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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. Counter point: Takes a lot of power to run a local AI lawyering bot. CrapshootGPT requires some heavy processing power.
  2. My Father is most likely going out the same way. Luckily he only affects a small company in a small town, and I'm pretty sure he's been relegated to a busy work type position. Edit: come to think of it, I'm probably never retiring either. But I'm aiming for friendly barista and/or liftie on the mountain.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/28/nyregion/trump-fraud-judge-appeal.html Edit: Also, in honor of this page number, a small break for a great tune:
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong military folks, but isn't he technically the highest ranking Military officer? Someone that high up in the military wants to protect himself from the minions of an ex-President. And is probably correct in feeling that way. Astounding.
  5. glad the bump wasn't what I feared, yet. Read this one the other day. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/21/us/politics/jimmy-carter-hospice.html?searchResultPosition=1
  6. i normally don't even watch these clips but thanks for this one. that lady at the end was awesome. her 'oh no you were in a car they were hurting you so bad' bit had me laughing. good for her. Republicans being scared of cool places seems like a win/win honestly.
  7. a bit more fun from NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/26/nyregion/trump-james-fraud-trial.html
  8. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-letitia-james-fraud-lawsuit-1569245a9284427117b8d3ba5da74249
  9. Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape? (sorry, finally someone started one of these about one of my faves)
  10. So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.
  11. There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
  12. Yeah, but they're trying already to cast it in a different light of course. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/19/us/politics/pentagon-gop-bill.html
  13. Normally I would say this come back is overplayed. But in this instance it really feels appropriate for anyone obsessing on this stuff.
  14. In fairness to Skipper, he was answering me and I was derailing. That broad swaths of this country have been persuaded that such things that he listed are 'extreme' is truly one of the major issues facing this country. Not saying Skipper is the issue. There are unfortunately tons who feel the same way. Unlimited Pentagon budgets aren't extreme. Proliferation of billionaires while the income gaps increase broadly not extreme. Climate change not extreme. Crap, I'm derailing again, sorry. To get back to Biden--I do think his age is a concern. Not a 'oh my, I don't want to vote for him' because the alternative is flat out nazism. But as McConnell has shown, you can be fine one day (totally evil but obviously quite cogent) and then drop off the next. To me, that's concerning. Not concerning enough to give the Executive Branch over to the loony bin, but still troubling to me. Barring an Eagleton moment VP choices don't matter in elections. Well, maybe Palin damaged McCain but Obama was going to win that one either way imo.
  15. No reason to be a dick. I took issue with your characterization of 'extreme.' I would again ask which of her ideas are extreme, but it should be another thread really. Ah, well there you have it. Perhaps you do view anything remotely progressive as 'extreme.' Has Biden enacted 'extreme' policies in your view?
  16. 53 and between Austin and now Bend I can't remember the last time I needed a sport jacket. Yay, I"M STILL YOUNG THEN! WOOOO
  17. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/20995-let’s-reach-around-the-aisle-attractive-elected-officials/?do=findComment&comment=5522165
  18. I always have very mixed feelings reading the threads on Texas politics (and the blast furnace thread). Surly is one of the main ways I 'keep in touch' with it all. On the one hand there is the relief and the reinforcement of 'man did we do the right thing getting out,' even if my primary reason was beautiful nature and a better climate for me, not necessarily politics at the time. On the other hand I still have so many friends and family back in Texas. Some of whom really and truly want to get out but can't find a way to afford that move either finanically or emotionally. Others who want to fight the good fight, damn the odds. And while I don't know most Surly folks in person, I have been entertained and educated by so many that I root for them to continue to have the best they can in life. So that other side of the relief for me getting out is just pure sadness for those who are left. Sadness and anger that this system and the assholes who wield it are beating those folks down.
  19. Attacks LGBTQ “for the children” while letting her tits hang out and gives her date a handjob with kids all around her. But the gays!!!
  20. lulz at 'extreme progressive.' like really. just goes to show what i've said in another thread. i don't want to really get into it and derail here, but maybe it's worth doing some self-refelction and historical study on why you think that's the case. but yeah, changing up the ticket would be seen as a sign of weakness and indeciveness, sure.
  21. Yeah, I was conflating some things there, but admittedly badly made point is that there is no real threat anywhere of some kind of leftist dictatorship in this country. Not only that, but we've so skewed the ideas of left and right over these past 20 years that even things that seem relatively common sense are only opposed due to the corporate brainwashing from our real overlords. Anything deemed remotely progressive has to be 'kept in check' and it seems we're pretty good at doing that.
  22. It would really suck to be under a leftist cult of universal health care, women's rights, proper taxation on billionaires, and moves to reduce man's impact on climate change. Then again, free college is also probably a looney left idea. I keep waiting for one of those 'crazy leftist' ideas that actually makes me say 'nope, sounds bad.'
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