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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOKEM4

  1. Thinking of doing a full bathroom renovation. Looks like if I do it myself I can do it for close to 1/2 what I have gotten from estimates. The wife isn't excited about that prospect as it took me close to a year to do the addition I did on the back of our house. I think if I put my head down and focus on it, I could have it done in a month. Master bath, replace floors, new counters, new/larger walk in shower, refinish claw foot tub. Probably redo some of the electrical to replace/add lights. I have been busy at work and ranch but it is about time to get this damned thing fixed up.

  2. Very true. We do most of the work ourselves but I dont have the time to do a full bottom job at this point in my life. Thankfully that isn't needed very often since I trailer store my boat. I got rid of my old J-24 last year because it needed a massive amount of work and I couldn't bring myself to put that kinda of jack into it.

    Well, I found out my brother is wanting to get rid of his so I am the new owner of another GD 24. It is an 05ish Italian made jobby. Complete rocketship as that boat goes. My brother would argue it is the fastest one on the planet due to the massive amount of work that went into making every aspect from keel to mast fly perfect. Now I guess I have to get the band back together and start training for our inglorious return.

  3. 43 minutes ago, G650 said:

    The Goodyear I lost was an MT/R that just cut  loose on it's own. I guess a belt broke in it, and the tire just shredded itself. The rim was a Bridgestone Dueler run flat that literally was one fucking day old. It didn't even puncture the tire, but exploded the rim. I also had a rebar tail go through the sidewall of 38" Super Swamper SX, but I was able to patch it since they have kevlar in them.

    Honestly, car tires are death traps by and large. Anyone who isn't running run flats is straight up regarded. They are a top three safety feature of all time, up there with the seat belt.

    Truck tires are built so robustly that they effectively are all run flat, and a lot of performance tires are too. The Pilot SS has Twaron fibers which will keep the carcass intact. Actually driving somewhere on run flats isn't the point, it's getting the car to a stop from high speed under control.

    Do you even airless tire bro?


  4. 46 minutes ago, G650 said:

    Boat operating costs vary wildy depending on use really. It's easier to be cheap with a powerboat, and either power or sail are infinitely more expensive when you race them.

    There has been a bunch of talk of the decline of sailing. Is there a push I am missing for a more affordable sustainable option? The barriers for entry are going to be high for any competitive boating endeavor but isn't the current trajectory unsustainable? Boat builders need to come up with an affordable class that restricts exotic shit and keeps the campaign cost down. It cost me over 20k a year just to campaign a 40 year old J-24. Some of the costs are hard and nothing can be done to lower them but you have to buy the latest and greatest sails/gear and every year they get more exotic and ridiculous. Just doesn't make much sense long term to me if you want to protect the sport and even possibly grow it. /threadjack

  5. I am the rare case of a glitch in the system. 4 years ago my valuation went down around 40%. I was an anomaly, nobody in my hood saw that and I was wayy out of whack with everyone else.  Of course I didn't say a gd thing. Next year I will be back to a "fair" valuation relative to my neighbors. I was worried they would fix the glitch somehow before the actual bill went out. Thankfully they didn't.

  6. I fat fingered when I input tire size. It is closer to $1300 I guess. Looks like those Falkens are $100 cheaper total. May check into them. I have just run BFG's on every truck I have ever owned thats why I keep going back. I know one thing, I wont put those pos pirelli scorpion tires back on that came from the factory. Made it less than 30k on those before they were unusable.  

  7. Really don't have a need for the tune. It is a beast as is. I am staring down the $1600 for new at/ko2 tires. Need some new shoes to last me till I am on to a new truck. Dont want to put too much more money into her.

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