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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Who could have predicted A&M boosters would shove all the way in on NIL after we stole their coach. We'll see if they can keep the momentum after this off-season but maybe a wake up call to Texas Baseball Boosters.
  2. That will be the next fun mini drama to watch play out. I agree pretty much zero benefit to Trump debating her but she will try to goad him constantly into a debate and watching him dance around it will be fun.
  3. Still somewhat baffling to me. It was such an unforced error driven by pure arrogance that he had the election locked up. I think Trump is still a favorite but Vance didn't gain him any votes and will almost certainly lose him votes among women post Kamala shift. He could have chosen someone like Rubio that would actually talk issues and policy and potentially sway moderate votes that 'someone' in the room might be able to keep Trump in check (similar to Pence VP strategy) but instead he just chose another MAGA that isn't even any good at the MAGA performance art aspect.
  4. Agreed. I'm enjoying this season overall but they are spending too long on Daemon at Harrenhall I'm sure there is a payoff eventually but seems they could get wherever they are going cutting out 1/3 of the screen time.
  5. I do Vonlane once or twice per year for Texas football games and it's a great experience.
  6. Houston power seems like a shit show. I'm never one to give Oncor much credit but when damn near all of the metroplex had power go out after Memorial Day (on a storm that wasn't really forecasted) they got crews in from out of town pretty damn fast and seemed pretty competent solving the problem. My power was only out about 18 hours. All of our neighborhood (and all but a handful of people I know throughout) restored within 48 hours and pretty much any stragglers in the metroplex within 72/84. From what it looks like Houston was completely flat footed which isn't really acceptable given everyone knew a damn storm was hitting "somewhere" along the coast. What a mess. Sorry guys.
  7. That is clearly the best bet to everyone outside of apparently Biden and his inner circle + a handful on this board with their head in the sand.
  8. The Dems probably don't have a winning strategy at this point. But it certainly isn't running Biden. The fact that Biden is digging in and thinks he is still the best option to beat Trump is further proof he's going senile. Everyone clinging to that hope is flat out living in denial. You all can cuss the media all you want but I watched the debate and it was clear 15 minutes in that Biden was fucking toast this election. Kamala would almost certainly be a huge underdog coming in late but she will actually have a chance to make up the difference unlike Biden. His narrative is set no matter how many 'fiery' interviews he does.
  9. Fuck that. It isn't the media's fault he completely embarrassed himself in the debate pretty much proving the narrative (that already existed) that he is too old to run again 100% correct.
  10. WTF are you talking about dude. What data or history exists regarding an 80+ year old borderline senile politician running for President? The data doesn't exist because nobody has been dumb enough to try it until now.
  11. That argument in 2020 failed because we all watched the debates and saw Biden hold his own. Seriously, take a step back and go watch debate footage from 2020 and from last week. It's not even close to the same Biden.
  12. If these were team friendly contracts I might agree with trade bait, but pretty much universally thought to be horrible contracts from the commentary I've read. Particularly Ilybushkin or whatever his name is which I've seen multiple people indicate is in the running for the worst contract signed yesterday.
  13. I've read enough Helobious posts to know I would now immediately be prepping for the storm of the century if I lived anywhere along the coast
  14. I would vote for Obama or Romney in a heartbeat. Amazing we've gone from that level of candidates in 2012 to this shit sandwich. Idiocracy has arrived well ahead of schedule.
  15. You know what is infuriating? The fact that people can't comprehend someone with the level of mental decline displayed last week should not be President of the United States. Everyone with this take is letting their hatred for Trump mask the reality of what would be in office for the next 4 years.
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