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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. lurch is right. the problem isn't trump, it's the mess rupert murdoch has made. unless we clean house there nobody can trust us to do anything anymore.
  2. oh, i think she'll be tethered to a pole somewhere if they can figure out how to protect her from lightning. we don't know what might happen if that much fat caught fire at the same time.
  3. they're just rotating their tires. not good to stick too long with the same identity.
  4. right around her pretty neck if there's enough ink.
  5. it's pretty clear that mueller's principal target is much larger than the little pimple pus that trump represents.
  6. i've said this over and again. i know these people. i grew up among them but never took the bait. for them, faith-based means reality is what you need it to be. it pervades all ass-pecks of their existence.
  7. . . . and AG of florida . . . ha ha . . . ha ha . . . ha ha . . . florida.
  8. so . . . . . . foundation = university = presidency
  9. we are entering the juicy part of the story. those of you who are young and who survive this will have campfire stories to scare your g-kids with for many summers.
  10. it would appear that flynn has done just about everything he can do for mueller, etc but that there is much cooperation that cannot be disclosed right now. in the wait, their hope is that additional information will tip the scales a bit. edit: i mean, it's clear that mueller is pleased with his cooperation. knowing full well what the judge has learned and, no doubt, much, much more. if three-sticks is recommending going light, i'm sure there's a lot still to come out.
  11. i never said this isn't going to be awful.
  12. many a civilization has been built on the ruins of previous civilizations. i might suggest ours had become so shabby that a complete rebuild has been in order for some years now. problem was there was no impetus to do it. people didn't see the rot. we have the great advantage now of having much of the rot out in the open. we need a lusty rebuild and some deep cleaning. cleaning that will rid us of some of the worst of the trouble in such a way that it's a benefit to them.
  13. i don't know why those things aren't known as rudy toots. tweeting is too dignified for that sluggo.
  14. am i supposed to have a problem with that?
  15. shame on npr. this kind of shit is going to cost them. edit: this kind of reporting is like watching a football game and every time we gain 7 or 8 yards on a play one of the announcers keeps saying: see, see, i told you. they still haven't won the game. they didn't even get a first down.
  16. exactly the state i was thinking of. that one or the one just below it (map-wise).
  17. i don't understand why the reporters don't storm that floor. i mean, there's surely enough of them. just a few small arms and a backhoe or two and they could GET ME THE INFORMATION THAT I NEED.
  18. is it ok if i assume you are full of shit?
  19. a lot depends on how it's administered. the torture is the deprivation of stimulus when handled that way. if this is primarily for her safety and to prevent correspondence from outside, there's a good chance she is given some sort of entertainment or some such to prevent deprivation. edit: if she is of the belief that she might be in mortal danger, she might well appreciate the protection.
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