    There's a real chance this attack went farther than Trump can comprehend until a pissed off Putin explains it to him.

    I get the feeling this was our military trying to make a statement to Russia and Trump as well. Letting the world know that it will still be in control even with Trump being a distraction. 

  7. I just get this shitty feeling that this is exactly what Russia wants. They're going to say we killed some of them, escalate the conflict with us, and all the while we have our President getting charged for a series of things. The West will not know how to organize as well without us having competent leadership to drive a strategy.  This will allow Russia to dictate terms far better than with someone else at the helm. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, Chooky said:

    I can't fathom the reaction from Fox News if Obama had granted a pardon to someone because "people told him the defendant was treated very, very unfairly." 

    The tiny scandals within the daily barrage of bullshit from this administration are just mosaic pieces within an avalanche of scandal that would otherwise be a nightmare for any other administration on an individual basis.  The media and the public have been conditioned to ignore the fetid mosquito pond in the corner of the yard and instead focus on the tsunami wave that's curling over the entire coastline.   

    Fox would be calling for the FBI and Delta Forces to raid the Oval Office with a kill order if a fraction of this shit storm happened under Obama. 

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