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Posts posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. 21 minutes ago, Doc Holliday said:

    I've been in varying PM roles for close to 7 years.   I have loved it and hated it.  I have stood up some amazing programs and completed many small projects too.  I've been able to touch on nearly every category of IT operations and business. 

    It can be a shitty job when you have unreasonable leadership and unreasonable clients.  At one point I was working close to 80-100 hours a week due to my day job and then having to pick up PM work since I had to fire one of my employees.

    It does pay very well once you have the experience, thick skin, and ability to communicate effectively to all parties.  Plus, you need a good team working for you.

    I'll add more later.  meeting time....



    Pretty much this. I've been in the networking and now software/IT industry. The highs and lows of this position can be more broad than other roles as you are the one throat to choke for efforts. Your executive group has a huge impact on how smooth your job is. You could be the one that they throw everything at or give you the latitude to define and implement your strategies your way and have your back in limiting scope. It does provide lots of opportunity to take on complex challenges. 

  2. Preet's latest podcast touches on the Cohen raid and reiterates the theory of the "taint team" strategy of keeping lawyer/client privileged info away from the main investigation to keep it clean. 

    Whoever came up with that, you are awarded two internet points. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, retread said:

    His love for ambiguity and lying is likely to get a lot of American killed.

    How dare you sir! "Teflon Don" has a reputation to keep and no life is worth giving that up. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    I’m pretty sure you guys know what I mean.

    Sure. But all indications are that Mueller is going to do this by the book and have everything tied up in a nice little bow. And we need that. From no leaks to the FBI conducting raids in a "very professional manner", they have no room for mistakes or else the political fall out could "taint" the results. That all takes time. But also keep in mind that this investigation is moving very quickly for something of it's scope, size, and complexity. We're talking about an investigation that includes a sitting president, foreign government(s), possibly mafia, money laundering, cyber crimes, etc etc. It's a giant tangled web that Mueller needs to lay out nicely for easy consumption so that when things do drop, a majority of the population buys it. 

    It's frustrating, but I'd rather they measure twice before they do their cuts. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Why even have the silly rep feature if people can just make four or five anonymous socks and neg rep blast longtime contributors like Smokeybear1861 into oblivion without ever having to post?



    If I remember correctly, that bear has only been around since last June and really only started posting the past couple months. 

    Not that how new you are matters, but he seems more like a sock account than anything. 

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Hank_Hill said:

    Where can I get proper bread for a Cuban in Austin?

    I would grab a batard or telera to use. I've made cuban sandwiches with both and used two skillets to press and crispin the sandwiches instead of a sandwich press. Works well. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    Trump found a way to not visit brown people by focusing on Syria. 

    Also, this lady is about to be blasted by the right for interfering in their children’s health. 



    I'm with #TeamHoneyBooBoo


  8. 12 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    You can't reply to tweet embeds without making the board unreadable. If you haven't noticed, tweets are fucking up the board at the moment, and you are the single biggest tweet embedder. You can go back to mindless re-tweeting the board with your feed once the technical difficulties get ironed out. 


  9. 18 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Why do some twitter quotes hang over the text below, but are opaque, while others completely block the message below?  I'm really starting to lose it with this shit.

    Shit's borked. 

  10. My 4 year old decided he wanted to have a couple big milestones in one weekend: first loose baby tooth and learned to ride his bike without training wheels.

    One does not correlate with the other.

    Very proud of him cause he took to riding his bike extremely quick. He's been riding with training wheels for about a year, took them off, found a nice flat section in our neighbourhood, pushed him a bit, and he went going on first try. Turned and stopped without a crash.

    Feels good man. 

    • Like 2
  11. I fully expect Putin will require Trump to suck his dick on live TV. I 90% expect Trump will do it
    In a way, Putin already has Trump fucking a pig on national television regularly a la Black Mirror.
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