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Posts posted by Spankytoes

  1. 18 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    What? I question your assertion on the purpose of the thread. Seems to be it can be true that (1) racism, even if subconcious, is still a problem AND (2) that a majority of "trangressions against blacks" arent racist acts.  Awareness of (1) was what I understood the purpose of thread to be.

    Because there are several other threads by Pancho on the same topic naming individual incidents of racism, perceived or real. The discussion inevitably spirals into how whites are privileged, evil oppressors and black citizens just walk to church, minding their own business, and out of no where a racist act occurs without provocation. (I admit, I share my blame in this) Those that have white guilt are "woke" and those of us that convey that not all acts against someone are due to their skin color are part of the alt-right and believe blacks to be inferior, especially mentally. At least there's a meta-thread now, which is a good thing.

    Everyone here agrees that racism is a problem, it's a drain on civilized society that exists and it sometimes fuels fervor against blacks both in society and through actions of law enforcement. If this hold true, the purpose of the thread is...what? To inspire change for what we all know to be an issue but disagree on the institutionalization of racism in society? It's certainly not to debate the merits of whether or not the reported act was racist in nature. It's metaphorical cheese on the mouse trap.

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  2. On 5/8/2018 at 3:16 PM, Brisketexan said:


    1 - tell me what I said in that list that’s false.

    2 - you bet your ass that’s part of it. And you better watch your ass, because whatever “group” you’re a part of, Trump will demonize it and whip up a frenzy against it the instant he thinks it will earn him applause from his base.

    I grew up in a country and state that was steadily moving away from stigma and prejudice against Hispanics. So, yeah, when I see us throw things into reverse gear, and my kids and I have folks doubt our loyalty to this country because of our last name, I damned well perk up.

    Fucking Nazis are enabled by this fuckhole. Nazis, man. And he couldn’t even bring himself to condemn them. Come the fuck on, man. If Muslim terrorists had marched through our streets with torches, culminating in driving a car through the crowd, and Obama had said there were “good people on both sides,” you would be (justifiably) flipping your shit.

    2 years ago: "Why can't Obama say ISLAMIC terrorists?!? We all know who is doing it!!!"

    Every side has the same complaint. I despise Trump, but the country asked for him. We were tired of Presidents acting like royalty and not accomplishing anything. Whether you agree with his positions or not, Trump backs up exactly what he said that he was going to do. He didn't bullshit people to get elected. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, po elvis said:

    Why can't people be honest?

    Because they know what's coming...which completely defeats their position. It's easier to blame arrests in the black neighborhoods on targeted racism than actually admit that nefarious illegal activities constantly take place and perhaps that's what the problem is. That maybe the reputation of the neighborhood itself dictates the feelings of personal safety for citizens and law enforcement based on actual criminal activity.

    The purpose of this thread is to say "Here are examples of whites possibly being racist and transitive properties makes ALL transgressions against blacks a racist act!" Some people buy into the bullshit because they are trying to show how not-racist they really are. Some of us are smart.

    • Like 4
  4. 11 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    I have trouble with cases where race is a relevant data point.  You see a black kid in an all white neighborhood, you know he doesn’t ‘belong’ there.  Your senses might perk up to see if anything else is wrong.  You see a white kid who equally doesn’t belong there.  Your senses don’t perk up because he doesn’t look out of place.  

    I do my best to at least be aware of my biases, but situations like those don’t lend themselves to easy behavior changes because it is part of your pattern-recognition part of your brain which isn’t conscious and has been finely honed for 200,000 years, IMO.  

    It’s 2 AM on a Friday night. Would you feel the same walking through a predominantly black neighborhood that you would a predominantly white neighborhood? 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah...you really don’t know much about the psychology of these situations.

    How many times should we ask “why doesn’t that gal leave the guy who beats her?” Yet it happens all the time. It isn’t a conspiracy. It’s how humans work.

    So 4 different women were so psychologically screwed up that they decided to voluntarily continue an intimate relationship over the course of 5 years rather than leaving? There is no evidence or claim that he was physically abusive in any way outside of the bedroom.  He takes full liability in his admission that consensual BDSM was occurring. Yet, in their fear, they had the foresight to take pictures of their cuts, scrapes and bruises even though they had no intention of filing a police report? At best, the relationships were FWB. 

    The guy could very well be guilty. But, I’ve also seen the other side of the coin where the woman straight up lies about any abuse occurring, which could be done for a myriad of reasons. (And admittingly, I’m jaded as it happened to someone close to me) I’m just saying that it’s pretty damn easy to ruin someone’s life in pursuit of fame and fortune when they are a public figure. The Duke LaCross players will bear that cross for the rest of their lives even though they were 100% acquitted of any wrongdoing. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    The nefarious explanation you imply is one possibility.

    Another is that they were afraid, thought they were the only person affected and that they wouldn't be believed.  They may have anticipated that if they came forward, they would be attacked by people arguing that they're only making these allegations for money.  And, after all--these are accomplished professional women, and who wants to make this type of thing public unnecessarily?  It was only after (1) Schneiderman ran around acting all virtuous and (2) Farrow put these stories together and told these women that they weren't alone that they decided to come forward.

    Then that still begs the question: Why continue sleeping with him and subjecting yourself to “abuse”? Were they excusing his bedroom behavior due to his position of power and bank account? If we are going on the premise that they were afraid of the negative reactions and consequences, then OK. I don’t understand it, but it’s certainly a legit explanation. But why continue an intimate relationship? Perhaps Schneiderman was acting virtuous because he believed that he was not acting improper? That’s also a possibility. He has straight up said that he likes it rough and what happened behind closed doors took place between consenting adults. But, in these types of claims, there is no innocent until proven guilty. 

    I think he’s a piece of shit beyond his sexual activities. But I also think the #metoo movement has become a glorified witch hunt that creates victims seeking publicity rather than empowering women that thought they didn’t have a voice. That’s unfortunate. 

  7. 41 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I think you need to walk a mile.  There are some strange psychological and power dynamics at issue in such a relationship that I wouldn't feel comfortable speculating about or trying to unpack.

    Regardless--if you're a person who's into BDSM, then there are certain protocols that you have to follow.  You need to get express consent.  And if you want to have running consent, then you need to get that with the acknowledgement of a safe word.  If you don't get that consent by running through those protocols, then you're an abuser and possibly a rapist (depending on the action taken)--it's really as simple as that.

    I don’t disagree. But the timing is usually suspect in these type of cases. If she was uncomfortable with the BDSM aspect, or did not want to continue that sort of relationship, why did she continue voluntarily sleeping with him? This isn’t a case of someone threatening a life or forcibly raping a woman. He likes it rough, she apparently did not. Why does this come out publically in a year where he is up for re-election and they are no longer intimate partners? No police report was ever filed by anybody, from what I can tell. It was only when the opportunity to get publicity and $ arose that we heard anything about it. And now a pack of women have all been suddenly liberated all at the same time. It’s awfully convenient timing.

  8. 3 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    It must be fucking galling to be abused by a guy who then goes on Twitter to preen and virtue signal. I love that the #MeToo movement isn't dying. Keep shining that light, ladies.

    It must be brutal when you keep voluntarily screwing a guy that gets abusive with you in the bedroom over and over again for a year and calls you a "turnip". It's almost as if it was perfectly fine when they were together but somehow became not OK when he ended the relationship and money was being offered for the story in an election year.

    Sounds traumatic. Like the girls that watched Louis CK jack off on several occasions but didn't want to be rude by telling him to stop or walk away. It only took them 15 years to tighten that bra and fight back against the enemy to further their careers.

    • Haha 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    I've gone to 5 graduation ceremonies in my entire life.  My high School graduation (I skipped my UT graduation and just had them mail me my diploma), my two older sons high school ceremonies, my second oldest son's college graduation (I refuse to name the school), and my oldest son's Harvard Law School graduation.  

    Was he adopted or something?

  10. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    It's not a feeling. It's an actual thing that exists. 

    Sure it does. Because we've gradually broadened the definition of what it means to be a "racist". It used to be ignorant people judging and interfering with the prosperity of those that have a different skin color. Now, it's having the audacity to disagree with a minority person's viewpoint instead of shutting up, letting your white guilt seep through and flogging yourself in silence because you can't possibly understand what it's like to be a minority. We're not allowed to judge others by their words and actions anymore unless they too are white. It's the curse of being a white male in America. Voicing opinions is not allowed because it may offend your gay, black woman neighbor going to Community College despite the fact that you truly believe that she is just as equal as you are. 

    You're white, so you're wrong. End of story.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Poolflood said:

    Absolutely.  Affluent suburban kids have opportunities to really fuck up.  And they'll have more opportunities to fix their lives than poor kids.  Those opportunities don't come out of a vacuum.  It can take generations, or one really luck generation, to get to that point.  

    If you're a single parent your over riding goal should to give your kid(s) the chance to have a life with more opportunity than you may have had.  And teach them to pass along the same ethic.

    Change doesn't happen in a decade.  It takes generations.

    And what generation will be the magic one? The Civil Rights Act was implemented in 1964. Conceivably, we can say that we are on the 3rd generation thus far. What has improved? You can't be overtly racist anymore in a Capitalist society that is fueled by social media. That's about the long and skinny of it. Personal responsibility and advocating for a stronger family unit shouldn't be akin to figuring out Ikea instructions. There are many people in the black community that are living their lives as independent, successful, goal-driven and intelligent citizens. There are many white kids that would be classified as "white trash" as was their fathers before them. There isn't a one size fits all blanket solution. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Thatguy said:

       It's normal for suburb kids too, they just aren't getting stopped and frisked all the time Slorch. When I got to Texas the white kids were the ones partying the hardest and doing the most drugs. I didn't know kids did cocaine and pills until then. It opened my eyes to a lot of things, but of course in your world those things aren't going on right Slorch?

    And they should be locked up too if caught. No question. But you can't be serious at to the "why". To expound on my statement above, if you needed money, would you go to a bank or play scratch off lottery tickets? There is ZERO question that you are going to bust people in the hood. It's shooting fish in a barrel. You have to actively seek out the white suburban kids. Plus, they won't be allocating the same police departments to do it either. (In most cases) So it's hard to make a case that blacks are being targeted when the playing field is not level. If I'm looking to do a drug raid, I concentrate on the area(s) that will yield the biggest results from the net cast. That's not suburban white America 

    Finally, you have got to get on the personal responsibility train. If your example is bitching that the same person was busted a 3rd time for slinging rock when Blaine in Highland Park doesn't even get stopped, you have lost your damn mind. When you knowingly break the law, and didn't learn your lesson the past few times, maybe a prison sentence is the best thing for you. There are other legitimate ways to earn money that are completely obtainable for a minimally skilled worker. What they don't need is that gold chain and rims to survive. It's not the race, it's the attitude and mindset that irks the shit out of me.

  13. 56 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    Only way it’s 7 or less is if, the online, qb’s and offensive play calling all regress from last year.  That shouldn’t be the case.....

    We don’t even know who our QB is, much less who on the O-Line will be blocking for him. 7 wins is likely because we have 2 garbage of opponents to pad the total, 1 of which beat us last year.

    • Like 2
  14. 13 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    I have no idea.


    Because, statistically speaking, they are the most likely perpetrators. Because for every 50 perps arrested, only 1 is female. If your job was to bust perps, wouldn’t you go to an area that has the highest probability of success? That’s why there is an inequality in the statistics. When 97% of the source comes from lower income minority neighborhoods, it’s logistics that is painted as targeting and racial profiling. I mean, should we profile more Asians at the airport to avoid the appearance of picking on Middle Eastern people? Where’s the logic in that?

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