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Posts posted by Welch

  1. 3 hours ago, WBT said:

    We're the 3rd best hitting team.  We've had some shitty sequencing.


    But I still I don’t get the whole “I’m not concerned about this thing (not scoring any runs) that happens multiple times every week… I’m more concerned about this other thing (pitching) that has actually been pretty consistent for the past few weeks and hopefully should get even better as everyone gets healthy.”

  2. I keep hearing people say that the Astros' bats are fine but they're worried about the pitching.  I don't get it.

    Since the last game of the series at NYY, we've played 16 games and only had two bad pitching performances: Javier's first game back from injury in Detroit and Framber's meltdown against the Angels.

    In those 16 games we've had six bad offensive performances in terms of runs: 2, 2 (in 10 innings), 3, 2, 1, and 1 (today).

    And I know sample size and everything, but even when the pitching was atrocious earlier in the season, it's not like we were scoring in bunches.  The Braves/Nats/Cubs stretch, we scored 1, 2, 4 (10 innings), 5, 4 (10 innings), 0, 2, 3, 1.

    I guess I'm spoiled.  If this is one of the best hitting teams in baseball, I'd hate to root for one of the worst.

  3. 8 hours ago, BeardIP said:

    Probably because they've been to the Eastern Conference finals something like 6 of the last 8 years?

    Says more about the routine shittiness of the Eastern Conference.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:



    Ehhhh… I think I’d tap the brakes on the “everything possible has gone wrong” talk.  Has any of our main bats even missed a game due to injury?

    I might argue that we had more stuff “go wrong” last year, with the injuries to Altuve/Alvarez/Garcia/Urquidy all within the first couple of months.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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