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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. because that's exactly what the original post I wrote said. right? so many of you on this board ironically exemplify everything you (rightfully) decry about maga. Including, apparently, a real inability to read. good day.
  2. You keep doing your thing apparently. If you keep repeating falsehoods it makes thing true. Accept you were wrong. I'm done with this stupidity.
  3. wow. OK. guess I will bold it out for you: This is obviously difficult for you. That particular quote is saying that it is rich saying "nations have this right" when the US very selectively "cares" about said right. The quote never once said Biden caused those issues. The quote about Biden being a hypocrite very rightfully dealt with his utter war mongering regarding Iraq. See? Let me know if you need help dissecting other paragraphs of "misinformation." I quite obviously already am. Your lack of reading comprehension doesn't require apologies from me. But I will accept them from you if and when you have that moment of clarity.
  4. Show me the quote that said Biden did that. Maybe carefully re-read a sentence or two before going off on your high horse. Edit: While I'm at it, why are you digging up your misinterpretation of what I posted in August of 2023? Could you not have gone off in the wrong direction, oh I dunno, maybe within 3 to 4 months of me posting it? Or are you incapable of reading dates as well?
  5. at minimum, he needs to at least not continually do shit like this: https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/politics/biden-administration-f15-fighter-jets-israel
  6. this doesn't make sense to you i guess: Then there is this, which I think only 3 of us on this board disagree with: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-has-signed-off-more-bombs-warplanes-israel-washington-post-reports-2024-03-29/ Take care.
  7. Also, for whoever needs it: https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome?tab=readme-ov-file
  8. 'We are essentially in a new Gilded Age’: As workers get laid off, CEOs and shareholders gobble up hundreds of billions in profits https://fortune.com/2024/03/18/gilded-age-layoffs-ceos-shareholders-corporate-profits-inequality/
  9. Sorry about the injury. Heal up. I can't skate outside right now and haven't been snowboarding enough this season. Ah well, supposedly Spring is around the corner.
  10. They just released a studio video of the same tune. I didn't realize that Coady WIllis of Big Business/Melvins had joined the band. That's exciting. Big Business at Hotel Vegas back in 2019(?) or so was one of my favorite gigs in some time.
  11. yep. have copilot at work. i still often find the chatgpt engagement a bit better edit: for random tasks. for sure copilot when i have code in flight is quite a bit more direct. however i enjoy sometimes 'engaging' with chatgpt for more of the 'why.'
  12. I agree with that of course. But the topic also easily crosses into the 'enshittification' topic. The article mentions the amounts of AI generated crap that is just going to clog up the internet: I quote that as someone who uses ChatGPT from time to time. Mainly to help format code or find an answer that I don't have to read through various Stack Oveflow answers on now. It also handily comes w/o the derision and arguing that can be present on Stack Overflow. Doesn't always get things right, but it is usually close. I also know when I do this I'm helping to train it. Ah well. But yeah, I think there is going to be more and more trust issues with electronic data of any type. Not sure what the answers will be.
  13. Also, very unrelated subject but I saw a YouTuber posit that the message from Elon and Twitter is that you can fire 75% of your staff and still run your company. Sadly, I think that is definitely the message tech CEO's took from it, regardless of the quality ( or lack) on the platform itself.
  14. Fair points, and I think this point in particular is true. I guess I'm more interested in potential side effects of this suit, but even then that's pure speculation. Intersting HN discussion the suit: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39559966
  15. https://www.theintrinsicperspective.com/p/here-lies-the-internet-murdered-by "Here lies the internet, murdered by generative AI" Title just a bit dramatic but interesting points. Edit: and the last paragraph is a bit much. I guess the overall concept of the flood of AI generated content being something the world isn't quite ready to parse is what intrigued me.
  16. Thanks, I had not dug into deep. Guess I was more into the idea of non-profits and tax breaks and knee jerked a bit. The non-profit issue apparently is why he went the contractual route: But as you noted: And again, as you note, the whole thing probably isn't going to work out for Musk. This all from an NYT summary. And I know I make an assumption that I can trust that summary or even fully understand it all. As a side note, your archive link didn't load for me. But truthfully I'm not going to read a 35 page document. I have no sympathies or rooting interests for any billionaires. But from the same NYT summary this was more what piqued my interest:
  17. I don't know about the demands, but in this particular instance, Musk may have a salient point. It would seem having startups begin as non-profits for tax purposes and then "re-launch" as a profit seeking venture seems wrong. Not sure what can be done, but yeah.
  18. Yeah I on purpose didn't post the video b/c the visuals imo distract from the music.
  19. Blessings to you Matt Pike. That is the stuff, always. Apple Music Link: https://music.apple.com/us/album/burning-down/1729249506?i=1729249853
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