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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. 956 is on my ignore list. It would not matter what source I shared with that douchebag warmongering shitheel who loves zionist takes.
  2. Learning about US aided genocide can be troubling. But like all of us here actually, we can't make much impact. As there is complete bi-partisan agreement (re: the masters want it). edit: last few minutes of this one are a bit to polly-ana-ish for me. Money and might rule all. The lack of true power and impact we all have in this duopoly can be frustrating for sure. Perhaps contributing to humanitarian causes is the way to go. I give to this one: https://www.anera.org/
  3. Congrats @shadow_operative2.0 on the world series win. Enjoy!
  4. https://news.yahoo.com/gaza-internet-cell-cut-off-203531860.html
  5. Israel’s UN envoy slams General Assembly resolution Gilad Erdan says “this is a dark day for the UN and for mankind” after the UNGA passed the resolution, which urged a humanitarian truce in Gaza. The Israeli ambassador promised that Israel would use “every means” in fighting Hamas. “Today is a day that will go down as infamy. We have all witnessed that the UN no longer holds even one ounce of legitimacy or relevance,” Erdan said.
  6. Genocide Is Underway in Gaza. US Leaders Can No Longer Say “We Didn’t Know.” https://truthout.org/articles/genocide-is-underway-in-gaza-us-leaders-can-no-longer-say-we-didnt-know/
  7. It has been interesting to see that the DT denizens are pretty comfortable in this thread. Seems the CR and the DT majorities aren't overall all that different when it comes down to matters like this.
  8. Good ol Onion: https://www.theonion.com/most-common-sti-in-every-state-1850937846
  9. What's your take on the allgedly* fabricated Hamas conversation? There's enough to cast doubt. There's also the head of the hospital stating Israel warned them to evacuate. None of this proves anything of course. But there's doubt.
  10. I'll kind of do the same with your rant. But I won't falsely imply bigotry. Well, not yet. Edit: That's kind of it in a nutshell, isn't it? You don't care because it is easier to "both sides" this thing. I'll lump you in wit h Brisket and 956 and move on. Lolz at an apartheid state committing genocide being little offenses though.
  11. fast forward to 5 minutes in.
  12. https://www.artists4ceasefire.org/
  13. i do hope you listened to the entire thing. it is possible to be anti-zionist/against the Israeli Apartheid State, and not be a bigot. Many Jews hold the same beliefs.
  14. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67165505
  15. https://old.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/178t46j/god_bless_this_man/
  16. https://old.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17c9igd/israel_has_a_right_to_defend_itself_by/
  17. He answered me last night. Why are you digging it back up? And I did stop. Up until you quoted me I have not been in this thread today. Don't quote me again and I'll be sure to stop. I'm out.
  18. what other threads do you post in? you sure became active in this one, and I've never seen this handle before.
  19. Sorry troph, meant on the larger scale, not the hospital thing. The bigger picture of colonialism, occupation, apartheid, e.t.c. Start with Amnesty International
  20. I agree with the assessment in the first paragraph. But yes, you don't back up a statement about lack of crediblity with a rumor that has no proof.
  21. This entire thing is full of shit and straw men.. Like a thousand percent brisket nuttiness on display. I quite literally don't have the time or desire to answer it all. Good day.
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