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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOKEM4

  1. 46 minutes ago, G650 said:

    Boat operating costs vary wildy depending on use really. It's easier to be cheap with a powerboat, and either power or sail are infinitely more expensive when you race them.

    There has been a bunch of talk of the decline of sailing. Is there a push I am missing for a more affordable sustainable option? The barriers for entry are going to be high for any competitive boating endeavor but isn't the current trajectory unsustainable? Boat builders need to come up with an affordable class that restricts exotic shit and keeps the campaign cost down. It cost me over 20k a year just to campaign a 40 year old J-24. Some of the costs are hard and nothing can be done to lower them but you have to buy the latest and greatest sails/gear and every year they get more exotic and ridiculous. Just doesn't make much sense long term to me if you want to protect the sport and even possibly grow it. /threadjack

  2. I am the rare case of a glitch in the system. 4 years ago my valuation went down around 40%. I was an anomaly, nobody in my hood saw that and I was wayy out of whack with everyone else.  Of course I didn't say a gd thing. Next year I will be back to a "fair" valuation relative to my neighbors. I was worried they would fix the glitch somehow before the actual bill went out. Thankfully they didn't.

  3. I fat fingered when I input tire size. It is closer to $1300 I guess. Looks like those Falkens are $100 cheaper total. May check into them. I have just run BFG's on every truck I have ever owned thats why I keep going back. I know one thing, I wont put those pos pirelli scorpion tires back on that came from the factory. Made it less than 30k on those before they were unusable.  

  4. Really don't have a need for the tune. It is a beast as is. I am staring down the $1600 for new at/ko2 tires. Need some new shoes to last me till I am on to a new truck. Dont want to put too much more money into her.

  5. On 3/27/2018 at 4:46 PM, Yarbr said:

    Same here, what motor Hookem?

    It is a 2011 Ecoboost. I have modified it some with the catch can, new plugs with proper gap and a pin hole in inter cooler. Definitely needed it, runs so much better with those mods. Only issue I have is the timing chain slap when it starts cold. Not gonna pay to get that fixed when I had a buddy do it and the issue came back for him. Basically wasted several grand. 

    I have always driven vehicles to 120k or so. Pay cash and get 7-8 years out of them.  

  6. We were at a store getting some stuff for our tractor and out of nowhere my 3 year old blurts out "I don't like the black ones."  We were standing next to a man and wife, man was white, wife was black. I am thinking what the fuck is going on. Then he says it again and I start to panic. Turns out he was looking at a picture of some horses and was saying he didn't like the black ones because some game he plays the black horses are mean. 

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  7. 6 minutes ago, ulukinatme said:

    It's from some movie called Ape.  I've never even seen the whole thing, but the effects were so cheesy, and it has an ape flipping you off.  What more do you need?

    You avatar is one of my favorites on the S. Just amazing.



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  8. 13 hours ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    Congrats to the new and soon to be dads. 

    I was about to put this in the stupid wives thread but it’s more an annoyance. My 3 year old bit another kid at school today. I explain that she can’t do that. I ask her if she would like it if someone bit her and she says no. I tell her that she can’t watch cartoons tonight and that if she is good tomorrow she can. Wife gets home and I tell her what happened and that she can’t watch cartoons as punishment. Not 5 damn minutes later does my wife ask her if she wants to watch toy story. What in the actual fuck?  Sorry to blog, but it is annoying as hell. Have to be a unified front. 

    My wife constantly does this with everything. She doesn't get the concept of being a parent. I take away something, she gives it back "because they were bitching."  No shit woman, they are fucking kids, they bitch. If you give in every time you train them the solution is to bitch to get their way. So fucking ragey.

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