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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. WV didn't get the memo about going for it on 4th down against us....
  2. F that. They can't get rid of him anyway.
  3. It's a cop out for we keep screwing up the hire.
  4. In all honesty I don't know if this is the game recap or Sarks coaching tenure....
  5. Trying to make the dumbass scheme work....
  6. Plus not punishing McGuire for going full regard and going for it from hus own 40 on 4th and 5 was criminal.
  7. Dude fuck you on this. Card played more than well enough to win. Tech had like 100 offensive plays and Card still put up 31 points with a nonexistent running game. Card wasn't the problem against this Tech team and he doesn'tdeserve that. We just keep making halfway functional QBs look like VY every week.
  8. Who gives a shit. Seriously. I could care less about that fucking game. We have enough problems of our own. Getting off because another team is losing is the very definition of being an aggie. Next your gonna start doing an upside down gigem.... As for Ewers coming back.... it doesn't fill me with pride to need a crazy good QB for our offense and defense to play like they give a darn against piece of crap opponents....like Tech.
  9. Pk needs to go. Our run defense is at least decent. I am tired of watching dbs tackle the receiver after he catches the ball.....
  10. Thats ok, their program is so great that in year 6 of Jimbo they will just be hoping to contend......
  11. I love me some CTJ.....but in terms of optimist, realist, pessimist... He's right here and Syndey is
  12. He got pissy about Yurcich looking at other QBs. Ewers was the excuse he used to decommit. I have someone we do business with on the ranching side that claims to be plugged in with Bama that says Milroe will never see the field at QB. Take that for what it's worth. Jack squat.
  13. "What that also means is that the big money outside of CFC, so far, is on the sidelines and doesn't want to participate because they haven't gotten a legitimate firm nudge from the AD. CDC is talking a good game, but if he really wanted NIL funded, endowed, and supported, the big money wouldn't be completely reluctant to even talk. " That was CTJ on monday. I appreciate his contributions and I am not taking a shot at him. Lord knows Shaggy causes his own problems, but I just wanted you to know literally where Shaggy was coming from with that information.
  14. Just for clarity Shaggy wasn't who put out the idea that the Athletic dept and CDC weren't supporting NIL. That came from CTJ. Shaggy was just going with it.
  15. Wanted to show Sark what happens when he get's mouthy about what questions they ask.....tough guys....
  16. 1. Tech's defense was supposed to be better last year and we destroyed them. 2. My Tech friends are already asking when basketball season starts. 3. Texas won't sleep walk against Tech. 4. I expect Card to play much better this week. He was hobbling the whole game and was short stepping his throws. He's not Ewers by any means, but he is more capable than he showed against UTSA last week.
  17. Not horrible logic......but lets see how it plays when we change the perspective: If Harris hadn't been Houdini in the pocket this game would have been over at the half. If the refs hadn't called a garbage PI UTSA would have maybe gotten a field goal. If it hadn't been a game we were expected to easily win the players would have been more up for it and UTSA might have never scored a TD period. If if if if if........
  18. I could be wrong here, but I see a whole lot of Green on the Texas side and a whole lot of Red on the UTSA side....plus the guy who posted it calls it solid execution.....Won on the margins with a couple of big plays was us getting beat with like 4 blocked punt returns for touchdowns 20 odd years ago....Not almost doubling their yards per play, causing 6.5 "havoc" plays, I don't even know what "middle 8" refers to but we destroyed them on that so I'll go with it. So in other words:
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