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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. Highs of 30 are kind of like highs of 80. Wtf, you ask?  It depends on if it is cooling off or warming up.

    In Austin, the first 80 degree weather in the fall is when cool, dry air arrives from the north. When it warms up to 80 in January, it often means muggy air is moving in from the coast.

    The same (kinda) happens up north with 30 degree weather. The first 30 degree days mean nasty cold fronts, but when it warms up to 30 degrees after a really cold spell, it means clear skies and warm, dry air from the southwest. If it’s sunny and not windy, I’m comfortable in short sleeves. 

  2. Arya on Game of Thrones got the shit beat out of her - repeatedly, right in the face - with a big stick and never even lost a tooth. Knocked backwards on stone floors countless times and never got as much as a concussion. Tough little gal. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Chewbacca said:
    13 hours ago, SimonBolivar said:
    I'm always surprised to see that school has an endowment of $1.24B which per student is more than Brown , Columbia, and Cornell.

    That's why i refuse to give them money when they call. I'd rather give to an organization that needs it.

    Grinnell College (IA) called. They only have $1,800,000,000 to cover 1,700 students. 

  4. On 8/14/2018 at 8:24 AM, Dertyberd said:

    Didn't see another San Antonio thread.

    Taking my 9 yr old daughter on an extended weekend this week.  Last minute trip and something different as I have never been to SA either. Only plan I have so far is 


    Schlitterbahn on Monday

    Looking for food, Tex Mex obvi, but she's an adventurous eater and will try anything.  It doesn't have to be kid oriented, but I'm not taking her to high end steak house. Is there a farmers market worth checking out? Best tamales or local specialty? Anything that will be a memorable/unique experience for a little girl?

    Bi-lingual family, her first language is Spanish if that helps get her somewhere cool.  We are both blonde haired blue eyed aryans, but mama is the Latina.  She's dying to go to Mexico, but I'm not taking her to Laredo.  


    On 8/14/2018 at 8:32 AM, relapse98 said:

    Be a tourist - go to Mi Tierra. She'll love it. Walk around Market Square.

    Riverwalk - ride the boats. Its hokey, but I promise she'll never forget it. Maybe eat at some place on the river like Casa Rio.

    Good Lord, don’t send Dertyberd or anyone else to Casa Rio. 

    We moved to SA in 1974, and we made the mistake of eating at Casa Rio. I thought I didn’t like Mexican food after that crap. 

    In 2017, I took the family to SA, and we ended up on the Riverwalk for supper. We were having a hard time deciding because one person became a vegan just in time for the trip, but she said that she saw one menu that had more than one option for her. You guessed it, Casa Rio. 

    I gave in thinking it had to have improved in 43 years, but nope, same crap. I could find better Mexican food in any town in the Midwest than Casa Rio. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    Ha.....I also kind of had that feeling.

    Tell po elvis that the line forms behind me. 

  6. 22 hours ago, clapclapclap said:

    I dunno, I think it might be scarier to be a kidnapped tourist in a faraway land where they partially amputate some of your limbs, rip out an eyeball, rape with a electric prod, sandpaper your skin and then pour on alcohol, sew you and your companions together mouth to butt into the human centipede, then smother in fire ants and leave you to slowly await the days later relief of death.  JMO.

    Well, there is that. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    Me either and autographs are really stupid.

    What is the point?

    I don’t know, maybe that Mark McGrath autograph will be worth something besides street cred someday.

  8. Never understood the hero worshipping of athletes and actors. Essentially, they are both playing parts.  Witnessing them being themselves is usually a huge disappointment. 

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