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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. Russia's about to amend their Constitution to make Putin eligible to stay president until 2036.
  2. [Alex Jones]Unidentified paramilitary goon squads are actually good now.[Alex Jones]
  3. This country always needed a secret police.
  4. I don't know if there are any Welcome to Night Vale fans here, but this is basically the "vague yet menacing government agency."
  5. “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
  6. I remember thinking "fuck" when Houston hired Art. All I knew about him was that Shaggy/Surly hated him and constantly made that known. He's been a good fit and is reasonably liked across the political spectrum. Maybe Austin and Art was just a bad marriage.
  7. For those having difficulty determining whether or not to vote against an actual authoritarian, here's a zillion word essay on "The Moral and Strategic Calculus of Voting for Joe Biden to Defeat Trump — or Not," in which a brocialist does some serious soul searching. https://theintercept.com/2020/04/20/donald-trump-joe-biden-2020-presidential-election-voting/
  8. I mean, this could be straight out of Reno 911 or Family Guy.
  9. Ok, which one of y'all's daughter is this? Note the shirt.
  10. I am so terrified by what is going to happen to my brain when I click on this and read the replies.
  11. I live smack in the middle of a solid blue city and this fuck is my Congressman. FUCK GERRYMANDERING.
  12. Our democracy was a faberge egg.
  13. This is the moment Alex Jones spent his entire life preparing for, and he's going to take Trump's side. I remember in college when Alex Jones was a "Bush did 911" / everything is a police state kind of guy. Fucking sell out.
  14. Stay frosty Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Props to the hero that keyed Rush's car.
  16. Smart Sports fan tries to say "shut up and hit" but really just says "hey, leave the KKK out of this."
  17. Literally no country is saying this. China and Iran are mocking our hypocrisy and our allies are standing with the protestors. This was supposed to go in the Trump thread.
  18. His dementia is causing him to short circuit.
  19. Waiting for LIBERTARIAN GUY to write a "Privatize the Police!" op-ed.
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