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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thebatt.com/news/clubs-cannons-and-football/article_aa6a43dc-a0ab-11e6-8658-b72a7dd99771.amp.html 1926 was apparently when the baylor event occurred. One Aggie cadet was apparently killed in the brawl.
  2. I remember them going after the MOB against Rice after they inflated a giant Dildo in the stands and stroked it in time with the Aggie band directors baton while the band played the war hymn. This was the same game where I believe they goose stepped out unto the field and played march of the wooden soldiers, they also dressed up like yell leaders and followed a dog around with pooper scoopers. The mob had to be taken out of their own stadium in food service trucks. I remember that near riot and I don't think the MOB was allowed to travel to Kyle after that.
  3. Thats cool I have been trashing my 10 year old daughter and 5 year old son on Mario Strikers.
  4. I seem to recall a lot more focus on calling evan a mercenary/idiot/a&m threw 750k at him.....in fact I don't recall this mature response to Evan's decision at all?
  5. Those are always good reads. Especially when they used to be paired with a play by play about how bad aggies were treated at an away game by the opposing fan base and how people apologized to them and wished their fans could be as nice and welcoming as aggie fans..... though I don't think we get those near as often since they have become one of the boys in the SEC and everybody loves and supports each other.
  6. They also think that simply by being a year older the defense that got gouged by App State is suddenly going to be Georgia....
  7. Not really. Baylor had affidavits and evidence from people going all the way back to Stephenville showing this was a pattern of Briles programs. Briles settled with the school trying to do damage control thinking he could move on and save his career. There were people at Stephenville when Briles was there that let their sons play football for him, but their daughters attended a different district for a reason. That's why Briles lawyer in 24 hours went from we have no interest in settling on any terms to we are moving on in the interest of putting this all behind us.
  8. And shockingly it doesn't appear to have gotten past the censors on texags. Can't find the good morning Vietnam gif
  9. So it's like 80% of the Austin/Pflugerville/Roundrock/Manor metro area these days? Or did Austin finally engulf Taylor? Man I loved growing up in Central Texas but I am ridiculously glad to be clear if the giant urban sprawl it is slowly being turned into.
  10. Nah I'll go with the guy living with his mom that is still stuck in the 80s that goes to high school parties and beats up little kids.
  11. He is phenomenally entertaining. Couldn't find any Stingray Gifs from Cobra Kai though.....which is probably the character most posters on Surly would find most relateable.
  12. "Wracks brain trying to recall which recruiting thread is so off tangent it is now called the gardening thread"
  13. I see Pittman is subscribed to the Brian Kelly school of relating to kids...
  14. Sonny Dykes by all accounts is a likeable to decent human being. His father was an all time great human being. Kirby Smart is what happens when Nick Saban removes all of his humanity, takes a shit and puts it in a brown paper sack. TCU fan already has scoreboard on us and made the playoff before we did, and has been more successful then we have for the last decade.....in addition, Georgia is a much bigger problem for us recruiting now and moving forward than TCU. Go frogs.
  15. I'd personally be more worried about a coach pulling my kid out of concussion protocol then I would calling a player on another team a mean word.
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