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Posts posted by Thatguy

  1. 3 hours ago, Spankytoes said:

    What a load of shit.

    Stealing a loaf of bread to feed your family, while done for a noble reason, is still a crime. Are you seriously suggesting that blacks in poor neighborhoods are slinging H to invest heavily in their stock portfolios during a bear market? We don’t get to absolve people of personal responsibility simply because the stats are ugly. A person with a mental defect, such as retardation, can be excused for their actions because they don’t have the mental capacity to use social cues. A black drug dealer isn’t on the same level simply because it’s an easy solution to making money and their environment is more accepting of committing a crime. It's hard to be empathetic to the cause.

    The solution is a circle. The only way real change will occur is if strong black leaders request the aid of influencers in the white community. But, the refrain has always been “We don’t need whites to tell us how to solve our problems” for decades. In fact, attempting to do so makes you insensitive and a racist. Requesting such makes you an “Uncle Tom”. As long as that division is there, nothing is going to change. Had MLK not had the support of JFK, we’d all be going to work an extra day in January. Putting “black pride” on a pedestal isn’t going to help the cause any either. I’m not proud to be white because it wasn’t something that was earned. When you create a double standard for this, you are creating an unwarranted chasm in relations when the goal is supposedly equality for all.

    When we look at actual climate change instead of treating race as a football game, perhaps we have a chance at progressing. As long as the yellow flags are constantly tossed, and plays are reviewed, the game will be needlessly prolonged.

       Like I said, it's impossible for you to understand. These are kids. 15, 16, and 17 year old children. How many of us experimented with things on the way to adulthood? Were we not told 1000 times the repercussions of our actions yet we did it anyway? Kids make mistakes. Lot's of them. It doesn't matter whether it's the suburbs or the inner city, that sentiment holds true. Now imagine if some of the dumbass shit you did at 16 or 17 ruined your life. Somewhere at this very moment hoards of teeny bopper girls are shoplifting. Somewhere some kids are smoking weed or popping pills. Somewhere tonight a bunch of suburban kids are going to try to buy some coke. And somewhere some poor teenager is going to be dumb enough to try and sell it to them. The difference is when that kid gets caught for being a dumbass teenager his life is going to effectively be over. Meanwhile, the suburban teenager caught with drugs is going to have them confiscated and driven home so his parents can handle the situation, while the inner city kid will get tried as an adult. 


      It's not an excuse, it's the truth. When we start seeing them as kids and stop seeing them as monsters, maybe then we will be able to help them.

    • Like 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Because you refuse to explain it.


    and because I am not a black man.  There’s always that ultimate trump card in the discussion.  No social changes have ever occurred with the help of advocates and/allies, right? I must  be a black man to ‘get it’...


    I can guarantee beyond the shadow of a doubt if behavior changed, outcomes would drastically improve. We can’t take away crutches and the blame game though.  

       You have to be open minded to "get it', which you aren't. People are being given sentences that you cannot come back from in life at ages so early that life is over before they hit 20. When a person is faced with no real options at an age where maturity hasn't rounded them out yet you get what you see. But of course your rudimentary solution is "don't sell drugs". The problem is you need a viable alternative in order to get results you are looking for, and those kids aren't going to get hired by anyone so.....

         That's why they don't listen to strong black leaders. Not because they don't want to, but because the shipped sailed on being gainfully employed by the age of 18. If you would come off your high horse and head on down and volunteer your time to talk to some inner city kids you would see that for yourself. You would talk to kids and hear the despair in their voice, and see it in their faces. I gave a kid like that a job, but it's basic janitorial work. Everyday I hope that the pressure of not making enough money doesn't break him. 2 years down the line and he is holding steady, but how long can a guy keep that up? He is trying his best, but if he folds you will come back with the same ole rhetoric about behavior changes, not knowing that this guy has been trying his best to make it in life.



    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, slorch said:

    so enlighten me.

    Gimme your list of excuses...um...reasons for higher murder rates within the black community.  Are they just better shots, or does having to listen to rap/ hip hop music drive them to it?

    The drug trade is why. People are out there fighting over selling drugs in a particular area, and people are dying. It has nill to do with street cred or people "dissing" one another. Now ask how you can stop it. 

  4. 2 hours ago, slorch said:

    so enlighten me.

    Gimme your list of excuses...um...reasons for higher murder rates within the black community.  Are they just better shots, or does having to listen to rap/ hip hop music drive them to it?

       Having to listen to rap/hip hop? Lol. You do know that most of the people who listen to rap are white don't you? You ever look at the audience at a Kanye concert? Don't be ignorant. Rappers make the music they make because that's what sells......to young white people. Snoop, Dre, and Ice Cube have been married 20 years a piece. But I guess you believed them when they said we don't love them hoes, right?


       What did those rappers do with their opportunity? Did they stay in the hood or get out? Where did they send their kids to school? 

    • Like 1
  5. 49 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:


    Lmao, yeah, I’m the one seeing what I want to. If LeBron wanted the ball he would have stepped in bounds and called for it, or simply waited for someone else to throw it in to him. That’s SOP in that situation. You can even see that Jeff Green wasn’t expecting to be the one dribbling the time off the clock. He just froze. I’m not going to argue with you in this anymore, but it’s hilarious that you would accuse someone else of “seeing what they want to” after having that video posted.

       I explained it to you. The defense wants to set up a trap and their ideal scenario would be to get you to turn the ball over. That gets them a shot at the basket without trading points from free throw shooting. So you want to get the ball in fast before the D has a chance to set up. You see in the video while they are looking at each other to see where they need to be lined up, Lebron recognizes the situation and sprints to throw the ball in before that can happen. That is smart basketball by him. Now Green has the ball, and the D doesn't know what to do. The last thing you want to do is come and try and take the ball from him and bring your defender who WILL jump off of you and trap him. You see JR Smith make this mistake at the end of the video, and sure enough his man jumps right off him and goes to Green.


       I say you see what you want to see because what you are suggesting Lebron do in that situation is the exact opposite of what you are taught to do in a late game foul scenario.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, aggie08 said:

    There is absolutely zero debate between Kobe or LeBron. At best, Kobe just barely sneaks in to the Top 10 All-Time list.

    The "brutal" East is highly overstated during MJ's era. Yes, it's more competitive than it is now, but his main rivals were the Ewing/Starks/Oak Knicks and the Miller/Jackson/Smits Pacers. Not exactly murderers' row. They had guys to play physical ball, but absolutely no one on MJ's planet as a basketball player. MJ had to wait until the Celtics and Pistons were on the downswing to take his turn in a little bit of a watered-down league fresh off expansion.

    And he never played Finals' opponents in the same realm as the Warriors or even the "beautiful game" Spurs.


      This is the correct answer.

  7. 10 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Nobody? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Everybody talking that shit last night saying that LeBron didn’t *clearly* avoid getting the ball in that situation can go ahead and eat crow whenever they want.

       You see what you want to. If you played any basketball you would know that you space the floor on a play like that. The last thing you do is run to the ball carrier and bring your man who will instantly trap him. But by all means, keep on pushing your agenda.

  8. 4 hours ago, slorch said:

    1) Lack of LISTENING to strong black role models.  Yes they exist.

    2) Feeling the need to protect "street cred."  Admittedly idiotic reasoning, "But that nigga( sic) over there dissed me.  So I put a cap in his ass."

    3) In the act of committing other crimes, LE, the competition, and innocent bystanders get shot.

      I love it when people who have literally NO idea why the black community struggles try to weigh in on it. It is quite comical.

  9. 5 hours ago, Goo Punch said:


    Well first off you’re clearly not going to mind your business, and the growing trend around here of announcing that you are above the fray while simultaneously talking shit to someone else is extremely bitchass in nature. Don’t try to hide behind some false sense of superiority because you can’t be arsed to have an adult conversation where someone else might disagree with/disprove what you say.

    With that being said, I question whether or not you even saw the play we’re discussing. There was more than ample time for LeBron to get the ball back from Green and take the foul, and instead he stayed OOB/underneath the hoop while Green waited to get fouled. I’ll still be here if you can handle discussing this further.

       Everything you do should be to avoid the trap. You sprint out of bounds to throw it in, and you get it across the timeline as fast as possible. Any slowdown allows the defense to set up the trap. Lebron looked to be the only Cav that recognized that, and Jeff Green def shouldn't stand there and wait for Lebron to come get the ball. Lebron coming over to get the ball brings another defender to trap the ball. You force the defender to run all the way over to you, and if you can you advance the ball to the man the defender vacated. Burn as much clock as you can in a situation like that. Leave them as little time to operate as humanly possible.


      What's weird about the comment is that the same man you are saying didn't want the ball then came back to beat a albeit weak double team to get it, and then confidently hit a full speed, one-legged, one-handed banker from the left side of the floor for his second game winner of these playoffs. I tell my employees, if you are looking for a negative you will always find one. In this case your narrative is "Lebron isn't clutch", and you were looking for anything to support that narrative regardless of the evidence to the contrary.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    Oh my god you girls are dramatic. The guy asked me how/when LeBron deferred to Jeff Green and I answered him. But don’t let that stop your little sewing circle from actually being the drama you supposedly want to avoid.

    Ever think he did that to get it in bounds quickly so the Raptors didn't have a chance to set up their traps??  I mean, your point would have some validity if the guy didn't go down and hit another game winner at the buzzer? But you know what... I'm going to mind my business.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    You just said that black people can’t follow the Asian model, which I find to be an abhorrent comment, especially in 2018. You feel they need to have their hand held because they aren’t capable, well I think that’s nonsense. What you’re spewing is extremely condescending and damaging to the black psyche. 

    He is saying it takes time.....don't be obtuse!

  12. On 5/3/2018 at 5:14 PM, deadshank said:

    Being poor sucks.  No doubt.  Integrated neighborhoods would be a great idea if it would work but it won't becuase people are people.  The world is a hard place.

       It works because it gets kids who would otherwise have to go to inferior schools a chance to get a better education. It also allows people from lower income lifestyles to rub shoulders with people from the upper classes. Not sure if you know this, but part of the problem is not KNOWING what life can be like. If all you know is what you are in you won't strive to be different because you don't know what different is. But I am sure you aren't interested in that so.....


    Also, "because" is spelled with the a before the u.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Sidney Sherman said:

    Lol that little handshake dance is sooo fucking gay. Hump, jump, pat yo weave?

      It's like you guys never seen how light skinned black people do things.

  14. On 5/2/2018 at 4:05 PM, Sidney Sherman said:

    Durant has always played a little defense just because of his length and quickness. Now he is an elite defender, can guard 1-5 just like LeGOAT.

    Who's got better handles? Durant.

    Who's got a better mid-range jumper? Durant.

    Who's more clutch? Durant.

    Durant is the more complete player. I'll admit, Lebron does come close, but the only individual talent Lebron has over Durant is leadership. Even that is kind of suspect, because Lebron's leadership has turned him into the coach and the GM of his team. He's doing too much. Durant just puts the ball in the hole and keeps the other team from putting the ball in the hole. 


    Whoa bro, let's pull the reigns just a little. We all love Durant(except Vic). However, let's not forget OKC Durant. That's closer to the real Durant. What do you think Lebron would look like on this Warriors squad? 60% shooting? You couldn't come off of anyone to stop him from getting to the rim. Everyone's game is going to be a little inflated playing on this squad.

  15. 9 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    No they don’t. He’s already played an entire season at an elite level and he’s not going to stop being young, 6’10”, and supremely talented any time soon. If he stays healthy the sky is the limit, and his floor is like 9 All Star games. The only question on him at all is how long it takes him to learn to shoot. Everything else is there, particularly his elite size and court awareness.

    It's not his shooting imo, it's his unwillingness to even take a shot. I can tell you this. Your shot will def NOT go in if you never take it. It starts between your own ears. 

  16. On 4/29/2018 at 11:41 PM, aggie08 said:

    If I'm Golden State, I might sit Steph again on Tuesday. Make New Orleans prove that they can even compete in Oracle before risking it. With two days off between Games 1, 2, and 3, game 3 isn't until Friday. That's exactly 6 weeks from his injury, which is the upper expected recovery time. Even if the docs say he's 100% good to go, why not be extra cautious just to be safe?

    Conversely, if he plays on game 2--even if it's only for 20 minutes--that place is going to be electric, and they'll feed off of it.

    He's going to play, but I'd at least think about it. 2-3 games between games 3-5 is still enough time to get back into rhythm for Houston.

    100% agree. Sit him and make them prove they can beat you. However, I would wanna get him going before the WCC.

  17. 6 hours ago, Artificial Iverson said:

    Lebron initiates the contact as a FB goes through the line of scrimmage aiming from the creases but is bound to hit the shoulders of the opposition. I really don't have a lot of sympathy for Lebron getting hit, same with Shaq. They are bullrushers 

       This post is weird. So a guy who is big just isn't supposed to play basketball then? I can understand if a guy is just banging back into a guy until he is under the basket, but that is not how Lebron plays. He gets a shoulder past you and uses his strength to go to the basket. Defenders spend most of their time trying to slide over under him and draw charges, but he has always been about his first step and there is nothing wrong with that. Not every player needs to be all herky-jerky with the dribble, trying to dance on guys. Westbrook and Oladipo attack the same way, they are just smaller.

    • Like 1
  18.   Interesting series though. Celtics walled Simmons off from the basket, switched on Reddick, and just said Joel go beat us. The other guys can't get their own shots, though they did miss a lot of threes. On paper this looks to be a bad series for the 6ers if Brown comes back at full strength. 

  19. 1 hour ago, immortal13 said:

    Two things...both of the plays I'm talking about were at the end of the game at a crucial point, so a little different than just saying it was a generally bad officiated game. As far as game 5, a goal tend is a little different than a foul. There is no subjectivety with that type of play. It either is or it isn't. In this case it was and it cost the Pacers the game in my opinion

    You really gotta let it go bro. We get it, you don't like Lebron. There were a couple plays that went against the Cavs too. No bigger one than the ball being obviously knocked out by Young a few seconds before the goaltend and they didn't even try to review it. It happens. However. you cannot be upset about one call, and refuse to see the calls on the other side as well.

  20. 10 hours ago, immortal13 said:

    Don't worry about what I post. They got fucked in game 5 and fucked in this game on the Turner foul. If you can make an argument specific to those 2 plays, fine. If not, shut the fuck up.


  21. 7 hours ago, d2o said:

    Not sure where Kenny got that from.   I've never seen nor heard any such exception.   This says nothing about where on the glass it hits.  In almost all instances, once it hits the backboard and you touch it,  it's a goal tend.





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