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Posts posted by lateshow

  1. 8 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

    I did some drinking last night.  Am I forgetting anything that happened?

    Rachel's entire alliance flipped on her and she left the house without saying goodbye to anyone.  She acted like a lunatic in her post-eviction interview

    Angela went in dry in her goodbye message to her.  What was that about?  Seemed unnecessary and harsh

    Rockstar once again failed to come through for her alliance and Angela won HOH


    Did anything else happen that I forgot about?  

    Angela going in dry on Rachel....mmmmm......

  2. 34 minutes ago, williemackgarza said:

    El Chapo new season is great. Im no gringo and understand spanish. Its really suprising as it doesnt seem typical cheap univision shit.
    This season is going thru his captures.
    Got buddies that do the subtitles and sauy its okay.
    I actually have to leave them on to catch certain words I dont get.

    Is the entire series done in that horrible voice-over? It was way too distracting for me. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Vito Andolini said:

    Glad to see Angela entering activity mode. And the split screeen with Angela and Rockstar, it was like two different species.

    i love the Bayleigh backdoor plan mentioned earlier in this thread, it would be glorious

    Classic miscommunication between Rachel and Angela regarding Bay’s description of what Tyler said... I’m still not sure Bayleigh intentionally mislead Rachel. But the result caused the fastest departure from the house in BB history. And perhaps the best exit interview.


    I've only been watching since season 14, but this has been the best season I can remember. And yes, that was the best exit interview that I can remember. 

  4. On 7/30/2018 at 1:35 PM, Brisketexan said:

    What I found:


    Pancho's Arlington

    5751 SW Green Oaks Blvd


    Tel: 817 483 7085

    Pancho's Fort Worth

    2434 Jacksboro Hwy

    Fort Worth,TX,76114

    Tel: 817 625 1529

    Pancho's Fort Worth

    6238 Rufe Snow Dr

    North Richland Hills,TX,76148

    Tel: 817 893 5315

    Pancho's Dallas

    4001 Wheatland Road


    Tel: 972 709 4685

    Are you just listing Texas locations? There is still an open Pancho's in West Memphis. I haven't been there in ages, though. The one where I live (Jonesboro) burned down probably 20 years ago, never to return. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    I would love to see the math on this one. Just a guess, he plays Center Field which is close to "the second base"

    Assuming she's talking about Yadi Molina, and they didn't name their son Yadi for God's sake, he's a catcher and has only ever played catcher. For the St. Louis Cardinals. 

  6. 9 hours ago, futureman said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    I think they did.  there was a voiceover of kayce in the promo saying something like all had to do now is care for the child.  probably because mama’s dead.




    I'll fucking hate it if they did. One, she was smoke. Two, such a bullshit way to do it. 



  7. 13 hours ago, Hamttx said:

    Sorry guys. It was a good series, I will give it that. But top 5 or 10 all time? Not even close. Only if that particular genre is in your wheelhouse. AND you enjoy/allow the rehashing of the Italian Hollywood stereotype that has been beat to death since The Godfather came out was it anything but pretty good.

    Now, Big G was the real deal. And we lost a fine actor when he passed. But as far as I’m concerned. It was him, and no one else that gave the show life.

    This take is the worst take of all takes. 

  8. 2 hours ago, AustinMT said:

    Since I started this, I thought I would update.  We just finished Season 1 — we are hooked.  Great writing, very good and interesting characters and acting, well-paced.

    I like it so much I have almost forgiven Timothy Olyphant for the terrible acting job he did in “Live Free or Die Hard”

    Season 2 is gonna blow your mind. The show has a drastic changed from Season 1 onward. 

  9. 10 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

    I knew Bloodline had nowhere to go after season 1. Glad i bailed.

    I’m just now starting Goliath. Just one episode in.

    Ozark was fine and it will tide me over until other good shows return. When considered in that light i don’t mind the risk of a letdown in season 2.

    I thought Bloodline season 2 was better than season 1, season 3 went off the rails and was disappointing.

    Goliath season 1 is very good. Mixed reviews on season 2, but I enjoyed it more than others.

    I liked Ozark. Was good, not great. 

  10. 13 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    Wife and I loved The Americans. It’s a bit slow but very good.

    I’m one of the seemingly rare people who did not like Justified. It felt like a network TV show but I never made it through the first season and I’m told it improved.

    Also consider Bosch. It’s been recommended many times for good reason.

    I started Bosch this past weekend, I burned through the first five episodes quick. Love it so far. 

  11. Spoiler

    Man, what happened with Bobby Bruce was like a gut punch, yet also felt inevitable. I was rooting for that guy, along with Carlos Thompson, Kerry Buckmaster and Rakeem Boyd. Like I've said, i couldn't stand Malik Henry. It would also be nice if Jamal would get a scholly somewhere

  12. 15 minutes ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    That movie had to be written for Sandler and he backed out of it.

    Nah, it's just a way for Sandler to keep his buddies getting paid. Only excuse for these abominations that he's putting on Netflix. 

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