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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. you did say chicago, didn't you? edit: florida nobody would bat an eye.
  2. hey, there's an opportunity here. hollywood is always looking for a cuck to pluck. the fantasy masters could make a little movie of the wall and then invite people - people! - to come to hollywood to see it. in the back lot they'd be ushered into little bullet capsule cars that get transported the 150 miles or so down to the border at 10,000 mph, which takes less than a minute. they'd exit the capsule through the doors on the other side to visit WALL. then back at 10,000 mph. traveling that fast is a little shaky, of course. not for the timid.
  3. faps. but only when his wife is as occupied as poland.
  4. that link should be required reading by all who participate in places like this. "Some of the most successful trolls were the ones with the longest-standing identities, said François. Some online identities, which were likely managed by multiple people or whole teams, had roots going back as long as a decade." edit: one thing i didn't see mentioned was how helpful innocent locals can be by replying, copying verbatim the entire message they want disseminated.
  5. buddy, you just think you can put them down.
  6. i wanna say the kid's pretty sharp to pick that up so fast, but a truly sharp kid wouldn't let them know he knew. they'd learn with their collective face in the dirt.
  7. is chuck e cheese still around? get roy moore involved.
  8. they were special men. they all looked like him, and he kept telling her he was coming back for more.
  9. i bet it's an online library hosted by fox until fox craters.
  10. i'm not the greedy sort. send me some 2 and 3 stars like colt, d'onta, and lil'jordan.
  11. we would essentially be ceding the river to mexico and establishing a no man's land.
  12. ok, but he's fresh out of yellow roses.
  13. agree. but his hard base is probably smaller than any of the numbers we are seeing. there's a substantial part of his larger base that is pretty much rudderless and goes along with the wave. his hard base needs to go away.
  14. bullshit. a diseased warthog would want to dance with her.
  15. i bet dylan laughed his ass off before calling his attorney.
  16. speaking of. what are we going to do with that building. we have to know it is chock full of russian gear. can we ever hope to find it all or do we burn the place and build over. a nice mcdonalds or dennys combover would be kind of nice.
  17. trump knows there's a big bend. he has white hair and doesn't say much.
  18. my very great suspicion is these people are some of the lowest shit in the nation, and we would be shocked to learn of things they have done since, maybe, middle school. almost guarantee you putin knows a lot of it.
  19. this stupid story is still on the front page of espn. what would it take to rid us of espn, the so-called statesman, and both presidents? i'm sure the ags are as sick of this boomerang story as we are. if we can't get rid of fenves, maybe they can get rid of their bozo. it takes two to circle-jerk.
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