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TrashMaster G

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Posts posted by TrashMaster G

  1. 3 hours ago, Js1 said:

    Wow how original 

    Yeah, at least that shit will stop starting this fall.

    And we will get matched up with B12 schools every chance they get.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    Penn State might as well be a cupcake since they haven't beaten Ohio State since the Truman administration. James Franklin sucks. All they have to do is get passed Oregon and Michigan and they're home free, but I'll bet the drop one or both. Day truly fucking fails at his job. 


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  3. On 4/27/2024 at 8:39 PM, Mach 1 said:

    I saw this recently and have a mixed opinion. It’s a good movie for sure, but something seemed off. I think it was too slow in parts by far. Then sudden intensity and back again.

    The subject matter was definitely disturbing. Dunst did a great job as an exhausted person experiencing horror. The final battle scene was awesome, far fetched, and also disjointed from the rest of the movie.

    It’s a tough movie to wrap up in a bow. The Jessie Plemmons bit was the best part and most disturbing. 

    The back and forth between slow parts and sudden intensity added to the realism for me. They weren't depicting a pitched battle, raging along a defined front. They were showing us a very messy war that consists of random skirmishes scattered about and pockets of peace as well as pockets of sheer terror.

    I liked the way they showed all of that.

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  4. 12 hours ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    Ohio State is a joke, and so is Ryan Day as a coach. Not so much as a white van driver and snatching up kids. He's a fraud who beats up on the sisters of the poor and the directional schools in that lame ass conference. 

    Georgia should remain number 1. Until Ryan Day actually wins something besides his conference, he should remain number 2 or 3, with Texas now either 2 or remain at 3. 

    Ohio State's schedule is a joke. Three cupcakes in non-con and their B1G schedule is @ Oregon, @ Penn State and Michigan at home. Only three games all year where the line will be less than double digits. And I'm not so sure about Penn State. They never win any big games, anyway.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Balcones said:

    Got it. Wasn’t aware of your timeline.

    No worries.  Was just more making a comment on recent struggles in midweek games.

    This team is just so hard to figure out.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 11 minutes ago, Balcones said:

    Better than last week. Keep doing what we are doing for the next 3 weeks and we might sneak into a Championship and 2 seed.

    What we have "been doing" is losing mid-week games and going 2-1 on the weekend. I don't think .500 baseball is going to get us to a #2.


  7. 7 minutes ago, Hookem2147 said:

    If we had wins against A&M Corpus and UTRGV, the outlook would look pretty different. Just those two games alone.

    It's what makes this season all the more frustrating. We see flashes and oftentimes it is after we backed ourselves into a corner.


    More like every fucking weekend.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    The calendar was significantly altered last year.  It's a truncated Winter Break now, nowhere near as long as when we were in school with an optional "Winter Term."  Last day of Spring classes 30 April, last day of Finals 6 May.  Graduation on 11 May.  All about two weeks earlier than back in our day.  

    So bottom line, some of these guys have AM classes to get back for because that's the day you frequently get the low-down on what's on the Final, last office hour visits to see what you need on the exam to get a certain grade, turn in a paper, last presentation, etc.  UT players actually have school shit to do and can't be fucking around in Norman until 3am.  Sooners just go back to "Hooked on Phonics", 7+ innings on getaway day is enough, call this shit and let's get on an airplane.  Ridiculous.  We took the series, you take the loss Oklahoma.  

    On top of that, our guys go to a world-class university, not a glorified junior college like our opponents.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Wife got a new home office chair and so today I went to put it together. Unboxed, looked at the instructions and determined it just needed the little Allen wrench that came with the hardware, started laying out the parts in order to start getting it all squared away.

    Wife comes by, sits down on the floor, takes the instructions away and starts asking questions: “Are you sure you don’t need more tools? Why are you taking all the parts out at once. Are you sure….”

    Me: ”Hey, can you please just put those instructions back where they were and I’ll be done really soon.”

    Her: ”You don’t have to be rude to me! I’m just helping you! I can put it together myself if that’s how you want to be.” 

    Me: “OK”

    Her: “Or I don’t have to help you and you can do it without me.” 

    Me: “Also fine.” 

    Her: “Rabble grumble pout huff.” 

    Spoiler: She neither put it together herself or “made” me do it alone, and she also took the instructions away one more time to “check that you’re doing it right.”

    That's not normal behavior. She's got issues.

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