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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. I mean DKR did it to Navy in the 63 Cotton Bowl and didn't even bother denying it.
  2. It looked like to me at least, Card wasn't stepping into his throes yesterday. That may have been his ankle I don't know, but it sure seemed like he was short stepping a bubch?
  3. I don't know, Traylor was obviously trying to make the score look better. All his other starters were still in....
  4. They came out fired up while we slept through the 1st quarter. We then proceeded to roundly kick their ass. Traylor scripted game plan worked, but he made no adjustments and got the ball shoved down his throat. He had the ream ready to play, but to say he out coached Sark is hyperbole.
  5. The defense gave up 3 points in the after they got up 17-3. The 41-20 score looks closer than it was. We kicked their ass the entire 2nd half. Bijan's 2 TD runs he was basically untouched. There was nothing superhuman about either, other than his speed. He hit a huge hole, and cut it back on the 1st one. We had backups in on defense in the 4th. Traylor had them ready to go, but we held them 18 points below their scoring average. This was a workmanlike win, not some herculean comeback effort.
  6. That was a load of crap.....if that is how they call it....you basically can't sack the qb anymore....
  7. Traylor saying he had nothing to do with the video?
  8. 1. Offense did what it had to do. 2. Defense pulled its head out if it's ass after letting them get the 17 early. 3. The targeting call on Overshown was total crap. 4. Whatever adjustments we made on defense at the half worked. 5. Depth is a beautiful thing 6. Decent workmanlike effort against a team we were superior to. Held them to a season low in points. 7. Team showed good hear and leadership not panicking early. 8. These games happen. We responded correctly. 9. Jeff Traylor looks alot like Herman on the sideline. I believe it was James Street who said. " Teams would start a game feeling like they could play with us. You could see it as the game wore on, it went from they aren't so tough, to this is OK, to oh crap here they come."
  9. Offense has been relatively fine against a jacked up UTSA. The run defense is doing its job....the pass defense is frustrating.
  10. Somebody want to let this Ag know you have to actually win before you can "Just keep winning"
  11. Oh sorry I thought you were asking what would if look like for Aggies.....
  12. That is the opinion of some yes. Now, as a coach at a competing school in the same state(technically competing against UT), that fact doesn't actually bother me that much, what's bad for UT could be good for SMU, and the whole world knows Traylor hates Herman so..... I just pointed it out as a tie to FCB.
  13. Seriously, did I ever claim anything good about Herman or his staff? If your going to cite win percentage as a determinant factor at small schools in recruiting hotbeds, then I will refer you to Tom Herman's 85% win percentage at UH. Traylor is a fantastic recruiter, but he isn't the 2nd coming of DKR or Bear Bryant or whomever people make him out to be. And yes, it was obvious as could be when Traylor left who he was feeding info to because they all of a sudden fell off the face of the earth on coverage. Traylor was rumored to be FCB's primary source for info when he was on the staff. FCB's coverage and inside information dropped to zilch after Traylor was let go and FCB was one of the biggest drum beaters for how big of a mistake that was. In addition, FCB still goes out of his way to be exuberant in any praise he can possibly throw Traylor's way. Lets look at some evidence: Who broke the news that Traylor was being hired.....FCB Who broke the news that Traylor got a pay raise.....FCB Who broke the news that Fenves, Perrin, Strong, and UT run-game coordinator Jeff Traylor(shocking) flew to Tulsa to hire Gilbert--FCB Who broke the news that Traylor wasn't retained---FCB Who just had a preview of the game with the opposing coach--FCB I am not an insider, but I do know people who know things. The commonly held belief among them is that Traylor was one of the sources for the Bonito hit piece from FCB. "The myth of Traylor" comment has nothing to do with what he did at Gilmer, but it is entirely based on the idiot belief that that somehow makes him this fantastical coach at UTSA that Texas should be terrified of. UTSA isn't disciplined on offense, defense, or special teams. They don't execute particularly well, and talent wise they are good for their level, but there isn't anyone on their roster that we are watching in the transfer portal. He has the most talented team in Conference USA and that is how he did so well last year until they got beat by SDSU, a game they were supposed to win. He tried to out-athlete a bad UH team and lost, and managed to out-athlete a pathetically bad Army team. Traylor is a good recruiter(some would argue that was why he was so good at Gilmer.....but that's another conversation) and a good motivator, but he isn't some giant killer coach, and he for dang sure was FCB's source among others.
  14. He was a mole for 9.95ers like crazy. It was part of the reason Herman didn't keep him. The myth of Traylor is heavily dependent on 9.95 loyalty.
  15. irrespective of what kind of a team Bama has, you can conclude on the basic fact that it didn't resemble any of the games last year with the defense in the backfield at the snap of the ball or our defense not knowing how to do basically anything as a sign of improvement. So I think we beat an appex Bama? No....but even so our boys were vastly superior to anything that took the field last year.
  16. The problem against army wasn't that they got lost in traffic....most of the big plays were straight go routes, flags, or posts. The problem for UTSA is their secondary is slow. They are big...but they are slow. Isaiah Alston is Army's go to deep threat and he is big and slow(entered transfer portal last January and had no takers)....and still burns UTSA repeatedly on straight routes. Army's running backs abused UTSA linebackers on basic wheel routes coming out of the back field. Also, UTSA didn't load up the box all game long against army, they ran a lot of 4-3 and even nickel. If they give Texas the 12 yard cushion they gave army it will get ugly......and Texas actually has speed. Army's light oline routinely moved the UTSA defensive line backwards, not talking misdirection, just flat out 1st and goal from the 3 and the dline for UTSA ended up 3 yards deep in the endzone. UTSA has a safety who is a good tackler, the rest like to dive and arm tackle. Could we blow it against UTSA....sure....I mean we lost to Rice......but....I just can't see it. Our Oline should maul them. Whomever we line up at running back should have room to run. Army consistently got pressure with a 3 man rush.....I mean I just don't see the trap game. Sure we feel good about ourselves, but we didn't win and we won't have our starting QB....there's lot of reasons the players won't coast this week. As for who is playing QB....Texas doesn't need their QB to win this game, they need them manage the offense. I know I know...last year, kansas, 7 game losing streak, whatever whatever whatever......Last year we had the equivalent of wet toilet paper for an oline and our defense was trash, whether they are as good as they looked or not against Bama, the oline is light years ahead of last year both in regards to talent and execution. It's amazing what giving a coach a real offseason to coach an oline can accomplish. Same with the defense. We may very well not look quite as great against UTSA, but we will still look far better than last year. We should be 4-1 going into Dallas. We shall see if that happens.
  17. Army just had a QB throw for 300 yards for the 1st time in 15 years against UTSA......Card or Wright will do fine.
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