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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 4 hours ago, wood said:

    Oh hell no. I hate that white trash shit. I go with something a little more understated. Or I guess a lot more understated than the trend these days.

    Understated is also what I prefer in t-shirts, even more so on sweatshirts. Give me a simple TEXAS or block T, and I’m at the register. 

  2. On 7/16/2018 at 10:31 AM, Incredulity said:

    Are there fans of Polka music, per se?  Or people who dance to Polka music.  

    I would be weirded the fuck out if I showed up at somebodies house and they were just "enjoying" Polka music.

    There is no debate. It’s Myron Floren. 

    My dad used to listen to him perform live from radio studios when he was a kid in South Dakota during the Depression. That was before Myron joined the Lawrence Welk band.

    my Dad got a 3/4 size accordion that I still have. He would amuse us when we were kids by playing a few cords. That’s when he wasn’t blowing smoke rings for us from his pipe.

    My sister and I asked him once if he played  the air accordion, pretending to be Myron Floren. He denied it, but we suspect  he was lying. 

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  3. 17 hours ago, SizzleChest said:

    McMurphy should give zero fucks regardless.  He's independent and likely has his personal assets untouchable and/or protected.  If he worked for ESPN, Fox, or anyone of any scale, he'd have a tougher road to hoe.  His independence has resulted in faster pace to this story.  He's the Perez Hilton of sports sans the crying and ass play.

    row to hoe...

    or road to ho...

    pick one. 

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    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Whitman said:

    Had a friend who picked up a very young fawn standing over it's mother that had been hit and killed by a car. He brought it home and they raised it.  They named it "Stilts" and it could come in and out of the house as it pleased as well as spend time in a small field that they kept a couple of goats (the goats were not allowed in the house).  A couple of years later, Stilts was just as tame as a large dog.  One day they were in the house and heard a loud "Bang" of a gunshot outside at the road.  They got outside just in time to see a pickup truck driving away.  Stilts became someone's dinner.   


    Did Stilits keep her spots for two years like Bambi did?  I’m not saying your friends are lying or anything. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, Loco said:

    A different time, but I went to high school with a kid who stole airplanes every fucking weekend just to fly around.  I thought he was full of shit till I watched him jump the fence, prep the plane and take off....   I was freaked the fuck out...   he'd fly to Tampa or Jacksonville and just grab another plane home...   did it for 6 months that I know of...and then one day he wasn't in school, and I never saw him again...  /csb

    Have you ever looked up his name for criminal records or obituary? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Red Five said:

    I know this gets tiresome, but has anyone asked him why we don’t have burnt orange on our field? Maybe throw in a couple of pictures to compare and contrast now vs. pre 2009.

    It’s filters, man. 

  7. On 8/3/2018 at 10:50 PM, PhillyD said:

    I think Texas could push back on showing high school games.  It feels like Deloss totally rolled over on that one and didn't even try to fight.

    Non football wise, in the last few years, the network has missed out on preseason basketball games that had a lot of interest.  In addition, there doesn't seem to be any interest in showing spring sports outside of softball and baseball.  Baseball should be shown live whenever possible and never be taken off the air for a blowout softball game.  I'd rather watch some swim meets than another repeat of Texas-USC.  I do think they do a good job on volleyball.  Not sure about soccer, I can barely stomach watching that.

    In football, Lowell Gallindo sucks as a host and as the "go to" host,  he's a fucking dork  Find another Kaylee Hartung and when they move up, find another one.  Don't go back to the dork. I'd like to see a lot more buildup towards the upcoming opponents in football each week.  This is a dumb example, but I would talk up every football opponent as being a huge threat to us (a la Mack Brown or Lou Holtz) and focus on key match ups with a really good player or two of the other team.  Texas is a knowledgeable football state and there could be a show with a focus on actual X's and O's each week.  I'm sure there are a lot more ideas out there that people more qualified than me could emphasize but those are just a few off the top of my head.

    1) Why not both? /meme

    2) David Thomas did something like that a few years ago  I enjoyed his insight.

    As to your other points, I agree about not cutting away from baseball to watch softball.  And I’d like to see some track meets besides the Texas Relays, even if they are tape delayed.  T&F is difficult to cover live.  More key matchup analysis would be good leading up to games.

    There are so many old games that could be replayed as time fillers, they could concentrate on producing quality new material.  I don’t like the ESPN Classic way of skipping ahead to further action.  Some of us like to watch good defense, like Jerry Gray running down Bo Jackson which always seems to get cut from Texas-Auburn replays.


  8. I wasn't going to subscribe after I read that immamac is aggy, but I talked myself down by rationalizing that it might just be a joke.

    Then, I go to the subscription page wondering if immamac has a sense of humor and gives us the choice between $3.49 and $3.51 a month only to realize that he's the one who doesn't get the 'bout tree-fiddy joke. I had to talk myself down again once I realized that he must indeed be aggy.


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