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Posts posted by Spankytoes

  1. 13 hours ago, bigcigar said:

    I haven’t been, but I was working with someone from Montreal in NY a few years ago and she swore the bagels were significantly better.

    They all say that. They’re good, but too sweet IMO. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Thatguy said:

      Man, you really are going to walk this all the way to the end of the pier, huh? Silent Collusion-when someone remains silent instead of speaking up and disagreeing with others when they doing things such as stereotyping people and/or making disrespectful comments. Many times others interpret silence in these matters as support or agreement.


    . No one is asking you to wildly toss accusations at every single situation. However, this situation is pretty obvious. Even the white people in the coffee shop were arguing with the officers, and yet you guys were arguing to the contrary. 

    Which is why I have repeatedly said that the Starbucks incident was motivated by racism. Albeit, I waited to hear ALL the facts first.

  3. Lol. Now you're in an obvious lie. You've gone from effective trolling to obvious troll. Registered dems don't get caught up in the "you called me racist, so I'll be racist" bullshit. 
    Plus, white men hold generational power, not women. Learn your craft better. And you know this. Would you rather be Melania Trump or spankytoes?

    Racist and a liar? Double threat guy!

    Now go get your fucking shinebox...
  4. 2 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

      White people prevent progress by constantly defending every situation in which a black person experiences racism. If more white people demanded that situations like these stop, then we would've moved past it decades ago. Instead it's, "Let's wait until all the facts come out", or "The police did what they were supposed to do". Black people are a small percentage of the population. We cannot do it ourselves. We need white people to band together and help us rid this country of overly aggressive police officers, racism, and constant profiling.

    So the solution, as you see it, is to claim racism first until proven otherwise? I can’t abide by that. I can certainly recognize that in some instances the evidence points to racism and/or prejudice as a motivating factor. It’s just not my immediate thought when I hear white cop, black victim.

    I understand it’s frustrating. It’s infuriating for me as well. That’s why I maintain that we should seek out individual examples of racism to fight them together.

  5. 1 minute ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Except Trump is actually a racist. If you vote for a racist because someone called you a racist, they were right. 

    You're basically saying, "oh, you're calling me a racist?  I'm not, but I'll show you racist now."

    Or, they are voting against the party associated with that philosophy in protest. Like some people would never vote for a Muslim. Or a candidate’s view on abortion that differs from their own.

    I voted for Trump as a registered Dem and I can’t stand him. But, Hillary was worse IMO. Plus, she’s white so she’s obviously part of the problem.

    • Like 1
  6. 52 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

     It doesn't happen overnight. That seems to be something these guys don't understand. 

    Except we do and that’s not the argument being made by anyone here. It’s whether or not white people are preventing you from achieving that goal that’s up for discussion. I think you beautifully illustrated that it is in fact possible in today’s society despite not having a built in advantage of accumulated wealth as a black person. That’s commendable.

    For some reason, the insinuation is being made that if you don’t agree that racism is a widespread issue, and the #1 obstacle for black people acheiving the American Dream, you yourself are racist. Further, by claiming that it is not an institutional issue, we are somehow saying that it is a mythical figment of people’s imagination that never occurs. That’s simply not true. But the label “racist” is the ultimate trump card. There are not many worse things to be accused of. So it’s the “God’s plan” argument for the “why” that can’t be refuted.

    It’s just absolutely mind boggling to me how people can question how Trump got elected at this juncture. As a moderate that leans left socially, Liberals have really fucked up by trying to shame people into agreeing with their viewpoint. People will retaliate against that line of thinking...especially when terms like “racist” are misapplied. 

    • Like 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    *expectation of a civil society. 

    Also, fucking lol at this thread. Sack is criticized and looked down upon because his self made veteran grandfather spent his life working for his family’s future. 

    Then, after losing his father in his teenage years, attends a great school, even better law school, and goes into an industry not in the family business.  Comes out and works in a stressful environment  to become more successful   

    Still curious why there isn’t more black policemen/women, as I asked upthread.   Plenty of black guards in the TDCJ system. Seems like a solid generation of minority cops could help with the perceived racism from the blue angle.  

    This thread also had me thinking while having a few beers last night. My company employs a hundred or so engineers in this office.  Almost all are aggy and UH.  Not a single black engineer.  Many white men, women, Hispanic (mexican, Colombian)  men and women, and a lot of Dutch and Asian.  Not a single black engineer.  Coinceidence or are my employers racist only against African Americans?  Does UH not have a lot of black engineers (I don’t know).  This thread has my interest piqued.  




    Your company is obviously racist. 3.5% of degrees obtained by black graduates are in Engineering. If they really cared, they would force them to move to your city, obtain the proper certifications and apply for the job at a mutually agreeable salary level. So what if there is an initiative to have 10,000 black engineering graduates per year by 2025: https://www.nsbe.org/News-Media/NSBE-News/Press-Releases/graduate-10,000-black-engineers-2025.aspx

    Check your WP. Ignore that shit about only 5.5% of black 8th graders completing Calculus too. That's racist facts at work again.

    *Cue the "And why is the education level not on par?!? Because WP doesn't allow advancement!!!" circle*

  8. 15 minutes ago, Mole said:

    As well as calling a variety of other posters racist for not succumbing to the woke SJW groupthink. I'd add that I'm probably to the left of BT on many racial issues, but calling people racist or dumb when they simply disagree or have a slightly different perspective is unproductive. If they only weren't evil or dumb, they'd think the way I do, since I'm so virtuous and smart. What makes a person so poisonous righteous that they'd think less of anyone who just disagreed?

    When all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. When every (or most) disagreement ultimately boils down to racism, the word ceases to have any meaning.

    It sounds like they are treating people different from them as intellectually inferior. Like somehow their life experiences are more valuable and they must stick together to fight the oppression of an alternate viewpoint. That a level of expectation should be placed on nothing more than the color of one's skin. That we are not freethinking individuals that make up society but packs of animals.

    Am I wrong or are am I being called a White N-word in a more socially acceptable way? 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, deft said:

    Ok so no more AU. Got it. I’ll try getting her an ink using her halfway abandoned Etsy site as a biz next then I guess.

    Have been hearing reports that it's not as easy as it used to be. Chase has been cracking down on getting the EIN and websites for businesses instead of letting you use your social. It's been a while since I tried as nothing has looked appealing that I'm eligible for. Be prepared to call the reconsideration line.

  10. 2 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    further, he's posting on this thread for his stated reason of decrying false claims of racism. after all, these guys WERE trespassing for two minutes before the cops were called, and then arrested for the same. i'm sure, CERTAIN, that their race had NOTHING to do with the cops being called and their subsequent arrest.

    No, that was why I originally posted. Several posts back. Way before people asked to defend my position on WP.

    The cops and manager were totally in the wrong and there was clearly racist undertones in the Starbucks incident. Let me know if that's not clear enough for you Professor.

  11. Classic. I never said one word about anyone accusing me of being a racist and the judge, jury and executioner have already rendered a verdict. SJW logic in a nutshell. You're not sure how to react when someone doesn't take the bait so you might as well make it up and see what sticks against the wall. It's been insinuated enough to be plausible that my feelings are hurt.

    And why would I care what people living in a shitbox in NJ do? That's like a whole other State. What an odd comment to use "conspicuous" and "vexing" in the incorrect contexts.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Bat Guano said:

    Is this your way of admitting you benefit from white privilege? Kudos. You might want to learn how to express yourself more directly, though.

    No. This is my way of restating what I have said several times: Discrimination happens, just not on the widespread institutional basis people such as yourself suggests.

    It's cool. I knew a lot of people that failed English back in school.

    • Like 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    95% of the time whites have an advantage. 5% of the time, being black is a privilege. But the above question is treated like an equivalent argument. It's ridiculous. 



    Ah yes, the power of being a white male in America. Where your reward for being the lion is that you are the societal aggressor because I say that you are the aggressor and your inability to be shamed as such proves how aggressive you really are.  

  14. 11 minutes ago, Bat Guano said:

    Yes, being born into the richest country in the history of the world is a privilege. And yes, if people follow your formula in general they will not lack for necessities; not a guarantee, but in general true. So what? Does that ameliorate racial discrimination? If you apply that standard to your own life – work hard, play by the rules, all the rest – don’t you expect more than just ‘never lack for necessities?’ I’m sure you’re aiming for something a bit more than necessities; you’ve undoubtedly surrounded yourself with material luxury and wealth, prestige, and freedom from financial worry for the rest of your days. Would you really be satisfied if you were working hard 40 hours a week or more and it bought you a 600 square foot house, enough food to keep from starving, enough clothes to get you through your work week, and medical care? The necessities. Is that what you want from life? I doubt it. Why is that enough  for other people in the richest country in the history of the world?

    I don't disagree with you.

    I also don't disagree that a morbidly obese woman with a slight hint of facial hair probably won't get hired at a biglaw firm if she is lucky enough to score an interview based on her qualifications. Is that OK because she is white? Discrimination isn't a trait exclusive to minorities. But, I guarantee that if that woman is qualified, someone damn sure will hire her.

    It's shitty, but that's the world we live in. I will never be the President for my local NAACP Chapter. I've learned to move on.

    • Haha 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Pretty sure I admitted it.  Whites have the advantage in most situations, though there are some where being black is a privilege.  Why can't you admit that?

    Can you also admit that anyone born in this country without a disability is privileged?  That if they finish school, work, obey the law, avoid abusing drugs and alcohol, marry or live with someone who does the same, and do not have kids before they can afford them, that they will never lack necessities?  Regardless of their color.

    Agree with everything here. Not sure why arguments are being made against positions not being taken. Well, I supposed that's not completely true...

  16. 24 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    You can't even begin to try because you're an intellectual and moral coward.

    Let's start with this and see if you can begin to answer a fucking question:

    Why are only 4.8% of blacks practicing attorneys when they represent 12.3% of the population?

    Time to lay down that King.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Unlike minorities, the trouble with being successful and white is that everyone unfairly presumes that you did not earn your success.

    To be fair, the opposite is true for blacks. They aren't automatically presumed successful, and to some, any attributed success comes from questionable sources. There are worse things than having someone assume that you are doing ok simply on looks alone.

  18. Just now, bad_teammate said:

    The fucking field being discussed for pages at length.

    Why might that be?

    Answer questions for fuck's sake.

    Sorry, I can't. Your question is too broad. You may not feel so because it's easy to simply slap the "Must be racism!" tag on it and think that the case is closed. To me, it's the same as asking "How much does a car cost?" I need more details before I can begin to answer that question. I have already provided several topical points for you. (I.E. Only 4.8% of practicing attorneys are black, the majority of black attorneys don't specialize in a field that is practiced at biglaw firms, not every attorney wants to be at a big firm, etc.) I'm not sure why this doesn't parse things down for you already. Not to worry, I'll spell it out for you.

    There are approx. 1.25 million practicing attorneys in the U.S. today. If 4.8% of them are black, that means that approx. 60,000 are black. Let's eliminate 70% of those to account for areas that would not qualify for biglaw firms and those with no desire to work for such. That leaves us with 18,000 attorneys. Now, let's eliminate 8,000 of those because they do not live in areas where biglaw firms are located or are not willing to relocate. That leaves us with 10,000 attorneys. If we presume that there are 35 biglaw firms in the U.S., and the minimum for that definition is 1,000 attorneys, that would equal 35,000 attorneys. The current rate of black attorneys at biglaw firms is 3%, which is at least 1,050. That means that 1 out of every 10 black attorneys that we could assume are qualified works for a biglaw firm. That is on par with the population of America and more than double the percentage of actual practicing black attorneys available. If you want to say "Wait, you took out too many black attorneys!" then fine. We can add some back in. We can also really look at the stats of biglaw firms where the Top 5 have over 4,000 attorneys on staff. The numbers are in the ballpark not matter how you slice it.

    Anything else?

  19. 11 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    it's like an onion headline. "i come from a family of wealth and privilege, worked hard and have had success! why can't poor black folks do the same?"

    More like "Facts: Can we really trust them despite their obvious bias in reality? A SJW's guide to arguing."

  20. 13 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    I really don't see why this is so hard for some people. Because of our history, and because of structures and institutions in our society that persist to this day, it is easier for white people in America to achieve nearly anything than it is for black people. How hard is that to acknowledge? That doesn't mean it's impossible for black people to achieve things, but it is a problem that we should seek to correct. But too many white people can't even acknowledge that basic fact because they're too insecure to admit that they didn't earn 100% of whatever success they've enjoyed by their own hard work. 

    I don’t think anyone disagrees with the statement you bolded. I completely disagree with your reasoning behind it because it’s a blanket characterization. Your premise supposes that being white inherently provides an emotional and financial advantage not provided to someone that is black. That is not necessarily true at all.

    Sorry guy, no credit to you for overcoming a molesting uncle, growing up poor white trash, being the first in your family to go to college, a divorce that financially wiped you out and Type 2 diabetes. You’re white and that guy’s grandpa had it pretty shitty!

    Give me a break.

  21. 31 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    How do people get to the point that they have succeeded all the way K-12, though bachelor level, through post-grad, and then were hired a long time ago at a separate position? How does that actually work? How are people selected for and against at every little step throughout the entire journey from birth to the Biglaw application process?

    Why aren't there enough "qualified" non-white attorneys? Please try to answer.

    The law firms don't even have to think about it. As you guys point out eagerly, the big firms are desperate for more "qualified" black candidates. Why don't they exist? Please avoid this whining bitch sarcasm.

    I’m not sure that you understand how the law industry operates. So let’s change it to the food industry.

    Chefs go to school to hone in their craft. Some chefs master the art of French cuisine, some Italian, some New-Age American and some general purposes. Just because you are a French Chef doesn’t qualify you to be hired as the Head Chef at a 5-star Italian restaurant. There are elements in the cuisines that are similar, but they do not translate with regards to experience. Being a line cook at Olive Garden also may not get you there. Working at Little Caesar’s will put your resume in the trash can.

    You are asking why there aren’t enough qualified black applicants? You have to be more specific. In what field? In what city? What experience range is needed? What salary requirements are the black applicants asking for? There are a myriad of answers to your question that are impossible to determine why 4.8% of the practicing attorney population, parsed down to those that actually want to work for big law, aren’t getting hired. (I mean, besides the 3% that already work for biglaw firms)

    P.S. Did you know that the majority of black lawyers work in criminal law? That's not an area that biglaw practices in...

  22. 46 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Even if you take JohnnySack’s Biglaw shit completely on its face, it’s kind of funny that he still doesn’t see how it is an absolutely perfect example of the long-term impact of systemic racism.

    There are reasons that blacks are so rare in Biglaw and there are reasons it is so hard for Biglaw to find “qualified” black candidates.

    All of that is staring DIRECTLY in his fucking face and what he takes away is, “hey we’re trying to give them some preference at the last stop on the train line” and completely fucking ignores the 400 previous stops.

    It’s kind of sad to constantly realize that the most wealthy and powerful people in the nation have the intellectual depth of a kiddie pool.

    Let’s take an objective look at it.

    88% of practicing lawyers in the U.S. are white. 4.8% are black. That means, statistically speaking, 88 white candidates and 5 black candidates will apply for every 100. Except, that’s not a transitive stat. Not every white or black attorney has ambitions to work for a large firm and we are discounting 7.2% of attorneys that do not fall into either demographic.  

    How many firms would qualify as “biglaw”? First, we would have to define the term, which generally refers to firms that have 1,000+ Partners. If we are being very liberal on that terminology, maybe 35 firms in the U.S. would qualify. Of course, the largest firms have offices in big cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami, so the geographical area is wide yet condensed. Then, factor in the specialized needs, such as dual languages to serve the specific markets, that may be needed for that specialization.

    Is it racism or could it possibly be that there aren’t enough qualified black attorneys with 10+ years in antitrust experience willing to relocate to Miami and can speak Spanish?

    The stats are on par with the market. A qualified minority candidate, as JS said, is a diamond in the rough that the hiring manager will trip over themselves to extend an offer to. Why? To hit a diversity quota to show how not racist they are because people such as yourself don’t care about the facts.

    Never mind. It's pure racism built from an underground conspiracy of big law firms to keep the black man down. There's a handshake and everything.

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