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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Here is the research letter that that paywalled article is based on. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2814274?
  2. I know that twitter is always the place I go to when I need a generalizable assessment of a group of people's grounding in reality.
  3. lol no. But one of my friends from high school’s parents had a padlock on their fridge. That was fucking weird. Needless to say, dude would just come over to my house to get fed.
  4. lol. Laugh now, but this is a sad day for original CR content. It’s all gonna be thematic retreads this cycle unless god does the right thing and mixes it up for us.
  5. Pull yourself together bills fan. Jesus.
  6. The AI controlled robots will be very gentle and attentive with their bed sore protocols.
  7. Multi generational living is a far better and more sustainable solution, but is just incompatible with American cultural expectations and norms. You can certainly pay for a Cadillac situation, but man you better have a solid bank account balance to run through or you could end up spending end of life in an absolutely shitty situation. Like literally, sitting your own shit for days waiting on someone to come roll you over.
  8. I mean, ok doc. I am sure that you can teach me something new in terms of how pharmacoepidemiogy and PASS works.
  9. It’s not totally whacked to consider that a novel vaccine with a mechanism of action that is based on leveraging our genetic and protein translation machinery could in theory have cancer initiating or promotion properties. But we aren’t anywhere near to having the run out of exposure. An oncologist that I work with was flagging to me chatter among his colleagues about upticks in incident cancer in early 2022. Seems way too early to be related to mRNA vaccines exposure. But hey, the reality is that we are all part of the post authorization safety study. Just like with any novel therapeutic.
  10. In celery’s example you are the moron. Look, I don’t give a fuck about the cloak room being a rough and tumble place. You miss me with any fucking complaints about ad hominem. It’s par for the course in that sub and has been for a while. Certainly it is something that could be addressed, but as stated by the mods they don’t really moderate that board. My suggestion is to remove programmatically the major conduit for dis/misinformation to that sub. I am sorry that you take that personally. I understand why though.
  11. I am talking about the CR in particular you dolt. I would handle the sports boards differently for a variety of reasons.
  12. Frankly that’s part of the problem. When you guys try to do it, it comes off as inconsistent and capricious. Because it is.
  13. Precisely this. The political boards were not perfect. Far from it. But the integration of the Twitter like social media feeds to the discussion board format was a big step backwards imo.
  14. I think that this is the right direction. In my opinion, turning off twitter embeds in the CR would be the single greatest improvement. Direct links to primary source material (preferably), or secondary sources/analysis with posting of the content behind spoiler tags. If you want to discuss the content of the material, than do so and use your own original thinking in the process. It is not perfect, would require some modest level of effort, but would clear out a lot of the nonsense and dis/misinformation. People could of course work around it, but honestly twitter is one of the worst things that has happened to the series of political discussion boards we have inhabited together over the last two decades. An honest assessment across the CR would land on twitter embeds as being the most common source of dis/misinformation in the discussions.
  15. The AI will handle that for us. This is pretty cool.
  16. Pissed off wife, in my experience.
  17. Our house has the frost free exterior faucets and at least one of mine are frozen up. Hopefully no pipe damage.
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