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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. No political points in this one. Just pointing out what should be obvious--get vaccinated even if you think your fitness levels will somehow protect you. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/04/fit-and-healthy-man-42-from-southport-who-rejected-vaccine-dies-of-covid?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  2. I don't watch the news and just saw this thread. Dammit all to hell. He was badder than Shaft, Superfly, James Bond and Kung Fu all put together...Mellow Down Easy, Dusty.
  3. I've said it before. The death of the average misled idiot with dumb social media posts does not bring me any type of schadenfreude. But the charlatans in positions of influence, well those folks deserve every ounce of their suffering and then some.
  4. I would have thought I would have stuck with what you said. But for our family, remote schooling was a pretty miserable experience. Neither my wife nor I were ever prepared to be home schooling parents, and in our situation, that's exactly what you had to be--constantly riding them to show up on time for zoom meetings. riding them for doing the work they were supposed to do. this all on screens with youtube access so constantly trying to lock that down (stupid school vpn bypassed my filters). There was trepidation when they went back in person, but those last 6 (?) weeks were so much better for our family it was amazing. Lots of tension relieved, all work done in class, e.t.c. I do know remote worked for many, but for us it was horrible. Being new to the area didn't help either, as my kids had not met anyone in person aside from neighbors. Edit: obviously not as horrible as having them come down with a potential killer virus and/or suffering "long Covid." But it still wasn't fun.
  5. I know the outcome wasn't to your preference, but wow, great seats!
  6. Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ”
  7. Mariners win 4-2. Take the series against the Rays. Early day game tomorrow.
  8. Kelenic changed his stance and is hitting better last few games. He just hit a home run.
  9. Ok this Toro kid. He is really good.
  10. "Just remember, if there's a fight, be a decent human being and film sideways. And yell "WORLDSTAR" -random redditor.
  11. Hmm. I bought a large in black. I'll see how it goes I suppose.
  12. https://www.gatapack.com/collections/masks/products/gata-mask
  13. Florida and Texas accounted for one-third of all new U.S. coronavirus cases last week, White House says full article.
  14. Best of luck, dude. This Friday will be two weeks for me since boosting the J&J with the moderna shot. And thanks to trauma babe I ordered different masks to arrive soon. Wearing my lame cloth ones in the meantime, but only indoors for groceries and very spacious gym at this point.
  15. Gerrit Cole, pitcher for NYY has Covid. The rumor/word is most of the Yankees received the J&J vaccine. No official word on if this is a breakthrough infection or not.
  16. shingles vaccine kicked my ass much more than any of the covid shots. they said that it is crazy rare for someone to have a reaction to it. oh well.
  17. Not over 80: https://www.itv.com/news/2021-08-01/hungarian-gp-lewis-hamilton-reveals-hes-suffering-symptoms-of-long-covid He got it in December, obviously prior to vaccines.
  18. I don't have the sound on. It is always interesting to me when a villain actually dresses and looks the part.
  19. HahHah. What little chance we had Dipoto went and killed.
  20. You came in whining about blaming one side for a thing for which they deserve blame. Came out guns blasting with the “idiot” call outs and how you need to dumb things down for the rest of us apparently as your genius is too much for us lower life forms. And then you try to shift the conversation from our true actual problem to a theoretical “even if we get 100%” problem. No thanks. This idiot is just smart enough to know when someone isn’t worth engaging.
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