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Posts posted by VinyVango

  1. Looks like Citadel has one player, a freshman, taller than 6'7".   If Sims and DO don't play aggressive and use their size advantages right off the bat, I'd like to see them heading to the bench for Hayes and Hepa.  Aggression coupled with recognition of where the advantage lies needs to be the focus.

    An emphasis needs to be placed on kicking the ball inside and getting it to the screener on the roll, even if it results in the defense collapsing and a quick pass back outside.  This is a game where the teams needs to show ability to quickly recognize the defense being played against them and utilize the advantages that are available.  That won't happen if we play a sedentary 4 out offense just flipping the ball around the perimeter looking for a 3 point shot.

    I suspect Citadel will run it's crazy pace offense.  More transition opportunities than usual should be available this game.  We have a pretty athletic team (aside from DO).  Anything less that a 18+ point win at home against the Citadel would be a disappointment. 

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  2. Ramey and Hayes are showing they deserve more playing time.   Roach and DO need are looking like hot and cold freshmen.  Sims and Coleman are concerning.  They were two bright spots coming into the year and are currently shitting the bed.  The latter four need to watch their freshman counterparts to see how to play with poise, energy and attitude.  I wish Roach played more with Ramey's iq and poise.

    I like Long's pace and confidence.  He needs more work, but is a good 6/7th man.

    I agree with the comments about Hepa needing to add a drive after his pump fake to his mental flowchart.  That needs to be coached up to try more things ASAP before the schedule strength prohibits experimentation.

    We have several guys that can drive the lane and some bigs that roll to the paint ready for the ball after setting decent screens.  We need to focus more on driving in (even if it's simply to dish back out for the 3) rather than the 4 or 5 out offense whipping it around the perimeter with no threat to the paint.  I hate seeing Hayes (and sometime Sims) rolling hard, wide open to the basket when they set a good screen without getting a look from the guard.   We already know Hayes has good hands and can go pretty damn high to get the ball. 

    I am optimistic with what I see in Ramey, Hayes, and Hepa and to a lesser extent Long.  I am fearful that our experienced (multi-years in the "system") guys still seem lost and nervy.  I think Coleman is the key.  If he plays like he has the past 2 games, it'll be another stressful season battling just to sniff the NCAA tournament.  There have been hints of "hell yeah!" in the past 2 games but way too many more "what the fuck?" moments.

    A lot of our players seem like they are thinking, analyzing and reacting at walk-thru practice speed rather than live game against adversary that wants to beat your ass speed.

  3. 3 hours ago, txhorns said:

    Sims and Hayes do not need to be on the floor together.  They are far too similar skillsets and would just clog up the lane.

    I'm thinking more for defense and rebounding when we play a team with a larger front line.   Against some teams it simply wouldn't work.  There is also the big risk of getting both of our Center options in foul trouble.  But, both could use as many minutes as possible.

  4. In some of these early overmatched games, I'd like to see Ramey, Hepa, and Hays start over Febres, DO, and Sims. 

    Roach absolutely has talent, but I don't like him with the ball.  There were too many sets last week where Coleman, Ramey, and Long were running around off ball with Roach mindlessly dribbling out valuable minutes.  There are times when his iso is useful, but I shouldn't be our base offense.  DO's head is not in the game currently and Sims looks a bit shell-shocked by the spotlight.  Having them come off the bench, even if it's after just a few minutes might be beneficial for them. 

    Coleman seems to be forcing things, but he's good with and needs the ball to press the pace.  He's a non factor running around as the off guard on offense.

    Our best lineup might actually be Sims and Hays with 3 guards. 

    I'd like to see the loyalty to a flat, slow, and passive DO go by the wayside to get Hepa, Hamm, and sometimes Hayes some playing time at the PF.  Bring DO off the bench and maybe he gets a little fire in his belly.  He might end up being a spark, light the later career Boddicker.  


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  5. I like our depth overall, moreso if Hamm shows he can play some effective minutes.  It seems like we have a lot of interchangeable players at all positions.  The SF position was a question mark and concern for me, but it looks like we will (and should) play a lot with 3 guards on the floor.  

    Still waiting to see what version or Roach hits the floor to start the season, but if he is used correctly as a driving 2 guard and minimize his trying to run the offense at point I am cautiously optimistic. There will certainly be a couple turd games unless DO, Roach, and Coleman can show the propensity to hit open shots, draw fouls, and hit free throws when the younger guys are going through rough spells. 

    I don't think this team (unlike last year) needs to rely on DO or Jones jacking up a ton of shots, or Roach waving everyone out of the paint for the last 5 minutes of the game so he can dribble for 20 seconds and iso into the paint hoping for the and-one.  I hope Shaka doesn't force them into "you need to be the hero" roles and playing them an excessive amount of time at the expense of getting the younger guys good experience.  For the initial games this season, I think he is well served to play lots of guys to determine their ideal roles, see which teammates complement each other best on the court, and see which ones have the best bball IQ, chemistry, and poise when things get intense.


  6. Ramey and Hepa seem to have great energy and bball IQ.   Hayes brings great aggressiveness and athleticism and played a lot better than Sims last night.  I liked Long on offense.  He had some bad moments on defense.  No dis to Jones, but he just doesn't seem quite ready yet for live action. 

    DO seemed hesitant to take the outside shot when he was wide open.  Sims had opening night brain freeze for most of the game.   The both seemed to be overthinking things.

    All in all, the depth at PG and guard in general is awesome, so much so that we can certainly play with 3 guards a lot and even 4 at times. 

    I liked the unselfishness and avoidance of the dribble the clock out offense and hope Roach doesn't screw that up when he suits up. 

  7. I'm not sure of the specific set-up, but I can see how it would difficult for the field level coaches to see that a spot was off by 2 yards.  With $10k lockers for each player, I would think coach up in the pressbox would have access to a few screens with replays and scream at Hermann on the headset to challenge the spot or slow the quick pace or call a timeout.

    Regardless, there is way too much arbitrary in how and when the refs decide to review a play and how they apply the indisputable standard.  Getting the ball spot right (absent a pile at the goal line) should be one of the easier things to get right.

    very frustrating … this one is up there from a ref standpoint with the OSU game where the ref confronted / bumped / baited Strong and penalized him for reacting. 

  8. 1 hour ago, MissingInAction said:

    I am through the first part and up the point where we have set up camp. There better be a fast travel option soon or I am going to go insane from all the riding around for 20 minutes at a time. Aint nobody got time for that.

    The fast travel "to" destinations you have discovered should be available at the ledger in your camp soon for under $300... The fast travel "from" will require stage coach hiring.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    i've been posting here for years about how it's especially important for big men to stagger their stance when shooting FTs. somebody finally got the message to DAJ:



    the horns need to consult with whoever turned DeAndre to the stance change suggestion.

  10. One of our issues with offense last year (there were many) was the lack of speed / aggressiveness by the pick man in setting the pick and rolling to the basket … also the guy with the ball often didn't seem to cut hard or fast enough when screens were set.  Our screens were easy to see coming from a distance and easy to defend without any the need for a 3rd defender to cheat over to help.  

    The screening game plan looks reasonable and can work, but the fundamentals of the pick and roll need to be ratcheted up to real game speed and effort.  (It reminds me a bit of how slow our QB option was running in the first few football games this year and how that made it easy for opposing defenses to shut us down.)

  11. 19 hours ago, Reagan1k said:

    Sort of a CSB, but it struck me as odd....

    flew to San Antonio this week for a meeting to sign a new deal.  Ended up deciding to eat dinner with my vendor at Signature in La Cantera.  

    Couple of their team wanted to order a featured cocktail that was spicy and had a jalapeño component.... waiter tells them they can’t make it as shown on the menu because the restaurant has no jalapeños.

    Vendor is from Minnesota so they kind of brushed it off but I was dumbfounded. 

    How in the hell does a San Antonio restaurant with something like that on the menu not have any peppers? You could swing a dead cat from there and hit 3 HEB’s.

    Pointless post is pointless other than I can’t fathom how they couldn’t figure out to give some bus boy a $10 and send him down the hill to HEB and grab some. 

    Signature was otherwise great and the service impeccable- other than their pantry management.  

    reminds me of the recent story of Reykjavik running out of booze!

  12. Wheeler and Locke were really bad, and have been subpar all year.  If they have to make any decision (which is a given in college football) they take themselves completely out of play.   Hager was his usual, head-down, red-dog.  There are many times when he (unlike 45 and 11) needs to pause to see who has the ball and what the hell is happening.  I am not a big fan of the 3-2-6... It's like a 2.5-1-5 with Hager, Wheeler, and Locke when the other team does a QB option run or play-action pass.

  13. I was taking some injured passerby to the doctor's office in St. Denis … had a legendary elk hide and several other skins to sell... turned a corner with a clunky animation, clipped a post... we all went down... the hurt guy died and I got an instant murder charge with cops lighting me up... horse died and lost all my hides/skins... I still love this game... the drunken night out with Lenny was good shit!

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