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Posts posted by Spankytoes

  1. 9 hours ago, SDG said:

    If DL Hughley says it’s true...well fuck! Except it’s not and he stole it from T.I. Like most memes, it’s used to falsely exaggerate a point while purposely leaving out the fine print to fan the outrage: http://www.politifact.com/texas/statements/2018/may/23/instagram-posts/false-meme-suggests-texas-rapper-faces-death-penal/

    We’re now comparing possible sentences for 2 pieces of shit killers based on the color of their skin? Tell me we’ve hit rock bottom for this argument. That is why it’s harder to take claims seriously or give a fuck. There is enough REAL racism in society to deal with already without having to cry “wolf”.

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  2. 2 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    So, we did Mont St. Michel and Pointe du Hoc in one day.  We took the first train from Paris to Caen, rented a car.  Drove to Mont St. Michel (which is amazing).  We then grabbed lunch and drove back to Pointe du Hoc. We only had about an hour there.  Of course, we were there in the dead of winter when, I believe the trains are running much later and earlier on the day.  I think it is definitely doable.  It really sucks that you have to waste a day at Disneyland Paris.  

    What’s wrong with Disneyland? That’s on our itinerary too

  3. 2 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I don't think the plan is to spend a full day at Versailles--it's a half-day thing.  My point wasn't to say that we're spending a day at Versailles; it was simply to say that it's a day that I can't spend going to Normandy.

    If you want to go inside, it's a full day. Golf carts + Gardens is where it's at.

    Will be in Paris next month and considering the Normandy trek too. Subscribed

  4. 1 hour ago, XR4ticlone said:


    That you cannot differentiate between freely giving vs forced confiscation...probably explains your broken world view. 

    Worship me as your personal Savior, and live your life according to my will, or face eternal damnation in Hell. 

    Where’s the difference again?

  5. 4 hours ago, Thatguy said:

       I can see you guys really don't want to learn anything you just want to argue. You act as though this problem is exclusive to the black community or the US, when it's the same anywhere where firearms are numerous around the world. 


      These neighborhoods are dangerous because of people fighting over territory to sell drugs, but you have already been told that, and really could care less about helping your fellow man, only proving that your idealology is superior. 


       However, if you ever do want to learn something, how about you actually talk to an actual person who has gone through the struggle, and when I say talk, don't come armed to argue. Then you will see that the resolution to the problem isn't as easy as "just get better". If it was as easy as you suggest then all of the cultures around the world wouldn't be suffering from the same problem. 

    1. Where else is gun violence common? Which country would be an apt comparison to that of the black community in the U.S., which you state is being wrongly crucified? Guns are legal all throughout the U.S. Can you point to an area in the suburbs where white people are mirroring this violence?

    2. If drugs and guns are the root of the violence, why aren’t you more supportive of these offenders getting locked up and taken out of the environment? Isn’t that a good thing?

    3. Why are you deflecting from the question instead of answering it? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on why the police, who according to you are there to enforce and charge, aren’t doing more for people that shout “Black Lives Matter” at them while convincing each other that they are being unfairly targeted for breaking the law. How do you propose the police “protect and serve” by not locking up dangerous offenders so they don’t give the appearance of racially profiling?

  6. 12 hours ago, Pancho Negro said:

    My point is making this thread was because there's a sense that something different has been going on with blacks (and POCs) since November 2016.  I'm not sure if technology has just made us more aware or what, but as a black guy, shit just feels...different.  And then we get evidence of some of this stuff and it just makes you angry.  Could I be next?  Some of these incidents are clearly just white people calling the cops on random black people for nothing.  But I'm 100% honest in saying that there are incidents across the country where blacks, Latinx, and whoever else did something wrong and should be rightfully arrested as so. 

    I guess my purpose in starting this thread is to allow those who don't believe stuff is happening or who refuse to believe it (or who say "i've never see that") to see that yes, it's happening.  I think where anger comes into play is those who say these are isolated incidents. 

    Very rarely in these incidents (Starbucks, Yale, etc.) do we see cops sticking up for people of color.  Where are more of those stories?  Seems like POC are automatically labled as suspicious.  Rough and harrass first, then ask questions later. 

    This is from my perspective.  I'm also a minority...a minority who has his insurance card literally taped to my car visor so a cop won't think I'm reaching for something. (then again i'm light skinned and sophisticated.)


    I dunno...just wish more people would realize something is going on instead of saying "the same thing would happen if they were white."  If that's true, where are those tapes? 

    What you said is completely reasonable, and believe it or not, I agree with you 100% It is shameful that racism exists in today’s society, and personally, it disgusts me. For a long time, white people heard stories that sounded like they were exaggerated or taken out of context. With the advent of social media, and the immediate ability to document incidents, our eyes a little wider open. Yes, these things do in fact occur and every black person in America has their own version to tell. I miss having that feeling in 2008 when Obama took the stage in Chicago and thinking “Finally, a day we can all be proud of”. 10 years later and we seem to be worse off than we were before. Or, perhaps, it was always this bad but we simply lived in ignorance of it before the smartphone became mainstream. The difference between you and I is that I get to move on from my feelings while you have to live it every day wondering if next time it will be you in that video.

    The reason I give you so much shit about this is because of the methodology in which it is conveyed. You posted a video and tweet from MLK’s son calling for action. It took me less than 5 minutes to neutralize the theory that some innocent kid was choked out by a white cop simply because he was black. Remember the “main idea” exercises we used to have in school? The “main idea” was made to be: Black teen, just took his sister to prom, had his hands up in a non-aggressive stance and white officer saw a chance to beat up a person of color. That is a slanted description of the incident as evidenced by the snippets of video that we have been provided. This went viral because someone thought it would be a good tool to promote the idea of Black Lives Matter. That kind of propaganda is exactly the same kind of shit political parties use to push their agenda. Now, because of 2 separate incidents that were completely unrelated, Waffle House is deemed a racist organization. Never mind the millions of customers, of all races, that have dined there for 75 years. They are not to be patronized and those that do are either Uncle Toms or supporters of racism. That is utterly ridiculous. Being called a racist is probably the biggest insult that you can hurl at someone. When the label is thrown out there without merit, I have a problem with that. It's claiming false rape on someone's dignity and integrity.

    The social media aspect is a two pronged attack. One, it shows us incidents that we otherwise would not have been witness to. But, it also yields an extreme amount of power for those that control the message. Most people aren’t going to fact check the headlines. The edited video is proof positive that the cop was racist and the employees only called them because it was a black guy. The facts are so distorted that you have to wonder if this is being posted to have white people join the crusade or to continue the race baiting tactics of Al Sharpton. There are several videos that can be correctly attributed to racism and/or profiling. When you start adding buffers in there, as most of these public calls for action do, it makes it difficult to empathize. Further, when someone constantly posts stories and videos claiming racism, and that claim cannot be verified, I look at them as an extension of the problem. Especially when they want to argue the statistics and sources of reports that show contradictory evidence to their worldview. While the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, it deteriorates into a circular argument where neither side is willing to concede.

    But, I will bow out of the discussion going forward. Surly is about discussing issues, not attempting to change minds. I think that everyone here already knows where I stand.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Huh.  See exactly what I said before.

    Which relate to the single fact we have from the cited story:

    So, guy "got into an argument with several wait staff members."  That's the fact that we have.  What I said above stands.  In IDENTICAL circumstances, except its a white kid arguing with waitstaff....would the cops have been called?  When they showed up, would they have treated the guy deferentially, and told him he needs to pack up and head home?  Would they have put hands on him?  I've seen white guys mouthing off to a waitress or bartender, and security or a cop tells him he needs to close out his tab and head out.  In fairness and full disclosure, I have also seen a white guy get his head smashed in in such a situation.

    Every one of those is a pivot point.

    Sure, until we see video of EXACTLY what happened inside, we don't know for sure what the answers to every one of these questions should be.

    What is true regardless of any specific incident is that those questions have to be asked.  Time and time again.

    I miss Pre-Trump Brisket. He was a rational dude. You would have liked him.

  8. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    What you're not seeing is that race can (and often is) involved in the entire process.  Would the cops even have been CALLED on some white kids at the Waffle House?  If so, would he have approached them with a "guys, you need to keep it down, and probably need to head on home," or would he have dealt with them like some black kids got dealt with - "get up, put your hands behind your back?"  When they went outside, would he have put hands on a white kid as quickly as he did the black kid? 

    Shit like this happens for the same reasons that planes crash -- not because ONE thing went wrong, but because 10 things in order went wrong.

    Yes, cops treat white people like shit, too.

    Yes, when a white person treats a black person like this, race definitely enters the mind of the audience.  So, society has given white folks their own set of eggshells to walk on.  Black kids at the Waffle House know they had better be better behaved than white kids, or they might get the cops called on them.  And white folks know that when dealing with black kids at the Waffle House, they need to tread carefully and be extra mindful of giving them a fair shake.  It's the flipside of the same damned coin.

    I’ll just leave this here: http://abc11.com/warsaw-police-investigate-after-viral-video-of-officer-putting-man-in-chokehold/3451147/

    You’re right, it’s pretty fucking racist of the Waffle House employees to call the cops on someone that self admits that they took things too far on private property. (With partial video evidence to prove the escalation) It’s not like cops are sworn to protect citizens or deescalate a volatile situation. Minorities most be the only victims of perceived overly aggressive behavior from law enforcement, which is why the cop is obviously a racist piece of shit. I’d be interested in seeing the 15 seconds before the start of the clip. You know, for shits and giggles. No doubt the N-word was tossed out like a hot potato while a lynching was threatened. Probably left his gun and taser in the car, which is the only reason the dude walked away from it.

    It’s shocking that none of the background info was mentioned by those retweeting an agenda though. You’d think that they would want ALL of the info before using footage of an aggressive cop, who is not even a Waffle House employee, to cry wolf and call for a boycott. I mean...the poor dude just took his sister to prom and was violated in a tux! It would have been better PR if he was also crippled and accepted to several respected colleges though. Can’t win them all, I suppose.

    As a white guy, I’ll say 4 Hail Trumps and 3 Our Pelosis to do my part. There will be a moment of silence at our monthly meeting while our women clutch the pearls in disgust.

  9. 1 hour ago, Dahobbs said:

    I actually believe a large segment of the population believes racism is a problem of the past. This thread and these incidents remind us that it still exists, and in more ways that overt I hate black people kind of way. Subconcious racism is hard to fight, especially when an effort isnt made to identify it. If you dont think racism is institutionalized in our society, you need this thread more than you think. 

    1. Throw out a statement that can't be disproven, so it must be true.

    2. Bask in the glory of being enlightened.

    Liberalism has become a religion.

    • Fuck You 1
  10. 6 hours ago, whatup said:

    The purpose is to show dense fogs such as yourself that education, economic status or anything else doesn't matter for other races at times around white racists who feel uncomfortable with anyone other than whites themselves. 

    Blacks do have a higher proportion of crime than whites but even Asians get police called on them just for not looking like they dont belong to a particular neighborhood despite having a crime rate much lower than whites. 

    A person so dense that he has stated that fact several times, including in the post above the one you just quoted? You are part of the problem. You are defending against an argument that no one is making to claim moral superiority. You're not "woke". At best your reading skills need improvement and at worst you are itching to twist a rebuttal to fit your race card flowchart. It's the reason I can't get behind the Liberal agenda anymore despite classifying myself as "Socially Liberal". People are tired of being judged every time they open their mouths because someone, somewhere is looking for a cause to defend. President Trump is proof positive of that.

    That's my point: Who are "we" fighting against here? Is there someone on the board that claims that racism is a product of a bygone era and doesn't exist in 2018? Has someone stated that racism and racial profiling never occur? Point me to the source of the ire on Surly so that I can grab my pitchfork and join the angry mob too. Simply stating "Racism exists" doesn't help solve any problem. We need specific instances to hop on the emotion train. This thread provides such instances, which may or may not be open for interpretation on being fueled by racism. Giving the benefit of the doubt that they are...what are we now fighting? Bringing instances to our attention, when we all agree that they happen, seems like such a futile action. Especially when the intent is not to discuss the facts but act as a sounding board on checking a privilege that is perceived to exist in society while completely ignoring the factors contributing to the escalating of tensions. Not every black guy that shoots a white person had racist motivations behind the trigger. I would say that the vast majority did not, albeit, I cannot reasonably back up that statement. The same is true in reverse as well. Sometimes you are simply an asshole that happens to be black. (Or insert whatever race you prefer as the argument is transitive)

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