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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOKEM4

  1. 48 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    What's the debate?  Seems like a no brainer to me, what's the downside in this?

    My neighbor owns the house next door and lives across the street, he has started renting his second home out as a STR after having issues finding a long term renter. I can tell you the downside of it first hand. It fucking sucks. Living near the lake, we have a new crew of people partying every weekend. So far out of the 10 or so weekends since he started this, we have had one weekend with quiet renters. Just this last weekend we had a group of chad bros partying till 4 am outside keeping everyone up. Despite me asking them several times to please keep it to a dull roar so my kids could sleep. I ain't no snitch and don't want my dog shot so I didn't call the cops, but I was very close. It is out of control. Fuck STR. Thankfully it looks like the neighbor is going to sell his house across the street and move back next door later this year when his last kid is out of the house.

    Edit: The wife and I even talked about renting it out long term just to get peace and quiet back.

  2. On 4/17/2018 at 11:02 PM, Spankytoes said:

    What about all the Preschool/Kindergarden/5th Grade/etc. “graduations”. Holy shit, stick to high school and college. That’s all we used to need. 

    My wife wants me to take off work so I can go to my sons kindergarten "graduation." Kindergarten. Graduation. What kind of backwards ass world do we live in where this is even a thing? It is glorified daycare. The only way you dont graduate is if your parents dont take you there and drop you off. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

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  3. 14 hours ago, KaiserSoze said:

    For what it's worth, knoxtnhorn and his brother are a fucking abomination when it comes down to the fact that they're educators. If I'm a representative of the University of Texas during the time they were awarded degrees I should be fucking fired. Neither of them can spell or complete a sentence worth a shit past a 5th-grade education. It's god damn embarrassing.



    Chill, knoxtnhorn isn't the only dude fucking your wife. No need to send all the rage his way. Spread it out.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  4. We put out some sort of granule that smells like cloves all around our barn and trailers. Anyone else used it before? It allegedly keeps snakes away. Time will tell if it is effective but I ran into the neighbor while driving fence lines and he swore by it. We are in a heavy snek area.

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