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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Doesn’t appear to be a strong relationship between boosting and cases at this point.
  2. Anastasis


    Just another gen x reacting to the obvious.
  3. Anastasis


    Totally normal epidemiological phenomenon.
  4. What seasonings/flavor profile? Lamb is the most versatile red meat protein imo. Easy pick for the “stuck on an island” exercise.
  5. I didn't realize it until I just looked it up, but both the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs are still active. For some reason I thought that 2002 (Iraq) had already been shut down.
  6. Uh, think that was a joke guys. Order 66.
  7. I certainly haven’t looked at the boards projections, but I clearly remember the reactions on CNBC. Do you know the details of which milestones were determined to have a reasonable probability of hitting versus those that did not and how the comp would look under those different scenarios?
  8. Afghanistan and Iraq had AUMFs, approved by Congress. Now I think that the 2001 AUMF has been overly applied and should be repealed at this point, but that is a different discussion. The problem is not specific to the Biden administration, it has spanned multiple administrations and reflects a systematic consolidation of power to the executive branch, which Congress is happy to continue enabling.
  9. Words have meaning. If the WH itself says we will respond at the time of our choosing, it is by definition not an emergency situation. If there is time to get the matter in front of congress, it should follow the appropriate constitutional process.
  10. Sure, but preferably within the constitutional and legal framework.
  11. Take it anyway you like.
  12. You are a legit ghoul.
  13. I think that we agree on more topics than disagree skipper, so this isn’t really directed in any way personally. But this is total nonsense and completely uncritical. This timeline didn’t start on Oct 7.
  14. The vast majority approved a deal that everyone thought was based on unattainable milestones. Those milestones were achieved. Anyone holding shares over the timeframe the milestones were effected profited significantly. Someone that held 9 shares sued. What a world.
  15. “Concerning”? I mean that’s soft as shit. Even if your timeline started on Oct 7 it’s not hard to criticize. If you appreciate the broader context and timeline, you should have been critical long ago. ESP of our role in running interference.
  16. Abdicating their constitutional role in terms of authorizing military actions benefits congresspeople from both parties. The welcome the consolidation of the power to the executive branch cause they prefer to not be on record with a vote that could be used against them during campaigns. I am not sure that the GOP members are going to be a major barrier to clear when it comes to bombing Iran, though.
  17. Over 70% of shareholders approved the deal right? IIRC the deal was roundly considered to have impossible milestones, and Elon was at risk of taking on zero compensation if he did not achieve the milestones. I know Elon is going to get all the hate, some of it rightfully deserved, but doesn't seem like a great example. If any of us entered into a comp agreement approved by our stakeholders where we were at risk for zero unless milestones were met, hit every one of those milestones, even the ones that were stretch stretch goals, and then had a court come in to invalidate that contract, we'd be pissed.
  18. There is no declaration of war. There is no statutory authorization. There is no national emergency here. This latter is self-evident by the WH's own statement And have no doubt — we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing. Look, I don't like the fact that we have troops stationed in Qatar, Iraq, Syria, on the Iraq/Syria borders in Jordan, UAE, etc. But we do. They threw something at us, we need to throw something back. The response should be targeted, appropriately weighted, and leave a mark. And it should also be authorized as appropriate by congress. This is not a national emergency situation. To argue such is completely divorced from reality, so right on the mark for American ME policy generally. This appears to be dragging out, so maybe they are trying to navigate how to save face without triggering outright escalation, or maybe they are running things through the appropriate process. Either way, hopefully there is a signal there and we can avoid escalation.
  19. Big picture, I tend towards this perspective as well. I mean, if the baseline understanding we can all share is that Israel is committing war crimes/human rights violations in multiple parts of the occupied territories simultaneously, I think that the less worse outcome is that the war crimes have precise targeting and execution like what happened in Jenin, compared to the massive collective punishment exercise that has basically leveled most of Gaza and resulted in the death trending to the 10s of thousands of women and children. Not a single fucking person would have a reasonable criticism if Mossad was executing surgical "operations" to decapitate Hamas leadership in Qatar. But that is not the strategy of these genocidal lunatics. Their strategy is to create a reality on the ground, distract a pliable west and esp counting on the US to run interference, while pushing the boulder as far as they can until it is untenable to proceed further. It is maybe even to their benefit to keep leadership in Qatar up and running. The game is to execute a plausibly deniable ethnic cleansing/genocide. In the quiet moments if you listen and pay attention to their thought process, described in their own words, they will tell you such. Ah fuck it, back up another C130 and load that bitch out to Tel Aviv. To their credit the Biden administration is now considering "slowing the arms transfers" to these genocidal lunatics. Which basically means maybe we choke it down from a water cannon to a fire hose. Maybe they will get around to actually making a decision to intervene. Meanwhile daily death rates are higher that all other recent conflicts by a multiple.
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