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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by South Austin

  1. 2 minutes ago, gsoda3 said:

    i hate monmartre.  another vote for le marais.  quintessential paris imo. 

    Yeah, I was not a fan of Monmarte.  We did walk down from there to Boulevard de Clichy, where Moulin Rouge and all the strip clubs and sex shops are, which was pretty fun for three couples drunk off wine.  Paris sex shops can make American sex shops look like Gymboree.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Teddyballgame said:

    We are going in November, Daughter will be studying abroad in Reims for the semester.   We are probably going to spend a couple of days there and then Paris for 4-5 days.   We have been to Paris but not Reims.   Any Recommendations for Reims? 

    We took a day trip to Reims.  The WWII surrender museum is kinda cool.  We had lunch at Le Jardin, and then a tour at Tattinger.  Would recommend both.  The Tattinger tour was great because you go way down below grade in centuries old caverns. 

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  3. 28 minutes ago, sidis said:

    i like le marais the most (4th). 

    I visited Paris for the first time last November, and we stayed about 9 days in Le Marais, real close to the St. Paul metro stop.

    I never had the strong desire to go to France, and went for a good friend's 50th birthday.  I really wanted Paris to be overrated.  It wasn't.  I loved Paris, and can't wait to go back.

  4. 12 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    I need recommendations for two days in Rome, and anything you know about the Amalfi Coast.  

    Mrs. South Austin and I were married on the Amalfi Coast in 2004, in a tiny town called Furore.  The mayor of the town proclaimed that we were the first American couple married in Furore, but that's probably what he tells everyone.  We spent the week following the wedding in Positano, which seems like one of the better places on the coast to set up base camp.  Capri is fantastic, but I'd recommend just taking a day trip, and riding the chair lift up to Anacapri for a drink and the views.  Ravello is a great town with fantastic views of the coast, but it's perched up high on the cliff with no beach access.  Amalfi seemed cool, but bigger than Positano. 

    We stayed in a decent, but not great hotel in Positano.  Hotel Reginella, if I recall correctly.  If we ever go back, we would stay at Le Sirenuse.  

    We didn't rent a car.  Just took the train from Rome to Salerno, and then a cab into the coast.  We hired a driver for a day out to Ravello and Pompeii.

    All this to say that I haven't been to the Amalfi Coast in over a decade, and if it's changed like Cinque Terre has, I imagine it's much more crowded and not as quaint.  I'd defer to those on shaggy surly who have been more recently. 

    Edit:  Oh, and what others said -- whatever texasdago recommends, you do that.

  5. 8 hours ago, Loose Stool said:

    How about the assholes who sit all their shit down at a machine (thereby 'claiming it') and then go off talking to their bro for 20 minutes while others are waiting for that machine.

    Just move their shit and let them work in between bro talk.

  6. Mine are unremarkable.

    Sat in Matthew McCaughnay's box at DKR in 2007. He wasn't there, but I got to hang out with his mom, who is one cool gal.

    Ricky Williams' daughter was on my daughter's volleyball team a couple years ago. He came to one of the games and couldn't hide his boredom, but let's face it, neither could any of us. Fourth graders suck at volleyball. I sat a few chairs from him, but left him alone because I didn't want to be annoying fanboy.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Panama Red said:

    So I hear there are a few dipshit shag posters that no one likes who have decided to stay on the abandoned site? Lol, I guess we got rid of some dead weight!

    If Rocko plays his cards right he could end up owning that town.

  8. 32 minutes ago, cabowabo said:

    So how does Bob not get into more legal trouble for essentially looting Shaggy before handing over the keys?

    Kevin Morgan and his douchebag Harvard lawyer can't do jack shit.  As others have pointed out, all Bob did was post truthful information about the change in shaggy ownership and formation of new site, which would be owned by somebody else.  The exodus from shaggy and the utter shitshow that's been left behind is completely the product of voluntarily market choice.

    If Kevin Morgan is really going to try and make a go of running shaggy, he'll quickly realize that even in this world of somewhat impersonal e-commerce, personal loyalty can still be a pretty fucking big deal.  Shaggy was a unique internet community for Longhorn fans that was Bob's creation, and was so significant for so many of us that when Bob left, so did we.  Kevin Morgan might as well try to buy Franklin BBQ and smoke a brisket himself.       

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