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orange dream

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Posts posted by orange dream

  1. Thinking about getting a cart.  Inclined toward used. Any recommendations for where to look and what to look out for?  4 seater, electric.

    How old is too old?

    Any brands or features to seek out or avoid?

    Seems like a lot of the used ones are priced similar to new.

  2. @Brew and obviously anyone else who has interest.

    While I don't have personal experience with any these, I do have close friends whose kids have gone through these three "honors" programs at "lesser" big state u types of schools and had great experiences. 

    Bama Honors College: https://honors.ua.edu/

    Ole Miss Honors College: https://www.honors.olemiss.edu/

    My best friend's daughter is a "Haslam Leadership Scholar" at Tennessee right now ( full-ride, including living expenses and an expense-paid study abroad program)  Smart girl, but honestly not the type of student that you would think would get this type of offer.  My buddy honestly thought there may have been a mistake initially.  They had plenty of money set aside to pay for school so once he verified her spot in this program he bought a new boat and remodeled the kitchen. ha ha



    Anyway, the point being that some of the "non-elite" OOS schools have some niche (kind of their version of Plan II for lack of a better analogy) programs within them that can make for great alternatives if the UVA, Michigan or Berkeley option doesn't work out.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. It is with some level of trepidation that I post this …

    I have not one, but two Aggie children. (We’re in the trust tree right guys?!?)

    Daughter graduated from TAMU in 2022 and son will graduate in 25 or 26.

    Keep in mind that both of these kids were in burnt orange from the day they were born.

    Both applied and were accepted to UT, my daughter got her first choice major (Natural Sciences) but liked the “feel” of the A&M campus more.  We had been on the UT campus countless times, for games, while she was growing up but when we were at UT and A&M on consecutive days for campus tours in 2017 there was a pretty stark difference in which seemed more welcoming.  I was in disbelief, but it was even apparent to me.  I started at UT in 1989 and honestly, A&M now feels a lot more like UT did in the late 80s / early 90s than UT does now in my opinion.  Whether that is a good thing or not is probably a matter of personal preference.

    Fast forward a few years and when my son was deciding where to go (UT, TAMU, GA, UNC, TN) He was accepted to UT but didn’t get his first choice (McCombs) He was always my sports watching buddy,  Horns fan to the core guy.  I found myself pulling for TAMU as his school of choice because of what a great experience my daughter had while there and, honestly what a great job they do of creating a community (cult 😨) of the students on campus. My 25-year-old self would never have believed those thoughts would have entered my 50-year-old self’s mind.  I still can’t believe it sometimes.  He picked TAMU also and has loved it.  Low point was as he was packing his stuff to go to college his Freshman year, he brought down a stack of Longhorn hoodies, t-shirts, shorts, etc. and said, “I don’t really know what to do with these.” I died, just a bit at that moment. Ha ha

    I still have a 10-year-old at home who is wearing the burnt orange faithfully and even went to Tuscaloosa with me, but if I’m being honest it wouldn’t shock me if he eventually made a different choice when the time is right.

    I do agree with those who are saying that generations of Texas kids either not choosing UT for various reasons, or not having UT as an option is going to change the dynamics of campus and ultimately the state over time. Again, whether that is a good thing or not is up for debate.

    Good luck to all the Surly kids whatever they may choose.


    • Hook 'Em 6
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  4. 20 hours ago, thunderlounge said:

    Not meant to be snarky, just curious more than anything, but are lanais a thing in TX like down in FL?

    Seems like a ton of residential pools have them. (Referring to the pool screen type, not Hawaiian type meaning deck/patio space.)


    North Texas (DFW) not common at all. 

    I'd say if it is common anywhere it would be Houston area due to mosquitos, but I don't recall seeing many when I've driven around down there.

  5. 1 hour ago, JBJ said:

    My wife and I just had this conversation the other day, and we decided the answer is Jordan Shipley.  Then, she let me know that him and Colt were roommates.


    11 minutes ago, Lou_Sassle said:

    No shit!? I didn't know that... did you know that Texas never offered Texas legacy, Charlie Brewer?

    I'll bet neither of you, nor your wives knew that Colt/Case's dad was a teammate of Jordan/Jaxon's dad.  Absolute true story!!

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  6. 5 minutes ago, animaltobacco11 said:

    Where is this narrative that Earl Campbell does the stupid MM horns sign? I googled search image'd "Earl Campbell Hook em Horns sign" and the results on the first page were Earl Campbell doing the normal, righteous Hook em Horns hand sign and not the horrible, bastardized way that MM does it.

    I think some of you are tarnishing Mr. Campbell's good name unnecessarily. 

    Literally the first result...


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  7. 51 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Got damn.  Has anyone been to Bama and tOSU?  I’d love to hear who is worse.  I’d think Columbus would be hard to top as far as mouth breathing fuckstains…

    Went to the Shoe in 2005, other than the periodic F-you shouted from the out-of-reach passerby I had a good experience but I think my experience was the exception.  Also went up there for the OSU-Michigan game in 2018, sat in the "big cigar" section and was shocked by how some of them were talking and acting.  They were killing Michigan in the game and the vitriol was flowing ( 50-70 year olds mainly).

    35 minutes ago, wood said:

    Exactly the way it was the first time we played Nebraska up there. Cool folks at the time, but they didn't know what was coming. As we all know, they got nasty in the years to follow.

    I was expecting that the 1998 Nebraska game would be a good parallel for this weekend's Bama crowd.  Nebraska fans were very cordial, even in the loss, telling us how glad they were that we got to come up, etc.  Great experience overall.  That obviously changed dramatically by 2010, where we were greeted less cordially to put it mildly.

    BAMA has nothing to prove, they have won 6 titles in 14 years, etc.  Certainly, there were several nice people who welcomed us and were very friendly but many more who were obnoxious and way too proud of shouting "horns down" to every person in burnt orange they could spot.  My 10 YO was with me and at one point as we are walking over by the ESPN Gameday setup a group shouts "HORNS DOWN" to which I reply with a Hook 'em!! while continuing to walk past them.  Then one of them follows with "Hey, Fuck you and your son!"  I gave a quick head turn, found who I thought the culprit was, flashed him a Hook 'em and kept walking.  My son asked, "why would they do that?"  I told him essentially to not worry about what stupid people do or say.  Overall, a good trip and wouldn't hesitate to go back for a game but won't have any faulty expectations of cordiality.

    1 hour ago, Hermanator said:

    I want to go to an LSU night game but when they're playing aggy. And while I won't spend money on anything with LSU on it I'll be wearing purple.

    I'm really curious what the people watching in that coonass environment would be like

    Went to Auburn @ LSU in 2013 for a night game, had a great time but was wearing purple and gold.  Will plan to go back when UT plays there, hopefully it won't be too bad.

  8. When I saw all the Bama fans on the Quad who couldn’t pass a TX fan without not only flashing horns down but saying “ horns down”  

    I thought to myself we are in their head. You’re BAMA, you’ve won 6 titles in the last 14 years, your sign should be a big “ we’re number 1” finger and no one could say anything about it. But no, they need to make t shirts with upside down Bevos and spell out “ horns down” on them. 

    My 10 YO son was asking why everyone is doing that? I told him that because OU does it All our opponents think it bothers us, but that I can’t really say that it bothers me or most horns fans I know much at all. I think it makes people look stupid and that they are more against us than for their team. 

    having said all that, that was a fun scene last night and the secsecsec postgame chant was definitely a big middle finger to the mouth breathers. Glorious!!!

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. When I saw all the Bama fans on the Quad who couldn’t pass a TX fan without not only flashing horns down but saying “ horns down”  

    I thought to myself we are in their head. You’re BAMA, you’ve won 6 titles in the last 14 years, your sign should be a big “ we’re number 1” finger and no one could say anything about it. But no, they need to make t shirts with upside down Bevos and spell out “ horns down” on them. 

    My 10 YO son was asking why everyone is doing that? I told him that because OU does it All our opponents think it bothers us, but that I can’t really say that it bothers me or most horns fans I know much at all. I think it makes people look stupid and that they are more against us than for their team. 

    having said all that, that was a fun scene last night and the secsecsec postgame chant was definitely a big middle finger to the mouth breathers. Glorious!!!


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