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Everything posted by ERhine

  1. None of the involved parties have been named. I think it was July. I hated him for it because it was hot as hell and I don’t think there was air conditioning in the historic church we were in. We were all in tuxes and he’s comfortable in a seersucker.
  2. I was in a wedding for a surly poster a few years ago that was black tie. I’ll never forget standing at the front of the church and seeing a different poster (shall remain nameless) walk in wearing his seersucker.
  3. Beef sausage, smoked meatloaf, mashed potatoes and collard greens. Great lunch today.
  4. I gave up on Spec’s about four years ago when every time I’d go in to the Smith location the employees would try to sell me 1835.
  5. I love me some Poison Girl.
  6. Was a nice ice covered dirt road that practically shook the car apart when I was there. Easily worth the hassle of it.
  7. They all own the same stick? Some kind of joint custody arrangement?
  8. Drive to Chaco Canyon. It’s worth it.
  9. Are the groomsmen also wearing kilts? Asking for a friend...
  10. You seem to believe sourcing is inherently bad. That would be incorrect. There is nothing wrong with sourcing barrels. If Garrison had followed that route while aging his own, and releasing tasty sources barrels in the meantime; then I’d have nothing against them. They’d be just like a whole bunch of others who have sourced at the start, recent examples being High West, Smooth Ambler and Whistlepig (not going to divert this into what Whistlepig is really sourcing). Tasty bourbon is tasty bourbon. What I had from Garrison early on, like many many others, turned me off the brand. And to bring this full circle, four years ago I attended a seminar at Tales regarding sourced bourbon and transparency in labeling. The Smooth Ambler distiller was on the panel. Dan Garrison was in the audience. I’ll never forget the awkward feeling in the conference room when during the Q&A Garrison stood up and offered to sell the Smooth Ambler guy as many barrels as he needed if MGP couldn’t cover his needs.
  11. He asked us to bring a side:
  12. This is all Mez’ doing, I was just sous chef on it.
  13. Get a bigger initial investment so you don’t ruin your name in the marketplace with shit overpriced product?
  14. Was asked to bring a side to dinner...
  15. If that was your point, then you should work on your writing skills.
  16. You think those are the only three ingredients he uses? If you even looked at the photo you posted you’d know you’re wrong.
  17. That’s all you put in your beans? The fuck?
  18. If you're loading up for a drive back, you need to stop at Don's and buy a couple packs of stuffed pizzas.
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