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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. I was reading an article in Russia Today about a proposed bill that would give a 10 year sentence for encouraging minors to protest.
  2. What. The. Fuck. Yes, they are going there.
  3. UK, Denmark, New Zealand, Germany... IRELAND And Iran is trollin'
  4. UK, Germany, Denmark.... New Zealand
  5. Germany, Denmark, now the UK
  6. This warms my heart. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Like a dog! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I was thinking about how selfish it is for people like Mitch McConnell to adopt a strategy of appointing young judges so they can control politics from fucking beyond the grave. Wicked, vile men. Not saying your aunt is evil, but maybe let the next generation do their thing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. It goes to show how fucking lame MAGA tards, Q idiots, and alt right folks are. There have been virtually no counter protests. I mean, nothing.
  12. He bravely directing his "KEYBOARD WARRIORS" in twitter warfare!
  13. USC needs to ban her from all athletic events for life.
  14. For at least 50 years the LAPD has been the absolute worst example of everything cops do wrong. I'll also push that further and say that California racists are a special kind of racist - they are organized Aryan Brotherhood type true believers.
  15. “Vicious dogs and ominous weapons” would be such a good album title. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. America is finally seeing how astonishingly easy it is to provoke a cop toward baton-head-smashing violence. At best it's like they have no training whatsoever and at worst they are gleefully looking for a fight. Protestors are getting roughed up, rubber bullets in the face, and gassed over simple "fuck yous" and protestors just standing their ground. The psychopaths need to be weeded out and the "good ones" need better training.
  17. The awful psychological toll of racism, abuse, murder, etc. And bigotry just echoes across the generations. Our President is a racist POS because his dad was a gigantic one, and taught it to his son. Donald has taught it to his sons. They will teach it to theirs. Only incrementally might it fade in intensity over time. This poor guy has to basically say, "I'm going to be real with you young man, you will deal with this your whole life."
  18. Even after all of our decades of wars, CIA ops, and Team America fuckery, we are in such bad shape that the world pities us.
  19. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Chef’s kiss Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Happy 99th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Riot (or Race Massacre more accurately).
  22. So glad the rest of the world finally respects us.
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