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TrashMaster G

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Posts posted by TrashMaster G

  1. 1 hour ago, Buster said:

    You guys are making this way too easy. Since no one called him out on it, I am going to assume that most of you don't know the difference either. I will try my best to explain in terms you all can comprehend.

    Happy is right, Bevo is a "steer" but he is also a cow. When Bevo was born, he had a mommy cow, also known as a "heifer", and a daddy cow, also known as a "bull". When Bevo was born, he was also a "bull". At a very young age, his owners removed his testicles and he became what is known as a "steer". A "steer" is a daddy cow that does not have his testicles anymore and can no longer have baby cows. In other words, bulls, heifers and steers are all "cows". A heifer is a girl cow, a bull is a boy cow that still has his testicles and a steer is a boy cow who no longer has his testicles. I hope this is understandable to all.

    No charge for the free education. 

    Y'all might want to have someone check out these facts since my major was not in agriculture.

    Nice try.  Now, can you educate us some more on those bullshit aggy commissioned officer numbers?

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, txhorns said:

    At this point I think things end this way:

    Oleg dies

    Paige gets out of the spy business

    Elizabeth is asked to kill Philip but she can't do it.  She gets captured.

    Philip turns on Russia and becomes a FBI informant for Stan

    Agree, except I think Elizabeth dies instead of getting captured.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jerry Callo said:

    A few month ago, a female coworker (a wife) asked me to take a pair of shoes home to see if my wife or my girls could use them.  Why?  Because she bought them online from a place you where the shoes can neither be tried them on nor returned.  Bring the shoes home and fully explain the situation to my wife.  Wife loves them, but they are way too big.  The girls aren't going to like anything the wife likes. 

    Fast forward a few weeks.  Wife:  Will you take these shoes to work to see if anyone can use them?  Guess where my wife decided to do some shoe shopping.



    ETA:  No pics of coworker, wife, or girls.

    That one's on you, dude.  Shoulda seen it coming.

  4. 38 minutes ago, Buster said:

    Wow, you guys have been busy since the last time I checked in on you. I have never witnessed so much trolling bait and butt hurt from one group of people. Sorry it took me so long to get back with you but unlike some of you, I do have a life and don't really want to spend my every waking moment on this silly website. 

    On to better things. Texas A&M University was again in the national spotlight exhibiting honor, dignity and respect while hosting the Bush family during the funeral of former First Lady Barbara Bush. The accolades are still rolling in. Randy honor, dignity and respect are both military and civilian values. You don't have to look it up. Last time y'all were in the national spotlight you were passing out dildos to each other. The rest of the country outside of Austin is still laughing about it. 

    Someone was questioning my sexual preference regarding livestock. I don't own any nor have I spent much time around livestock. Seems funny coming from a university that worships the cow. As far as I know, y'all are the only university I know of who brings livestock to football games to "arouse" the crowd.


    Check back in with y'all later.

    Let's make a list of arguments that aggy does NOT want to get into with us "silly" 'sips...

    1 - National reputation of our universities

    2 - National perception of our students

    3 - Reputation of our alumni

    4 - Accomplishments of our alumni

    5 - Accomplishments of our athletic programs

    I could go on for a while here.

    Congrats to you and the aggy cult for treating the Bush family with kindness and dignity.  Hope you didn't break your arm patting yourself on the back for, you know, being human.

    Back to my lack of a life...

    • Like 6
  5. I enjoy the show, Matt Czurchy is good and Emily VanCamp is very easy on the eyes.  It's going to get tiresome, however, if the two big baddies continue to "win" over and over.  If that's the case, I will check out at some point.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Leanderman said:

    Stole this from the gomer board, "Jimbo's 'philosophy' on recruiting is the only logical approach unless you're desperate. ". He is right you know, we have nothing like candi to offer recruits.

    Where does a 10-year, fully guaranteed $75 million contract land on the desperation spectrum?

  7. 22 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    Today I discovered there is a maximum limit of the times you could give rep. So I am unable to rep Buster appropriately. I would appreciate it if someone would do the deed(s) for me.

    Glad to help a brother out.

  8. Just now, Assman said:

    I really hate when different sections of stadiums start at different levels or use different seating angles, creating those ugly walls on either side of the new SEZ as shown in the pic.  The Shoe has this same thing, among other stadiums, and it looks ugly af.  Why can't they just continue the lower bowl all the way around continuously? 

    In this case, it makes the seats better for viewing.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Buster said:

    Sorry to confuse you with the facts Randy. 

    Texas A&M has commissioned over 80,000 officers in the Armed Forces over it's 142 year history. West Point comes in second with just over 60,000. It is a fact.

    Every freshman and sophomore in the Corps is in the ROTC. You do not have to be the in the Corps to be in the ROTC. About half of the juniors and seniors in the Corps are under military contract and/or military scholarship. That is a fact.

    Texas A&M University is one of six Senior Military Colleges and also the youngest of the six. The others are the CItadel, Virginia Military Institute, University of North Georgia, Virgina Tech and Norwich University. US Naval Academy had just over 3,300 commissioned officers in WW II. Westpoint had just over twice that many. Texas A&M had over 14,000. Most of them were sent to the war after only three years or less of college from all three institutions. Those are facts. If you want to call the Corps a fraternity, go ahead. By the definition of a fraternity you are correct.  They are the largest and oldest uniformed "fraternity" in the country.

    Again, sorry to confuse you Randy, it is getting easier and easier everyday.


    Keep up the entertainment.


  10. 14 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    Next subject:

    You would think that someone would appreciate it if you warned them that you are in a foul mood that has nothing to do with them, and now might not be the best time to talk.

    But nooooooo...

    [Female] Challenge accepted! [/Mind]

  11. 1 hour ago, Dewey said:

    And won a national title in 2003, Rice is only behind Texas as far as prestige goes, followed by TCU, Baylor, A&M and Tech. In that order. They havent missed a tourney since 1995.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

    I don't think I would put aggy ahead of Tech at this point.

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