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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ellellelle

  1. Mike perrira or whatever the fuck his name is never disagrees with the refs. Dude is not worth a shit.
  2. These announcers are just awful.
  3. Those birds were such assholes. I really hated eating outside because you had to protect your food from those bold, theiving grackles. They had no shame and little fear.
  4. I've mentioned it before on old surly, but he kind of creeped me out. I hated going through his line, to the point that sometimes I'd change my mind about eating there. But he was also just so interesting. He really fit that weird Austin thing.
  5. You asked a question that probably nobody can answer except for people who hired a hitman and got away with it. I know we've got our share of degenerates but...
  6. If it was successfully done, we'd probably never know it was a hired hit.
  7. Maybe schools can implement something like what universities have. Mass texts, emails and messages on all desk phones. Give power to teachers and administrators by letting them be able to send out a mass text which puts the school on lockdown.
  8. I think he meant that it is literally an ag school and thus not like UT.
  9. The DVR has a long way to go. Each update is a total gamble on if it will break it more than it already is or actually improve it. Roku is just finally catching up to apple tv too; it just got DVR a few weeks ago. It's also not that feature rich, and auto deletes recordings after so many days/weeks. I haven't been that happy with it TBH.
  10. I think this may have fixed the problem for me.
  11. Premium version has no ads.
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